The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 123: New fleet

The mountains in the early morning are shrouded in a layer of mist, which will melt like frost and snow in half an hour under direct sunlight.

Soshyang still stayed in Thunder Eagle's cabin, staring at the pale green screen intently.

Before the first sunrise, 82 of the 500 candidates were "eliminated", 6 teams were completely erased, and 4 strongholds changed hands.

The life that was once alive turned into a cold corpse overnight.

Soshjan is not cruel by nature, but as Saul said, they are in a stage of an all-out war and cannot tolerate any weakness.

But he also made a decision, that is, not to disclose the results to the outside world, and everything only runs inside the warband, so that perhaps those parents who send their children to his hands can still have a little thought in their hearts.

Suddenly, the hatch behind him was opened.


Saul appeared behind him.

"Losha asked me to tell you that Governor Batis has applied for a meeting with you again."

Soshyang's shoulders sank slightly.

"It's the fifteenth time."

"No, it's actually the seventeenth time this month."

"Didn't I ask Lothar to reply to him, saying I'm busy?"

"He changed his reason this time."

Saul walked up to him and looked at the display screens, some of which had gone out.

Those black blocks are particularly dazzling surrounded by the shiny screen.

"What reason?"

"It's about building warships. It is said that they have applied for the casting formwork from the recent casting world, and construction will start soon."

This made Soshyang a little surprised.

After returning to the home planet, besides conscription, the second important thing is to expand the fleet size.

His expectation is that when the first batch of recruits complete the transformation, the battle group's fleet will have at least one battle barge (Spark transformation), five moon-class cruisers, and more than twenty frigates.

Such a fleet may not be large, but it is definitely sufficient for the sparsely populated Astral Knights.

And the most important thing is that Soshyang understands the industrial level of his home planet. The orbital dock of Nathan 4 can easily build a lunar cruiser, and it can even start several at the same time.

In the history of the planet, easy-to-build monthly cruisers have been produced for the stellar fleet many times, but after the planet's mineral resources have almost been exhausted, the production capacity has declined, and production tasks are not often performed.

But the production capacity is still there.

Although Soshyang's idea is good, it is not easy to implement.

Because according to imperial laws, a planet is not allowed to build warships on its own. It must obtain the approval of the Ministry of Military Affairs or the authorization letter of some organizations before receiving the template from the Forge World for construction.

Although a template is not necessarily required to make a monthly level, it can be regarded as a process within the mechanical teaching.

If skipped, then looking for a mechanical priest for maintenance in the future, the difficulty factor is very high.

Therefore, when Soshyang put forward his needs to the planetary governor, the other party told him that the whole process would be more troublesome than he expected.

Although the power of attorney from the Star Warrior can obtain the casting template, because Nathan 4 is not the legal parent star of the Astral Knights, the governor of the stellar zone does not have the relevant authorization. They have to perform many tedious steps. This matter can only be settled by playing around in various bureaucratic systems.

Although Soshyang felt anxious about expanding the fleet, he also knew that the empire's bureaucratic system was slow. No matter how hard he forced the planetary governors, he could only urge the other side from time to time.

But I didn't expect that the other party's efficiency was unexpectedly high, and it took only a few days to get it done.

"Then I am going to meet him."

Knowing that the other party must ask for something, Soshyang decided to meet the master of this planet.

"I'll leave it to you for the time being, Instructor Thor."

"Well, don't worry."

After leaving Thunder Eagle, Soshyan summoned a shuttle and told Lothar that he agreed to meet with him.

The location is naturally in the Winter Palace.

About half an hour later, Soshyan, with a team of soldiers, arrived at the main hall of the Winter Palace, and under the guidance of his servants, came to a meeting room in the gorgeous palace alone.

The Hermitage is the tallest building in Nathan Four, almost above the clouds.

Through the huge windows that have been wiped clean like new, the salt water in the polluted bay 50 kilometers away can be seen from the house.

Retracting your eyesight, you can see flapping-wing planes and biplanes buzzing between various huge urban buildings. The high-powered headlights of rail transit vehicles can penetrate the fog, toward the apron. Flashes in the direction of.

Outside the nest city, in the yellow gloomy air, the promethium smelter discharges brown smoke into the eternal dusk.

Poisonous wastewater rivers surround those industrial areas. If it weren’t for mechanically taught transformation techniques, these poisonous mists could easily envelop the entire nest.

"The emperor, my lord."

At this time, several maids walked into the meeting room. They all wore blue brocade dresses with silk shawls, which fully met most people's requirements for "beautiful women".

They have exquisite jugs and wine glasses in their hands, as well as various fruits and desserts, including hot towels.

In front of the armored Astarte, they looked extremely petite.

"My lord, do you need anything?"

The voices of these maids are very graceful, tactful, and undoubtedly they have been specially trained. They just speak like singing.

Soshyan shook his head.

"I'm not going to delay here, Battis."

"I have received your request, I will go now."

The maid bent her knees slightly and stepped out.

Soon, she brought in the owner here.

Batis Wynether, the planetary governor of Neisser 4, is also the patriarch of a family that has controlled this planet for thousands of years.

He is a big man in a double-breasted brown robe, but his exquisite juvenile face makes his huge skeleton appear less prominent, and his short dark brown hair is neatly combed and shiny—no doubt this People have used certain life extension surgery.

He was accompanied by two bodyguards in uniforms with gray breastplates and a small beautiful lady in a dark blue coat.

"Governor Battis."

Soshyang said, gently holding the opponent's outstretched hand.

"I am the commander of the Astral Knights, Soshyan Alexei."

"The ancient family of Alexei is glorified because of you, captain of the battle."

Battis smiled and walked to his chair, then sat down, and pointed to a particularly enlarged hardwood chair.

"The presence of the commander of the battle group makes this place shine, sit down."

"No, I don't want to waste your time, Governor."

Soshyang said, taking a step forward and staring at the other's face.

"You have a manufacturing license, right."

Soshyang spoke very directly, which embarrassed Battis.

He waved his hand, motioned everyone else to leave, waited until the door closed again, and said carefully:

"Yes, I used some family connections, and finally got this deal done in the shortest possible time."

"Then Governor."

Soshyang took another step forward and said in a deep voice:

"You have looked for me seventeen times this month. Why?"

"That... is..."

Governor Batis suddenly became a little nervous, he took a handkerchief from his breast pocket and gently wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"one person--"

"I understand."

Soshyan took a step back.

"In order to thank you for your assistance and contribution to the battle group, I will give him one last chance."

"I am grateful! I am grateful!"

Battis clenched his fists with both hands and kept smiling to Soshyang, as if he was a parent who had made a mistake at school and was begging the teacher for forgiveness. The majesty that belonged to the planetary governor was gone.


Soshyang's conversation turned.

"Governor, I hope you can also remember that we are Astarte. If he insists on this, then his life belongs to the emperor. No one can change this."

Battis's face suddenly turned pale, and Soshyang turned and walked towards the gate without looking back.


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