The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 178: The opening of the war (thanks to CodeVision...

"The Emperor's Angel of Death ( Find the latest chapter!

"If they want, let them come."

The enemy's bomber formation has attacked the Fearless Spear twice, and has severely damaged it both times. Now the bridge is in ruins and half of the officers have been killed.

The array of meditators is melting and smoking.

The air leaks in the battered compartments sounded from time to time, and the pilots were still tied to their original positions with cables, and oil and blood flowed out of them.

"Three goals are approaching."

The blood-covered technical priest grabbed the main console, and a corpse fell alongside.

"Fire at all targets."

There was a scar on his forehead, and Midias, who looked like he had fallen a few times, leaned on the railing of the bridge and used the loudspeaker to overwhelm the siren that was sounding continuously.

The hull swayed again when it fired.

He has ordered the abandonment of the ship, but he will not leave until the end.

The Spear of Fearlessness lay in front of the Ork fleet that came after it, flanked by the last three friendly ships-they were as fragile as leaves in the face of the incoming storm.

Just half an hour ago, he took advantage of Oak's greedy psychology, first ordered the fleet to reduce its firepower to induce the enemy to approach, and then before the enemy ship was about to launch a gang jump, he shot all the torpedo out.

Their results were not bad. At least five green-skinned battleships were wiped out in torpedo bombing.

But this obviously angered the commander of the Oak fleet.

"Hit two targets."

The first officer's voice is still high.

"But there are two other targets that have reached a relatively short distance. As a result of signal recognition, there is a high probability that the aircraft will jump."

"Set fire to one of the goals!"

Midias looked at the holographic projection of the battlefield again, and the signal was a bit blurred under the interference of strong energy fluctuations.

He watched as Oak turned a ship trying to jump into hot shards, and another ship turned around to fight, and was torn apart as soon as it opened fire.

The menacing rune representing the Strike on the Rock keeps swelling in my eyes.

"Ideas try to get in touch with Captain Michel."

The green-eyed communications officer was bleeding, half of his face was covered with blood, but he ignored it, nodded and continued his responsibility.

Suddenly, the battleship shook again.

"The Void Shield is completely ineffective! It cannot be restored!"

"We got in touch, my lord!"

The communications officer's voice sounded, and Midias immediately opened the link, but the incoming voice was disturbed and very distorted.

Michelle is also driving an Indomitable class, but the service age is shorter than that of the Fearless Spear. The two of them graduated from a naval school and are both comrades and friends.


Michelle's voice was almost yelling, and Midias could hear the harsh rubbing sound, like hail hitting a metal plate—it was the sound of bullets hitting the armor.

"The enemy has boarded our battleship!"

There was another harsh sound, this time like a heavy hammer smashing a big clock.

Midias's heart tightened, and he quickly roared:

"Quickly abandon the ship and escape!"

"Escape? Where do we want to escape?"

Michelle laughed lowly, and Midias looked at the hologram.

"I won't run away, buddy, I want to keep going and kill as many aliens as possible."

In Midias's memory, Michelle has always been a little reckless, even without a word.

But at that moment, he still smiled.

"Then good luck, my friend."

After a while, only the sound of raining on the armor answered him.

"It's the same with you, Midias, see you again under the emperor's throne."

After a long while, the other party replied dullly, and then cut off the communication.

Suddenly, a shock shook the Spear of the Fearless and threw Midias to the ground.

Some armored portholes shattered, glass and metal swirled in the bridge, and air leaked with a whistling sound.

There are dead men and women everywhere, and blood is flying in the air.

As the air continued to decrease, the bridge also sounded warnings of oxygen content and air pressure.

"The main engine is malfunctioning! The enemy's jump gang has seized the launch orbit."

"The port side is facing the enemy."

Midias stood up, wiped a handful of blood in front of him, and the entire glove was stained red.

"The remaining personnel are all armed, let them stand by outside the flanks protected by the starboard side armor."

"My lord, what about you?"

"I'm here."

Several small green-skinned battleships and the Fearless Spear completed the embrace in the collision of steel and flame, and the aliens rushed into the ship and fought with the armed crew.

But they didn't know that the remaining weapons of the Spear of the Fear were all aimed at the Ouke warship that was being crowded in.

The light spear and plasma broke the shield within a short distance, ripped apart the armor, hit the green-skinned spaceship that was trying to jump and smashed some of them into pieces.

But the rest was unmoved, and without hesitation, smashed the outer armor of the Fearless Spear like a huge wave, spitting out the cargo it carried.

Midias couldn't see the specific situation, but he could feel my ship trembling. Greenskin boarded his ship and attacked all the way deep.

Although the defensive forces were scattered, they all carried unwavering determination.

The weapon servants fortify each connected node, guarding the space in front of them with a large number of explosive bombs.

The human crew used shotguns and laser guns against the enemy, and some slave laborers acted as a reserve team, ready to plunge into the critical battle situation at any time.

This is a difficult battle, and everyone does not stay behind, whether it is an ordinary crew member or an officer, knows this.

Greenskin thinks that they are fighting stubbornly in the negative corner, vowing to crush the defenders to pieces, and they continue to invest more power.

The Spear of Fearlessness is dying, but Midias wants to let the enemy know that they have to pay for its death.

"Are you ready?"

He looked at the technical priest, who got up from the blood-filled console and nodded.


"thank you."

Simple words are not enough to express all But after listening to his words, the technical priest did not say anything, just put the gear pendant on his chest close to his forehead.

He is doing his last prayer.

Midias nodded and opened the communication channel, and the remaining communication array would pass his words to the remaining living people.

At this moment, on the tactical panel, Michelle's ship has turned into a sun, and it dragged a warship several times larger than it to death together in the void.

"I'm Midias."

In the communicator, his voice seemed calm.

Midias paused, wanting to say more, but didn't know what to say.

"Everything is as the emperor wants."

He finished speaking, cut off the communication, and gave the final order to the technical priest after a second of silence.

"It's now!"

Five seconds later, the dying technical priest completed his last task.

Midias remembered that he had never questioned his orders, had no doubt or excitement about his own requirements, and for each of them, he now has nothing but admiration for him.

The plasma reactor of the Fearless Spear began to overload.

At first, it still kept the whole integrity, floating in the dark void, surrounded by Ok's landing spacecraft.

After an instant, there was an earth-shattering explosion, and the people still in the ship and their enemy, Ouke, were evaporated together!

The plasma flame erupted from the hot core of the sun licked the surrounding space, and huge pieces of armor drifted away with the explosion. The impact also hit the Ouke battleship not far away, breaking the defensive field and burning. With sensors and rangefinders, making them deaf and blind.

But in any case, this skirmish seems to be over-

"We are late..."

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