The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1543: cult den

The Emperor's Death Angel Chapter 1543 Cult Dens

After walking for about two minutes, a wider space appeared in front of the team. Bahram could feel the change in the airflow from the closed tunnel into a vast basement, and the source of the sound was close enough to pick it out. Make clear words.

Although they all speak Gothic, Low Gothic is often not very different from Alien languages, so Bahram is not familiar with the murmur of the cultists.

"Prepare for battle, brothers."

After pulling out their weapons, they headed towards the red light emitted from the secret room.

"Now they are all prey."

Sabrin crouched at the entrance of the tunnel, staring at the scene inside.

This is a hall that is about ten meters high and four hundred meters long. The uneven walls indicate that it was roughly dug out of the sewer by external forces.

However, the ancient bloodstains were even more evident here, with many long strips of clotted plasma dragging along the walls, like moss.

The ground was an equally filthy quagmire, and from this **** swamp rose a crimson mist, and from the quagmire rose ledges like fortified islands in a pool of blood, and on the largest of these islands gathered many cultists .

He estimated that the number of cultists here was more than 500, and the various costumes indicated that they belonged to different classes of the hive, including laborers, craftsmen, fishermen, wanderers and even guards. It is almost possible to find people in the city from low to high status. Mortal appearance.

They knelt before an altar made of human skulls and beat themselves with whips in frantic worship. The only lighting in the hall was three huge chandeliers overhead.

Behind the altar was a priest in a scarlet robe. He hid his face behind a crimson mask like a hound's head. He was shouting strange prayers, echoing in the empty room.

"They...they defiled the land of the Empire, what are we waiting for?"

Li Lin gasped and said that the desire to kill was surging in his heart.

Bahram raised his hand, then clenched his fist.

"For the Emperor's sake, not a single one will be left."

In response to him, Sabrin suddenly drew his gun and shot at the chandeliers on the ceiling, instantly knocking down all three chandeliers, causing the hall to plunge into endless darkness.

In an instant, the cultists fell into madness and fear.

"Scream, we are here for you!"

Afterwards, the five fighters rushed towards the cultists in the room, and the loudspeaker of the helmet sent out a dizzying shriek—not including Bahram of course, he just silently unleashed his monstrous anger.

In an instant, flesh and blood flew across the temple of the evil **** Khorne.

"Wail, scumbags! For abandoning the emperor and humans, then bear the price of madness!"

Li Lin laughed and waved his hands. The huge lightning claws were about to set off a storm of shredded flesh and stumps in the crowd, while Sabrin, holding a gun and a sword in one hand, calmly slaughtered every life around him, Bahram Dozens of lives have been killed silently.

"If you want to survive, fight back! Quick!"

After experiencing the initial chaos, the cultists also reacted, first lighting the brazier, and using the firelight to see the outline of the enemy Mohu, and then roared in response.

Facing the Space Marines, these ruthless followers of Khorne showed more courage than ordinary people, raising their humble axes and swords, clubs and firearms, in an attempt to confront these angels of death.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god! Skull offering skull seat!"

"I will sacrifice your mother!"

Li Lin kicked the guy who shouted the notoriety of Khorne into two pieces, and then mercilessly waved his arms in a slashing and piercing motion, piercing the skull and breaking his limbs.

After a few heartbeats, more than a dozen people were disassembled into parts.

Compared with Li Lin's frenzy, Sablin was closer to a detailed anatomy. He first cut off an arm with a sword, causing it to spin in the air and spurting hot blood like a spring, and then recorded a mad woman's head. It broke into two halves, and the brains splashed from the tumbled broken head scattered all over the floor.

Then he grabbed the neck of another enemy with his other hand, and lifted the screaming man from the ground as if ignoring the weight. It flowed down the strong arm.

The struggling prey desperately kicked him with his boots and stabbed the spikes from the axe into the Space Marine's arm, but to no avail.

In the face of terrifying power, any resistance is meaningless. With a flick of his wrist, he broke the poor man's neck and threw his still trembling body on the faces of other cultists.

"Quick fight!"

As the acting company commander, Bahram has a very important task to restrain the Night Demons of the Eleventh Company from excessive behavior during the mission, especially to control their sadistic desires.

As soon as he finished speaking, a ghostly cultist rushed up and was immediately cut in two by his sword.

However, the mad rebels refused to stop, flocking to the Space Marines like angry ants, tearing at their metal armor with countless blades.

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"The victim will be sublimated!"

In the chaos of the battlefield, the masked priest roars loudly, and unlike his mad followers, the sect leader is still standing, his eyes widening behind the hound mask, as the Space Marines break into the hidden temple. .

"The blessing of the Blood God is coming soon!"

Only then did Bahram realize that they had forgotten about this guy at first, perhaps because he felt too weak.

So he gave the order.

"Li Lin, shut up that wild dog."

"Okay! I suggest that his hide be used as a **** wipe for the servants of the Chapter."

A group of cultists rushed towards Li Lin when they heard the Space Marines insult their leader.

Li Lin laughed and ripped open one person's belly with his and then cut open another person's ribs.

"Guardian of the Blood God, please walk among our generation!"

Facing the approaching giant, the cult priest still sang frantically.

"Give wrath to your disciples, and let us slaughter the blasphemers who defile your holy places!"

Scarlet energy danced from the altar, seeping into the glowing human body.

Soon, the cultist's skin turned black and the color of a scab, his body began to swell and deform, and his bones elongated and burst.

Under Li Lin's astonished gaze, the man's hair fell **** from his scalp, his skull curled and squashed into a reptile shape, and a vicious force was burning in the man's painful body.

"What is this?"

Bahram glanced at the altar, saw the scarlet creature, and said loudly:

"Just a demon, leave it to me!"

Then, he suddenly accelerated, the blade rolled like the wind, and the blood of the cultists erupted from the huge wound like a fountain.

Li Lin stepped back slowly, stared coldly at the unpredictable form of the demon host, and spat fiercely at his feet.

"Bah, it took so much effort to get this out?"

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