The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1406: Nurgle Minions

As a half-born, almost all conspiracies in Comoros have no way out, only the black-hearted conspiracy can give them such a meager hope.

Correspondingly, there is more to pay, but it is always rewarded.

As the commander of Aether Fortress Nine, his loyal service to Archon Viktor has naturally brought him power and many secret promises that have yet to be revealed.

At the same time, for a half-born son who only has a code name, such a service also brings him a name.

Jordan Simon.

It was a name that Victor had bestowed upon him, and even now, after many centuries, he still remembers how he got it--he thought he was attached to the family under the conspiracy system he had devoted his life to. The sentimentality of the relationship will disappear.

But actually he's still forever grateful for his name, because only half-children who are considered worthy are named - the vast majority from birth to entering a new life until completion they are always intrigued by those The hosts serve, are nameless.

But Jordan Simon is famous, so he's not just a cabal cannon fodder.

Even in the eyes of others, he is nothing more than Victor's loyal dog.

"Dragur, what should we do now?"

In the palace-like command post of the Ether Fortress, there are a large number of monitors and communication devices unique to the Spirit Race. Except for the combatants, everyone else is staring at their screens seriously.

Several Nightmare stood closest to Jordan Simon, and then there were his officers.

"What's the situation now?"

As Dragu, who is second only to the consulship in the Black Heart Conspiracy, Jordan Simon rarely embarrassed him, but today he has a bitter look on his face.

Just half an hour ago, the environment around the Ether Fortress suddenly turned bad.

Although after the Great Fall, the network channel has indeed become more and more unstable, and the situation has been further deteriorated by the mess of a certain golden ape, but the network channel around the Comoros is basically solid, and such collapse events rarely occur.

"The collapse of the network wall is still intensifying. My lord, the material is becoming more and more unstable, and there are still many materials from the heavens infiltrating."

"Is there any hostility?"

"Not yet, my lord, it's just that the etheric fog is getting thicker and thicker."

Jordan Simon sighed sadly, the broken netway often has ether fog, a product similar to a natural phenomenon produced by the conflict between the warp matter and the netway clearing mechanism.

But this time, the ether fog was particularly thick, almost covering the fortress, and the color was still a very disturbing green.

"Activate the low visibility protocol, I'm going to have a look outside."

The technician immediately transmitted the order to the communication line, and due to the restraining effect of the etheric fog, Jordan Simon could already hear the sound being dispelled and hissing.

He then left the hall and walked to an open-air platform, where the helmet's goggles flashed, then dimmed, cutting off the initial light.

He was standing at the highest point of the fortress, standing there with his hands on his hips, looking at his territory. The remains of ancient Eldar buildings were the foundation of the fortress, and those defensive fortresses and fortifications left a dense number of traces on the bone-white foundation. small holes.

Not far away is an arc-shaped port where ships entering the Comoros must be anchored.

He stopped when he turned into the distance.

There, there was only filthy green, mixed with purple specks of the warp, in an invisible, moving whole.

Jordan Simon watched for a while, then snapped his fingers. A wandering adjutant stepped forward and elbowed the others away.

"Dracula, what are your orders?"

"Order all guards to the highest wartime state and ensure that all defenses can be activated immediately."

"Received, sir."

The unknown adjutant turned around and hurried to the stairs.

Jordan Simon turned around again, looking at the approaching green etheric mist. He had fought on countless worlds, and he liked to pounce on unsuspecting enemies. But equally, he also disliked watching Do not fight where the enemy is.

"Try the communicator again, signal the overlord, we're in trouble."

"Dracula, I still can't reach Comoros."

"Then have none of the messengers returned? Not one?"

"No, my lord...not at all."


An officer screamed in horror, and Jordan Simon turned his head and looked down the other side's trembling arm, and saw in the vast green mist of ether, a monstrous behemoth with ferocious flesh and sharp claws and sharp teeth was looming.

It is like a water monster in a deep pool of sewage, staring at the undetected prey on the water, slowly approaching.

Seeing this thing, Jordan Simon's slender eyes were bigger than humans, and then he exclaimed:

"The lackey of the plague god! It's an enemy attack! An enemy attack!"

The next moment, the monster moved, and the stalwart body dragged a thick fog, surrounded by a large number of ships of various sizes.

"Raise the shield! Raise the shield! All the counterattack firepower is At the same time as the shield of the ether fortress is rising rapidly, the bow of the leader of the behemoth also emits a dull light. Then the terrifying energy burst out, like a sharp blade straight into the fortress.


The violent impact shook the entire fortress. Jordan Simon, who was sitting on the commanding throne watching the battle outside, was as pale as a corpse.

He had already recognized the infamous battleship and realized how much trouble he was in.

"The Terminus... The Terminus! It's the Terminus! How did they suddenly appear here!"

In response, all the heavy dark spears, disintegration cannons, pulse cannons, storm vortex projectors, void spears, etc. installed on the ether fortress, which condensed the essence of the dark spiritual clan, immediately ejected deadly counterattack firepower. A dense explosion was created in the raiding fleet.

At the same time, the Razorwing formation and the Void Raven formation in the fortress also took off urgently and went to engage with the fighter formations of the Fourteenth Corps raid fleet.

The battle has heated up from the very beginning, and both sides have poured out their strongest firepower to each other without holding back.

However, the Dark Spiritual Race is an ancient force that has been entrenched in the Internet for countless years. The ether fortress built with its profound background is not only strong in defense, but also ferocious in firepower. It seems more difficult to deal with.

After several rounds of bombardment, the ether fortress abandoned the defense of the port and shrunk the shield to the fortress area, while the fourteenth Corps' raiding fleet had several cruisers and frigates turned into wreckage in the network, and the side guns of the Terminus. Bits have also been hit hard.

It was at this time that the believers of the God of Plague, after pulling in enough distance, sacrificed their trump card——

Jump gang!

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