The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1379: Angry Nightmare Bishop

After looking at the statue of Kane for a while, Kleivis Kerathos responded with a voice without any warmth.

"The blade is half of me, just as I am half of the blade, so is fear, our strength comes from the blade and anger, not fear, we thirst for blood, we kill, only death can find the true meaning of life ."

Klevex began pacing again, even turning his back to them, completely ignoring his followers.

Each dream shrine has its own unique culture, and the culture of the night of the curse is very special. It may be to ensure the vigilance and self-reinforcement of the superiors at all times. Therefore, in this shrine, the warriors can launch surprise attacks on the bishop. , If the attack fails, as long as the challenger escapes from the shrine, the bishop can no longer pursue or pursue it afterwards.

But Bishop Klevex did not like this kind of culture. In fact, he despised this kind of trick. He won the position of bishop through a head-to-head duel, so after he became a bishop, he often forced his subordinates to fight with himself, or deliberately Expose flaws to attract opponents to attack.

So the eight people present knew very well that he was just torturing and teasing them.

As for the reason-

Now the dream demon bishop is very angry, so he has only summoned eight unlucky ones.

Not long ago he got news that the daughter he and his lover, Candice of the Silver Fang, had been killed by several ape wizards!

And what's more disturbing is that after inspection, Haemophile found that his daughter had lost the possibility of resurrection. Her soul had completely disappeared, and there was no residue left. Only by being killed by demons could such a situation occur. This is also the most tragic end of the Eldar, the soul is completely swallowed by the hungry lady.

Although it is difficult for Klevex to say that he has any relationship with Candice, he once lived in Silver Fang as the Archon's bodyguard for a long time, and he also spent a long time with Candice in the universe. The joyful plundering of time, at least when the other party gave birth to that daughter, he still had some sense of accomplishment——

Being able to have a noble lady give birth to a child for herself is already a very prominent achievement for most of the male Eldar races in Comoros. Although Klevex is now expensive as the bishop of the dream demon, he was born in Lian Zhenzi. No, he used to be just a half-born child doing dirty work.

Therefore, he has always regarded his daughter as proud, not out of family affection, but a kind of pride that belongs to a trophy, or a trophy.

"King Kong Is Not Bad Dazhai Master"

Now, his trophy has been smashed, how can he not be angry!

To make matters worse, the headquarters shrine issued an order not long ago, requiring all bishops not to leave their shrines during this period, and to take strict precautions against the areas where their shrines are located - mainly a few connecting subspaces. Chaos Gate.

Almost all the Chaos Gates in Comoros are in the shrines of the Dream Demons. The Dream Demons are not only followers of Kane, but also gatekeepers who are always alert to the invasion of Chaos.

Therefore, despite hearing the cry of his old lover, Klevex was unable to take revenge at all, which made his heart almost swallowed by anger.

If he held it any longer, he thought he might go crazy.

"Fear must be exploited, and even more mastered!"

Now Krawix is ​​very close to the followers, maybe only three steps.

For the Dream Demon, three steps is a short distance, but not enough to launch a clean attack.

Because they know very well that Klevex will not give them a second chance to attack.

"Face the fear with the blade, that's the real power!"

Klevex confronted his followers again, with a tone of disappointment at their inaction.

"We must embrace fear and become one with it. Long ago our ancestors created such a profound horror that the whole galaxy trembled in fear, and those traitors, cowards, escaped from this fear and hid in the In the world, our brethren in the city of darkness also cower, using the fears and pains of others to cover up our own fears and pains."

He paused again, casting shadows against the flaming figure of Kane, whose black outline at a certain moment was engulfed in flames and smoke, and seemed to be transformed into the image of the God of War.

"We will not shy away from fear, and let those who have gone astray try to restrain the gifts Kane has bestowed upon us! We will not shun our fear that we will become creatures of hatred and uncontrollable fury, this is not What we fear, our worries are meaningless, what we fear is living a life without achievement, meaningless! To die prematurely and to be swallowed by the enemy, without leaving a horrific mark on the galaxy before that, That's failure, that's our fear."

Klewix walked away from the statue, the curved Kleif blade still in a leisurely position.

"None of you deserved this position! None of you dared to challenge me, your fear of death overwhelmed your anger and it made you weak."

"To die at your blade is a failure, a waste."

A follower dared to speak out, but in exchange for a night owl-like laughter.

"Haha! However, if you want to succeed, if you want to become a bishop and gain your status and glory, you must dare to challenge! You cannot succeed without taking risks. Victory is the twin sister of failure, and death is the father of life."

Klevex shook his head and lowered his blade slightly, and when he spoke again, everyone felt his exhaustion in his voice, but everyone also knew it was a ruse, a feigned weakness .

"Doesn't anyone dare to stand up to me? You don't feel the desire? Don't you hate me enough?"

Empty questions, they all want to be bishops, they all feel the torment of this desire to their This is the root of the existence of fear that Klevex said.

Of course they hated him, his rebukes, his insults, his sarcasm and loathing were enough to provoke hatred as fiery as the flaming idol of Kane, the bishop's constant cynicism was a constant pain to them, but just as those challengers died in the past As it has been shown, Kane does not reward those who attack in blind fury.

The dream demons standing in the flames and smoke have their own ideas, but everyone understands that Kane's heart is cold, and the **** of blood hands requires that killing must be cold and calculating.

"Accept the fear and make it your own, step in—"

Klevex was interrupted before he could finish speaking.

An apprentice walked in in a hurry, but did not speak immediately, but glanced at the other dream demons.

This action made Klevex conscious, so he waved his hand to dismiss the crowd, and then took the apprentice to a secluded corner. At this time, the opponent said to Klevex in a low voice:

"Bishop, Mrs. Mallers is visiting."

"Huh? What is she here for?"

Klevex made a confused voice. Because of Candice, he was relatively familiar with the consul of the Vicious Tongue Conspiracy, and the two sides had cooperated many times.

However, recently, because the situation is very sensitive, and the Dream Demon Shrine must remain neutral, he has not communicated with the other party for a while.

"How did she get here?"

"Aboard a black premium speedboat with the Silver Fang Cabal logo."

Klevex nodded thoughtfully, and then said to the apprentice:

"Please wait in the wing of the Blood Blade Hall and tell her that I will be there in a while."


"Don't take the main road, go through the side door."

"Yes, Bishop." (To be continued)

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