The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1466: Typhonse's gamble

The Eldar are focusing on attacking the capital ships of the Plague Fleet, most of the multi-layered energy barriers on the battleships have been stripped and collapsed under the constant attack.


Soon, it will be completely useless.


One of the raiding ships flickered from the vantage point of the main viewing window, then suddenly appeared, like a stiletto stabbed into blackened bone.


Its array of weapons shattered part of the front shield protecting Termina's bow, then flashed away in an impossibly smooth dance.


"Light spear."


Typhonse's voice was soft and scary, like a lullaby of madness.


The crew scrambled to get a targeting plan, trying to maintain it long enough for the weapons to activate and fire.


The Dark Eldar's warship was lifeless, slender and slender, and kept disappearing into shadows and disturbances, before reappearing to open fire a moment later.


Typhons trusted the crew, and even more so in his ship.


A smaller raider drifted too close to Terminus, trying to replicate the previous attack, strafing the ship's left flank.


Suddenly, the anger released by the combination of the two light spears plunged into the alien spaceship, liquefying its fragile superstructure, causing it to explode in a puff of purple smoke, turning into a pile of swirling fragments, like shattered black glass.


Typhons has participated in enough Void Duels, against both the alien fleet and the Imperial fleet, that the aliens must be caught while they indulge in a moment of greed.


However, there are still a lot of them, and they are fighting on the homeland. After being damaged, they can withdraw from the battle and return to the port of Comoros for quick repairs.


The Plague Fleet was of no benefit to any further delay, Typhons understood with a casual glance at the tactical hologram projected from the armrest of the throne.


Do you need to do jumping?


Typhons also rejected this plan. This is Ada's den. They have unlimited troops. The Fourteenth Legion is at a disadvantage here, not to mention that they have a behemoth like the Ark. Take up.


Instead, they'll have to watch out for Ada's Jump Gang, hordes of Dark Eldar raiders that will spread like cancer through the fleet, slaughtering thousands of sailors and dragging survivors into one of their twisted cities. in the dark destiny.


However, Typhons never expected to win the war with fleets and warriors.


"Rush into the enemy line."


Typhons ordered, clicking through a series of course corrections and sending them to the crew.


"Let's rush into the enemy line."


"But, Master!"


An officer argued subconsciously.


"Our engines can't go any faster in order to keep up with their speed. A ship of our size can't compete with—"


A crisp sound pierced the air, making the man quiet down.


He froze, twitching, a stream of blood and brains spurted out of his left eye, and a black fly pierced his skull neatly with a tail needle.


Then the poisonous worm shook its tail, quickly retracted the needle, and flew back to the worm's nest on Typhons.


The officer fell on the deck like a puppet with a broken string, twitched a few times, and then stopped moving.


"Rush into the enemy line."


Typhons repeated, his voice becoming so unusually deep that the whole deck trembled, and the crew hurried to obey his orders.


Then the company commander bowed his head slightly, and saw the man's shadow peeled from his body, his soul being torn apart by thousands of invisible hands and dragged into another world, he laughed at its screams.


"Throw it in the storage room."


Typhons gestured to a rotting servant next to him that no biomass would be wasted on the Terminus.


A rotting figure in a tattered grey cloak shuffles the corpse away, leaving a dull black smear on the deck, and Typhonse revels in the scene of mortal souls being devoured alive by a conscious storm, until a series of The violent collision of the wreck spread throughout the hull of the Terminus, bringing his attention back to the present.

Typhons blinked, the shock different from the crackling bombardment from the alien energy weapon.


It was a sharper, harsher sound, like the bite of a hungry beast.




A mutant with a mouth full of misshapen teeth hisses:


"The enemy Arkworld is attacking us."


When the planet-sized warship, its tendrils of energy entangled the Terminus, the hull suddenly rattled and heaved.


"Go ahead and speed up."


said Typhons in an indisputable voice.


At this time, the other warships of the Plague Fleet also came to **** the Terminus, and they struck the shield of the Arkworld with a fierce attack, forcing it to retreat behind the protection of their own fleet.


When the Terminus approached the formation of the Eldar, the surrounding monstrous flames were no longer a single storm, but a gathering of many storms.


"The dead wood is growing—"


Whispering these words, the corrupted ether fortress suddenly appeared on the battlefield.


In an instant, a whirlwind of demonic entities was rolled up in the formation of the Eldar, hitting the radial cloud of light and the storm of pus mixed with blood. Destruction is as swift as its birth.


The Terminus rushed straight into the frenzy at the center of the storm, and the turbulence was replaced by a violent crash.


The sirens roared across the bridge, and the bridge crew had to shout to be heard through the din that shook the ship's superstructure into atoms.




Typhons stared at the storm bottomless pit that was engulfing them, turbulent enough to throw the mortals off the console, the Terminus writhing in the rushing currents, a great roar and crackling pulses of light swept across. Over the hull, the intertwined sounds of sirens and whistles congealed into a sickly muffled sound.


But in the same way, the Eldar fleet was more affected, and small warships were constantly being torn apart by the demonic storm.


But Typhons closed his eyes at this moment.


A gradually clear whisper stung his spiritual vision, and the Lord of Destruction Fly Nest opened his naked eyes when he heard the louder and louder voice in his head.


The dead wood is growing—


He got up from the throne and walked to the observation window of the bridge, where he could already see the poor Eldar swarms in their battleship, howling in fear, and the children of loving fathers laughing and breathing out smoke and colorful fog.


Even Ark World is no exception. UU reading The mist circles around the tower, spiraling up to the top of the spiritual bone sail.


At this time, the Terminus also reached its limit. The vibrating hull is like a world where the geological structure is roaring and on the verge of collapse. Pieces of headache color make people lose all five senses, the brilliance of the shield trembles, and its surface is lightning-like. Broken into pieces and lost in the surrounding storm of primordial consciousness.


Soon, the cracks continued to spread, spreading over the dome like a spider web.


The next moment, all pressure disappeared, and the Terminus broke through the storm created by the ether fortress.


Comoros is in sight!


Typhons gasped in excitement, his visor reflecting the eternal darkness of the void.


Then he turned and walked down the bridge, his boots banging on the stairs, and said to Nucreon Rotis not far away:


"Call all the companies, and carry out the landing operation in five minutes! Tell everyone that supreme glory is waiting for all of us!"


Nukraine Rotis turned his head and glanced into the distance. The main force of the Plague Fleet was still fighting against the Eldar. Now there are only 2,000 warriors on board, and some people must be left to protect this giant ship. ship.


Does Typhons think he can do miracles with this little man?


Nukraine Rotis smiled coldly, since this guy is so arrogant, let him go, anyway, in the end, he still has to rely on the Primarch to clean up the mess.


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