The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1399: Killing is Redemption (Part 1)

As the metal cages fell in all directions, Ammonium's history could already see the transformation of the distorted faces of the former compatriots. As a large number of potions were injected into their distorted bodies by the device behind them, the originally struggling eyes were only left with madness. .

Ammonium's history is very clear, Jiurun and Bentu have gone crazy.

He could see the mad hunger in the eyes of the two huddled together, and only death could redeem it at this moment.

kill kill kill kill kill

When the stitched monster uttered some kind of filial filial piety similar to the language of the Tau, the ether seemed to be stung, and immediately took a few steps back.

Then the band in the arena began to play sick music, one after another, the sounds interweaving into a dark movement.

The tune reverberated strangely across the domes of the arena, and the lights of the braziers all around continued to flicker, and then they brightened, and the pure white fire began to grow sick and strange.

In Ammonite's eyes, the darkness visible to the naked eye seemed to reach out to caress him, the ground seemed to be trembling with the slow-moving footsteps of the monster, the masonry groaned and rubbed together, and wisps of dust spewed from the cracks in the walls and floor— —He could feel a rush of heat coming from all directions.

He had a strong urge to immediately rush to fight the creature to the death.

But the next moment, he immediately realized that it was another trick of the fallen races, who wanted to see him go wild and bloodthirsty to satisfy their bad tastes.

As a result, Ammonium\'Shi began to recite the nineteenth chapter of the sublimation mantra. As the spiritual mentor of the entire society, the Ether clan has a large number of unexplainable mysterious methods to adjust the heart and spirit.

He first adjusted his breathing and breathed slowly, and then solidified his lock muscles, and tried to achieve a state of mind as still as water by expelling desires.

[Empty body, avoiding light and becoming dark, Fang Xian is unknown and invisible]

Ammonium\'Shi recites this inflected rhetoric over and over again in his mind until his body can listen...

From that ethereal distance, Ammonium\'Shi heard his voice calling out to him, and it became more and more intense.

good romance novel

[Everything is empty, everything is useless]

In the VIP area, the three of them closed their eyes as if they had given up their resistance as they watched the Tau.

At the same time, the betting of this competition also began, but no one was optimistic about this weak warrior. Even though he had won more than ten consecutive games before, no one was betting on him.

"Want to place a bet?"

Kayan asked with a smile, and at the same time there was an extra bag in his hand, which was filled with Kane gold coins commonly used in Comoros.


Talos smiled, reached out and grabbed a large handful, and then threw it into a metal mesh pocket in front of him, which was then sent away with the conveyor belt.

Apparently Talos was also not optimistic about the Tau, so he bet on the Monster to win.

Soshyan hesitated for a moment, then reached out and grabbed a hand, but instead of placing a bet, he asked.

"Kayon, what is he doing? Is he using psionic power?"

Kayan shook his head.

"No, but I can vaguely feel that his spirit seems to be strengthening... Certain races naturally lack psionic affinity, but occasionally they create some unique spiritual skills."

"Then your decision?"

"Haha, Suoshyang, you want to see me bet first before you bet."

Kayan chuckled a few times, then tossed all the Kane gold coins into the Tau's net pocket.

"I don't think he should die."

Soshyang nodded and threw the gold coins into the same net pocket.

"Then let's see."

At this time, Amino\'Shi finally purified his mind, and his opponent was also approaching, but he still chose to look around and found that every Vacinda in the arena had the same focused expression on the face - the wild desire deprived them Even the most basic dignity of the body is replaced by the naked greed of hungry animals.

Also on the VIP table, Selene had noticed the impatience of the consul for procrastination, so she immediately said to the communicator in her hand:

"Get a little excitement right now."

The next moment, a curling tongue of flame jumped out from the spout on the ground, splashed on the bloated monster, and immediately ignited the grease on its body.

The stitched monster immediately let out a loud scream, and suddenly accelerated out of the flame formation, smashing the ground with stick-like arms and sharp claws, leaving a greasy smudge behind, muscles and skin under the heat. Blisters come off.

Surprised laughter rippled through the audience like ripples, followed by sporadic applause.

Facing the gigantic monster rushing towards him, Tai stood upright, raised his weapon to eye level, stretched it out horizontally in front of him, condensed luck, and breathed back, each breath for a few minutes. So long, during which the heartbeat dropped to seven times - this is almost the limit of ether.

Then, at the moment when the opponent was approaching, he turned to the left, stabbed his weapon at the opponent, and when he dug out a large mass of carrion-like flesh, he jumped back like an acrobat, avoiding the opponent's claws— - Even so, he still felt a strong gale on his back.

This attack was so fierce, its offensive might be enough to defeat weaker opponents, but Ammonite avoided it. Not only that, he also hit the opponent's body with weapons continuously, creating bursts of roars. .

His attack is not blind, but is looking for weakness. After fighting various monsters in this fallen city, Ammonium's history understands a truth - weakness is not always in the head or the heart~www.wuxiaspot .com~ The stuff here is often beyond biological common sense.

But suddenly, the grotesque stopped, the two stitched faces were only a few inches away from Ammonium\'Shi, and the empty eye sockets stared at Ether's eyes.

Ammonium\'Shi seemed to sense something, the weapon in his hand hesitated, Jiu Run and Bentu's faces changed deformedly, as if trying to express long-forgotten expressions.

He saw the past again, and they spread around them like the wings of a bird, a kaleidoscope of thoughts, emotions, and moments of loss—

"I know I should thank you for saving us, ether...but maybe you shouldn't. Wouldn't it be better to die on the spot than to be a slave for the rest of your life?"

In the icy prison, facing Dou\'Run's self-defeating words, Ammon\'Shi patiently replied:

"I thought about that too, however, I realized that our responsibilities to each other don't end just because we're no longer in our hometown, no matter where we go, the best way is our strength and shield. "

"Even here?"

Ben \'Tu on the side said with a wry smile, he was covered in scars.

Ammonium\'Shi looked at him sympathetically, and then put his hands on their respective shoulders.

"Especially here."

Then he comforted them softly,

"Don't worry, I am the ether, and I will guide and protect you, forever."

"I thought..."

He raised his hand in a hoarse voice, as if to touch their cheeks.

"I thought everything could have been different..."

Later, Amino\'Shi heard their hearts scream, something grabbed their souls, and through the eyes of the two, Ammon\'Shi saw that the Haemonics had put something terrifying, like a soul but not a soul. Rebound back into this fallen body.

Sadness overwhelmed him.

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