The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 133: uninvited guest

This is a very ordinary day.

The faint sunlight was basking on the ground that was not covered by poisonous clouds on Nathan 4, and the heat and dry air were as unbearable as usual.

Fewer than thirty soldiers lined up on both sides of a one-kilometer-long avenue, and dozens of flags with double swords and eagles were drawn by the wind blowing from the distant mountain range.

Everyone in the battle group was there, including Thor, and they even attached some decorations to the armor, such as holy emblems and ribbons.

This is a very ordinary day, with only one special feature.

A band of brothers is coming soon.

As early as a week ago, the Star Whisperer had already heard news that a small Astarte fleet had leapt out of the vast ocean and was approaching Nathan IV at an alarming speed.

Like a sharp blade drawn across the water, the fleet traveled along the shortest path through the periphery of the galaxy and approached the stopping point of the planet's orbit.

They showed their identity and purpose for the first time.

The commander of the Ascetic Band, personally visited the astral knights who had made great sacrifices in the World Engine Battle.

When receiving this news, Soshyan did not act very surprised, but only ordered his soldiers to prepare.

Because he knew that the other party would come, it was just a matter of time.

Ascetics, who first appeared in the second army establishment period, are considered to be the oldest group of battle groups.

After consulting the emperor’s tarot card, the founder of the Ascetic Group was guided to the planet Posule in the Storm Starfield by the emperor’s will, which is equivalent to saying that they are neighbors of the Astral Knights.

The Ascetic Group strictly follows the provisions of the Astarte Scriptures, but due to the influence of the local culture of the planet Posule, the group still has some distinctive features.

The Death Temple of their fortress monastery is a star fort that revolves around Bozule. The fortress hall is filled with rows of skulls cut and carved from dead star warriors, and the main chapel is filled with victory after victory. A skull cut from an enemy.

The funeral ceremonies of the battle group are led by the priests of the battle group. These priests are recruited from the priestly class of the local residents of Posoul and are called death priests. Many of the beliefs of the battle group come from the local culture of the planet.

The brutal tribal warfare on Posule created a group of candidates to become interstellar warriors. This planet is a dark night world with no light all year round, so ascetics are used to fighting in low-light conditions.

Under the guidance of a certain kind of thinking, even if the newcomers undergo transformation and implantation surgery, and are guided and instilled with ideas from the Astarte Order, they still retain a lot of customs from the primitive tribes of the planet.

These traditional behaviors include meditation before the battle, eating the flesh and blood of the enemy after the battle-then cutting off their heads and skinning them.

But for the rest of the empire, this behavior made the ascetics seem to be wandering on the edge of heresy.

They are often looked at with suspicion by other battle groups, but so far, they are still the most staunch defenders of the empire.

Soshyan had already heard a little about the barbaric culture of this battle group after he came to Nathan 4, so he was more cautious about this meeting besides welcoming it.

In addition to Astarte, there are thousands of servants who serve in the battle group gathered here, but they can only look at it from a distance.

The narrators of the battle group’s history were also kept at a distance, including Soshyan’s personal copywriter servant.

The dignitaries of Nathan 4 were completely blocked from today's ceremony, which made their frustration obvious.

But this was a meeting between Astartes, a private matter, and Soshyan didn't want to let unrelated people in.

Although the weather is very good, the tension here is hard to ignore. The soldiers' too rigid and standard standing posture also exposed their tense emotions.

This is not just an honor guard welcoming the Brotherhood-it is also a display of strength and a gesture of determination.

Although if you just look at the numbers, their determination is actually pitiful.

Soshyang stood at the forefront of the team, but there was not even an honor guard by his side.

Fully armed, he abandoned some of the fine decorations on the armor and chose a simple aesthetic that is more suitable for going straight.

A black chain-armor cloak hung behind his back, a helmet decorated with mane hair towered like a peacock's luxurious long tail, and the Sacred Yan sword hung on his waist.

Apart from the priest Yazdan, Sol is beside him.

The opponent wore a plain armor and a helmet, and looked like an ordinary soldier.

Soshyang looked up and saw that the sky was like a white-hot metal plate about to be topped.

He probably wouldn't see the iron-gray vehicles until they were close at hand, but he still looked at them.

"It took them so long to get here, and when we lined up to greet them, they weren't in a hurry."

In the team, Armin couldn't help complaining, their voices were only transmitted inside the helmet.

"The so-called stink of the earth snake."

Falzad said that today he deliberately created a shape closer to a brutal warrior.

"Is it, Ustad?"

Ustad nodded insignificantly, without further expression.

"I heard that their home planet is a barbaric world, and they recruit recruits from barbarians."


Falzad chuckled softly:

"They sound like me, I almost start to like them."

"Yes, your kind."

Arminor teased:

"You will definitely see it at first sight."

"Just say what you like, but don't think I can't see you shaking."

At this time, Armin's anxiety pulled Ustad's thoughts back to reality. He raised his head and saw two angular gray thunder eagles swooping down from the dark yellow sky, falling quickly as if an engine had failed.

They screamed, and the tip of the wing dragged a bright and hot trajectory.

"They are in a hurry."

Falzad also noticed, his voice changed a bit.

"Is this a good thing?"

"Do not."

Falzad's voice was full of alert.

"I don't think it is. There is a kind of hostility. It is like two tribal leaders showing off their strength and showing off their weapons when they meet."

"Can you feel their thinking?"

Armin asked curiously.

"It's not difficult, as you said, we are all savages, and I know the way they deal with tried to keep his voice steady.

Ustad did not participate in their conversation, but quietly watched the two Thunderhawks fall from the sky, calculated their trajectories, and realized that they would miss the scheduled landing area.

"Something is wrong."

He said softly:

"They are flying away."

Just after he finished speaking, the meteor-like Thunder Eagles changed their trajectory again and swooped directly toward the team, seeming to be about to smash a devastated crater in the square outside the monastery fortress.

Soshyang also realized that the opponent's flight path was a bit wrong, and he couldn't help but guess whether it was a mechanical failure or some other darker cause.

Just when everyone was convinced that they had not had time to land safely, the Thunderhawks suddenly started their reverse engines and crashed into the square at the end of the road in a tsunami-like roar.

Exhaust gas and smoke erupted from their landing point, and the hot air resembled a hurricane.

Except for Astarte, everyone is struggling to fight against Thunder Eagle's jet stream.

The heavy dust cloud had not dissipated, and Thunder Eagle's springboard had already crashed down.

Figures in black and bone-white armor emerged from the rolling smoke. They were clad in skeletons, swift and steady, as deadly as a sharpened blade.

Leading them is a tall figure, the warrior whose body is carved with bones, and his whole body is full of pure and simple aggressiveness, coupled with the sharp silvery sickle on his shoulder and the ebony with faint light. The huge sickle with the handle is like the manifestation of the word "death".

There is no doubt that he is the commander of the Ascetic Band, Lord Magyar.


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