The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 1998: Primarch's message

".Human beings are not the creations of the ancient saints, nor are they the seeds sown by the gods. Human beings walk out of the primitive wilderness with their own hands and feet, and ignite the fire of civilization. Before that, nothing has helped human beings. Measure the earth with your own legs, touch the sky with your own hands, and learn knowledge with your own brain. A pessimist, and thus despair, So, Soshyan, have more confidence in your race, and have more confidence in yourself."

"Emperor, I—"

Suoshyan hesitated for a moment, then watched the other party fill up the teacup in his hand, and took a sip carefully with his throat a little dry.

It's not that bitter anymore, although it's still hard to drink.

"I just don't understand, where is the future of the empire? Since you can still appear in front of me, why don't you come back again?"

"I've already said that I'm not the emperor you think, so I can't do the things you expect. As for the future of the empire, what kind of future do you expect?"

"Well, at least everyone can work together to fight against the enemy. While supporting the war, ordinary people can be treated reasonably and fairly. Don't carry out so much internal persecution and consumption. I don't have the luxury to say that war can be eliminated, but as long as there are some small Changes, small corrections, accumulated over time, will definitely lead to the right path, what I expect is to get better and better, not worse, all the battles seem to be meaningless in the end."

"It sounds like you've put yourself on a very high level."

Suoshyan was taken aback for a moment, and then his expression was a little embarrassed.

"I just said what was in my heart, I didn't say what...role I would play in it."

A chuckle sounded from under the bewitcher's mask.

"There is no need to evade. Since you have assumed those responsibilities, you should be given the corresponding power. This is fair, isn't it? As for what you said, maybe... there is no chance."


The tempted person leaned forward slightly, and said softly:

"Presumably you already know that there are still some Primarchs in the Empire, so what do you think of them?"


After a moment of hesitation, he replied cautiously:

"I don't quite understand what each of them has to hide, but I don't agree with their attitude of avoiding the world. Maybe they think it would be better to do nothing, but the facts of 10,000 years have proved that doing nothing will not cause harm. To make things better, they still choose to do so, I cannot agree."

"If they are all willing to come out and fight for the empire again as you said, who will you choose to support?"


Soshyan opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say, but then he caught a key message.

"Emperor, besides Jaghatai and Corax, do you have any news about the other Primarchs? This has puzzled me for a long time, Vulcan, where are Leman Russ? In addition, are Donne and Leon really dead? And Guilliman, why didn't you wake him up? Instead, let him sleep in the stasis field for tens of thousands of years?"

"What do these questions mean to you now?"

Suoshyan pursed his lips, knowing that the confused person would not answer him, so he picked up the full teacup and took a sip.

"Since you don't want to say it, I can't answer it, and I don't know much about them. I'm just a soldier who was reformed and served 10,000 years after the Great Rebellion."

"You are right, but if you really want the future you want to come true, then you must consider this issue. The key to the future lies in your hands."

"I don't understand."


Hearing the bewildered mention of the Eldar, Suoshyan's hand trembled slightly.

"What does this have to do with the Spirit Race?"

"Ada will bring a Primarch back to the Empire. Although not now, it will not be too far away. Your decision will be crucial, Your Highness the Phoenix King."

Hearing the words "Phoenix King", Suo Shiyang coughed lightly and put down his teacup in embarrassment.

"That...Actually, ah, so you already know, Emperor."

"Since you think I am the Emperor, then you and the Eternal Queen were married in front of 'me', how could I not know? Isn't this a contradiction?"

Hearing the teasing words of the befuddler, Suoshyan's expression became even more embarrassed, and he subconsciously scratched his face with his hands.

"Well, did I commit a serious...crime?"

"I'm not a statue. It's meaningless for you to ask me for forgiveness. The key is whether you regret it?"

After a moment of silence, Soshyan shook his head slightly.

"That's fine. Since you don't regret it yourself, you don't need to ask anyone for forgiveness. I can't judge whether it's right or wrong. I can only say that you need to bear all the costs yourself, because this is a decision you made from the bottom of your heart."

"The price, I can bear it alone."

The bewitched raised his head slightly, as if gazing at the intricate patterns on the ceiling.

"Many people have thought this way, but it's a pity that fate will not give us so many choices."

"Emperor, you said earlier that Ada would bring back a Primarch? Who? Why Ada?"

"I just know about it. As for how and how it happened, I don't know, and you don't need to worry about it. When the time comes, it will happen naturally."

Soshyan smiled wryly.

"This feeling of being arranged. I seem to be used to it."

"This is not an arrangement. There is no ambiguity in my point of view. It all depends on your own decision. Speaking of which, your wife is doing well recently."

Suoshyan nodded, took a sip from the full teacup, the bitterness faded a lot, and there was even some sweetness between his lips and teeth.

"She's fine, with occasional whimsy, but she's gentle with everyone, and she's kept under control thanks to her Chapter's casualties, and the warriors respect her for that."

"It can be seen that you really love her, so as a husband, you have to protect Don't you hate her? After all, she is an Ida."

"So she hates humans?"

"Uh, although I can't say I like it, I can't say I hate it either. It's just that there is some racial superiority."

"That's it. I'm not an unreasonable person. I still understand the four words of reciprocity."

"But the Great Expedition"

"Hey, I've said it for the third time, I'm not the emperor you think, but you still hold certain fixed opinions about me."

"Sorry. I'll keep that in mind."

At this time, Suoshyan was a little confused again. He was basically sure that the Confused is the Emperor, but now he is a little less sure. He can only say that the Puzzled is really hard to figure out.

(end of this chapter)

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