The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 169: Legendary Pirate

"The Emperor's Angel of Death (

Due to the huge differences in language and culture, it is actually difficult for humans to interpret what Green Skin calls itself, so it is actually very rare that Green Skin can leave a name on the Empire Alien List.

And this also means that anyone who can leave a name is a very difficult character who has caused serious threats and harm to the empire.

Nazdreg Udgrub, a green-skinned warlord who can leave a name on the Alien Court and the Death Watch list.

In the early stage of activity, Nazdreig was little known, and only sporadic information showed that he was a member of the extremely wealthy evil moon tribe.

Over time, he became widely known as a green-skinned pirate who was a great threat to Imperial shipping. What really made him famous was that he transformed the wreck of an Apocalypse-class battleship into his flagship and attacked him. A casting world in the special star area robbed a large amount of supplies, and also ambushed a fleet in the Goth star area, and sank more than ten warships.

Afterwards, Death Watch pursued him several times, but he slyly escaped, and even ambushed Death Watch's killing squad on a planet, causing serious casualties.

In the days that followed, as Nazdreg’s activities became more frequent, his fleet gradually expanded, becoming a serious threat to the Imperial Navy.

According to the court’s report, this pirate warlord looks smarter than most known greenskins, can speak fluent Gothic, and even knows how to use the "radish and stick" reward and punishment system to urge misfortune. His slaves worked for him.

He is also one of the few green-skinned warlords who will use human slaves.

Regardless of this alien's own ability, just his huge pirate fleet is a huge disaster for a star area.

Once the opponent intervenes in the battle of the Fran galaxy, the victory or defeat is difficult to say.

The tactical room fell silent.

A few minutes later, Soshyan took the lead in breaking the deadlock.

"Arrival time?"

"Insufficient intelligence, but Nazdreig last appeared in the Armageddon region. If it travels at normal subspace speed, it will reach the edge of the galaxy in about a standard month."

"A month..."

Soshyang put his chest in his left hand and his chin in his right hand, and said after a moment of thought.

"Time is really too tight, and the green skins on Fren star know that there are reinforcements, they will definitely resist desperately, and terrifying ground combat is also difficult."

Mazar nodded.

"I considered landing and beheading, but—"

He then shook his head again.

"We are still unable to determine the specific location of the Greenskin Warlord. It knows what means we will use to hide ourselves well. The communication is all through wired equipment, or even verbal transmission."

"A prisoner?"

Greenskins are not incommunicable. In fact, the higher-ranking Greenskins still have enough thinking ability. There are also scholars in the expeditionary fleet who are fluent in Oc. Soshyang's proposal is not outrageous.

"I've thought about it, and I've caught it, but even those things don't even know where their heads are."

"What a cunning beast."

Once the green-skinned boss can't be taken for a short time, the battle will evolve into an embarrassing situation under a strong city. Once external forces intervene, they may fall into an internal and external attack.

"Lord Magyar, what's your opinion?"

Soshyang couldn't think of a good way for a while, and could only look at the initiator of this battle.

"My approach is that all fleets join the orbital bombing sequence to destroy the planet's surface facilities as much as possible, and then the fleet will withdraw from the galaxy as soon as possible to avoid attracting more trouble."

With that said, the holographic image showed a comparison of the size of the main star of Fren and several of its satellites.

Because they are artificial satellites, these stars are not big.

Soshyan then expressed his opinion.

"Feasible, but there is no guarantee that the enemy will be completely eliminated."

"Yes, but this is the fastest and most direct way. At least for a long time, the green skins here won't cause trouble."

"not necessarily."

Soshyan shook his head.

"The green skins here, the technology has evolved to the level of subspace navigation, and there are still some of their residual fleets in the galaxy. If we can't cut the grass and roots, I think they will recover in a short time, and they will become worse because of this attack. Even crazier."

Mazar frowned, he knew that Soshyan was telling the truth.

But this was the only way he could think of.

"I have an idea."

Soshyan's finger clicked on the imager, and then the holographic image was enlarged to the entire galaxy.

He then drew several circles around the edge of the galaxy.

"My lord, offensively, if you were the green-skinned pirate warlord, where would you choose to intervene in the battle?"

Lord Magyar stared at the image for a while, then whispered:

"If I were a greedy and cunning guy, then I would definitely choose the few remaining strongholds in the outer galaxy of the Fran Star Greenskin Force as the entrance, so that it is safe and can collect the materials and troops in the opponent's stronghold. , Make a steady profit without losing it."

He paused for a while and pointed his finger at an asteroid belt on the edge of the galaxy.

"Gantlu 3, this is a stable space entry point, and there is also an asteroid belt around it as a shelter. It is very safe. I will definitely choose this place, and then annex nearby strongholds and watch the development of the battle... if If humans cannot attack the human fleet for a long time, then conduct a large-scale raid on the human fleet from behind to relieve Fren in one fell swoop. If humans are prepared, they will send a small fleet to continuously attack the rear of the human fleet and attack the occupied ones. Planets and supply depots have allowed the human fleet to continuously disperse in the defensive escort, and then look for opportunities to seek the main decisive battle."

Soshyang clapped his hands lightly.

"I'm so glad, Lord Magyar, you are not a greenskin, otherwise this battle might really choose to retreat."

"Hahaha! This compliment sounds strange enough, Captain Soshyan."

After letting the heavy atmosphere ease slightly, Soshyang narrowed his smile.

"My opinion is to maintain a minimum blockade of Fren, and then the main force of the whole army will be assembled in the Gantru 3 area to ambush Nazdreig’s fleet and inflict heavy damage on the opponent, or in one fell swoop. Destroy! At that time, the green skin on Fren's star was no different from the corpse."

The tactical room fell silent again.

Lord Magyar propped his hands on the metal edge of the video camera, his eyes fixed on the three-dimensional image emitting light green fluorescence, and what predictions could he see from it.

Soshyang noticed that the corners of the opponent's eyes even twitched.


Ten minutes later, Lord Magyar said in a hoarse voice:

"--It's a big gamble, Soshyan."


"Not to mention whether we can ambush Nazdreg's main fleet. With the power we currently have, can we defeat the enemy head-on?"

In fact, the strength of the expeditionary fleet is not weak. There are several detachment fleets, as well as the Ascetic's battle group fleet, and there are nearly 50 large battleships of cruiser and above level, and many of them are battleship-level battleships like the Eternal Night. Very large battleship.

But most of them are actually multi-functional cruisers such as the Moon and Gothic classes.

What they are facing is the great pirate warlord who has run across several star fields. Apart from the flagship, they also collected a large number of hulks to form an unidentified space ancient junk. In terms of firepower, these warships have reached the standards of large cruisers. , Enough to make the imperial navy of a star field a headache.

What they have is just a stellar fleet.

"We have the opportunity to prevent this battle from becoming a shameful failure."

Mazar raised his head slightly and looked at Soshyan.

"You insist on that."

"Yes it is."

At this moment, the miniature communicator in Lord Magyar's neck armor suddenly rang.

"what happened?"

"Team commander, there is a new situation, and an unfamiliar fleet is found near the edge of the galaxy."

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