The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 110: Primary Election (Part 1)

   But after thinking about it, Bachram was surprised and terrified at his anger.

   He turned away, no longer looking at those people, but looking for boys like him.

   But no matter how serious he looked, he still couldn't see anyone from the lower ranks of the nest.

   Suddenly, a pair of sturdy arms embraced him.


   Bahram screamed, attracting nervous laughter from the crowd.

   He turned around, ready to beat the man who dared to provoke him, he was now a little nervous by a huge fear.

"let me go!"

   Bahram roared, shaking his arm and turning around suddenly.

   "Hey! It's me!"

   What appeared in front of him was Haomo's big yellow teeth and bad breath.


  At this time, he noticed that there were about twenty boys behind Haomo, no matter judging from their temperament or appearance, they should all come from the bottom of the nest.

   "This guy is called Bahram, and he is also a nest boy. I carried him from under the cliff to Gray Cliff Town."

   Haomo turned his head and said to the nearest boy, but the boy raised his eyebrows to indicate that he was not interested in it, and then looked away.

Bachram took a look. The guy’s arms were as thick as his calves, and his face with two crossed scars, with triangular eyes, looked very vicious, and there was a black line on his bald head. The poisonous snake tattoo-without a doubt, he is also a low-level gang in the comer's nest.

   More importantly, this guy is almost two heads taller than Bachram, and he seriously suspects that this person is over age.

   "I have heard that today, tomorrow, the whole week is a trial."

   Haomo shared the information he collected without hesitation.

   "Today is the time of the primary election."

   "I also heard that angels will select five hundred people from here and take them to the real trial place."

   Another boy also stepped forward. He looked a little melancholy, but looking at the fingers that he had been moving around his waist, Bachram concluded that this man must be a good hand with a knife.

   He once saw a very famous swordsman. When he was standing, his fingers would flick like this.

   "After the trial is over, I don't expect more than a hundred people to stay, maybe even fewer."

   "Think about it, how hard it took us to get here, what if we fail in the primary election?"

   Haomo shook his head.

   "How miserable that would be."

   "But it's better than failing in the trial. At least those who are eliminated in the primary election can survive."

   "Will they kill the losers?"

   Bachram asked curiously.

"do not know."

   The melancholy boy responded with uncertainty:

   "But at least those who are eliminated here can go home."

   "Then I must not fail."

   Hearing what Bahram said, everyone else laughed dryly.

   After a series of hardships, all of them are not as arrogant as before, but Bachram is still welcome to join them.


   Suddenly, three bells rang, and the boys turned their heads.

   At exactly this time, the emperor's expressionless face was also bathed in fiery sunlight.

   The pair of bronze gates were opened, followed by a sound of exquisite and pure horns, and twenty people in red robes walked out of the main hall.

   Their faces are all hidden under the hood, and they chant carols in weird language, and use the incense burner to spread the smoke of the incense around the platform when they walk.

   These red-robed men stood around the platform, one person every five yards, and when they were all in place, they stopped singing, and put the hood behind them revealing a face full of traces of transformation.

   "Is the priest of the mechanical teaching."

   Bachram said in awe, and the whole square was crowded with boys.

   Silence fell all of a sudden, and the boys began to kneel down one by one until the whole

  The people in the square knelt on the stone ground.


   Haomo reminded him in a low voice, and at the same time he walked out a tall figure from the main hall.

   "The angels are here."

   Only two people walked out, one of them was wearing a bone-white armor and a gray burqa, with a sky wrapped around his shoulders

   goose down ribbon, wearing a big machine on his right hand.

  The other person is a giant in black armor, decorated with skeletons, bones and other things that symbolize death.

  Bahram felt a little puzzled, they did not wear silver-gray armor like the angels they had seen before.

   These two men are not only wearing heavy armor, but also well-equipped.

  The warrior wearing a skull mask holds a scepter in his hand. The head of the scepter is shaped into a winged skeleton, and the one in white armor hangs a serrated sword on his waist.

   Both of them have a pistol on their lap.

   said they were pistols, but they were as big as the boys' chests.

   Both fighters are at least two meters tall, and the armor they wear makes them appear taller.

When they walked, the metal boots knocked on the stone to make a loud sound, and the battle armor kept moaning under the drive of the mysterious The crisp crash sound echoed in the square, and finally the angels were in The top of the steps stopped.

   At the same time, the buzzing servo skeleton began to hover over the crowd, and the artificial eyes kept blinking.

   A pair of mechanical little angels followed closely, dragging a silk warband banner.

   Finally, they stopped between the emperor’s feet and hung the flag over the gate.

   Both fighters are wearing their helmets.

  The warrior in black armor stood behind, and the warrior in white armor walked forward to convey the news from the angels.

   "I am Brother Barritaem."

   The voice of the white armored warrior was conveyed to the end of the crowd through the inscrutable technology in the helmet.

   The boys from the bottom of the nest are all trembling in horror, the voice is so clear, like

  This is so perfect that some people begin to beg for forgiveness or cry uncontrollably.

   "I am the pharmacist of the Astral Knights of the Astarte Order."

   "I am Yazdan."

   Then, the soldier in black armor took the conversation, his voice was as low as a death knell.

"It is also the Astarte Order, the priest of the Astral Knights, and the host of the primary election. I will decide if you are eligible to go to the trial site from here, where our battle leader will preside In the final election for you, most of you will be eliminated."

   After speaking, they scanned the nervous group of boys with helmet eyepieces.

   Yazdan's gaze stopped briefly on Bahram.

   Although the gaze was full of pressure, the boy still responded to this gaze intently, although he could not feel any emotion from it.

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