The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 1109: Cut the Hu

Rozim looked at Sinrata, at the blood that should have been his own, then sighed and whispered:

"I don't know what you are and what purpose you are, but you saved me three times and that's enough. If you need any help from me, you can say it."

Sinrata smiled slightly, and with his blood-stained hands, he took out his sunglasses from his breast pocket and put them on his **** face.

"It was... a very interesting trip."

He gasped, breathing gradually weaker.

"But there's nothing I can do after that... and keep going with you—"

Zinlata paused and glanced at Rozim's belt.

"But the trip is coming to an end, save it, or call your Chapter Master, and we'll...see you again."

After he finished speaking, he bowed his head and lost his breath completely.

Rozim was stunned. He didn't expect that the first person in the team to die would be Shinrata, this seemingly omnipotent guy.

Just when he felt a little sad, Sinrata's corpse gradually dissipated, like countless green fireflies, in this world. Including his knife.

"Boss, he's... dead."

Karen's tone was very sad. He introduced Sinrata into the team, but he didn't expect it to end like this.

"Ah, he said goodbye, I believe this guy, he never broke his word."

Rozim stood up, patted the mud on his body, and glanced at the sky again. Although it was still cloudy, at least there was no storm.

"Come on, we have to find a way to get back to the boat."

"Go? Can you go away?"

A voice suddenly sounded.

In that instant, a feeling engulfed Rozim, like fingers running down his spine.

That's not just a threat, it's much scarier than that.

He turned around and saw a tiny golden flame appearing more than a dozen meters away, it surrounded and connected with himself, swallowing himself, until it became a circle, a passage, a door.

It seemed that a man walked in through it, the bright light surrounding him, making Rozim burst into tears the moment he saw it.

Rozim blinked, and the light flickered and dissipated, leaving only the silhouette of the man.

It was a man, a tall man with amber skin, a man in a fine cobalt blue robe and fine boots.

The man was walking with a long stick, and when he saw Rozim, he laughed and his golden eyes lit up.

And Rozim also noticed the logo of the Inquisition on the other side, and his heart suddenly became cold.

"Looks like you've noticed who I am, mortal."

The man smiled and held out his hand.

"Hand over what you got, I promise, forgive your sins."

"Uh, this—"

Rozim hesitated for a moment, knowing that offending the Inquisition was not a good thing, not only himself, but also the Chapter.

As for how a judge would appear here, he didn't think much about it.

Just when he was already shaking, Karen suddenly came up and said in a low voice:

"Boss... this guy doesn't smell right! Worse than a super psionic kid!"

Hearing what he said, Rozim was taken aback. He had been in the greenskin society and knew what Karen was talking about.

Super psionic kid, a big tribe may not have one, they are all very powerful characters, green skin is more sensitive to psionics, if Kron says the other party's taste is heavier than super psionic kid, then this is A very perverted psyker.

Would such a person be a judge?

Rozim immediately became vigilant and took a step back.

"Wait, who is your name, and what proof do you have? I need to contact my superiors first."

The man smiled and shook his head.

"I didn't want this, after all, I'm not interested in your life."

Saying that, his blue uniform turned into cobalt blue armor plates and metal, the pendant on his body turned into a golden frame, and the long staff became a coiled staff with a violet crystal at the top. Bigger, bigger, bigger, terrifyingly ancient.

Eventually, he became a heretic monster, wearing a mask with horns and one eye on the forehead.

"My name is Azek Ahriman, maybe you don't know the name, but it doesn't matter."

Following the terrifying words, more cobalt blue giants came out. Their python-shaped crowns were so dazzling, but their actions were indescribably stiff.


Rozim shouted this sentence like a mage throwing a dagger, his muscles fighting against nothingness, his veins bursting out and he wanted to pull out the hidden pistol.

"Heterotic waste."

He struggled to speak through his teeth.

"I see! You've been waiting here for a long time, and you led us and the devil here!"

Ahriman tilted his head and looked patiently at the mortal through the crystal eyepiece.

"My name is Ahriman."

He seemed offended that the real voice was an accented but very elegant High Gothic.

"And it wasn't me who brought you here. You reached this end of your own free will, just like everyone else."

Hank Evans was caught sobbing, now on his knees, terrified.

"Then you changed your choice."

At his words, lightning appeared around Rozim, fear appeared in the adventurer's heart, and his nose began to bleed.

He struggled to break through the shackles the mage put on his body, his bones clicked and his eyes popped First of all, I personally don't like violence very much. "

Ahriman said.

"But the reality is always that there are no more options."

He raised his hand, and all the Silent Warriors moved in unison, as if they were completely controlled by the mage's mind.

They raised their ancient weapons, but before they could fire, a slam shattered the air.

Ahriman staggered, and the wizard's restraint on Rozim was lifted.

He turned to see Karen standing up, the big gun in one hand, and the greenskin mechanic spoke without raising his voice. But the voice still came, bright and clear.

"Fuck your nerve boy."

Ahriman looked at him, took off his mask, and revealed his face.

The thousand-character wizard's skin has a crystal texture that reflects light slightly, like a piece of clear amber.


He pushed his staff slightly to the ground, and the surrounding stones began to bubbling and deformed. When Karen fired at him again, he swiped the staff through the air, instantly summoning a storm, catching every bullet and detonating it. they.

At this moment, the surrounding mud and jungle turned into a hideous pyramid of marble and mirrors and blinking eyes, from which huge shards of glass spewed and clawed around Rozim and the other two.

The summoned storm grew darker and darker, and even at this moment, Rozim seemed to be able to see the wizard looking into his own eyes from his mirror altar.

Then he began to speak in the voice of a storm.

"Then I have to kill you."

"Ariman, you can't kill anyone."

Suddenly, with a cold voice, the pyramid shattered.

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