Just as Soshyang was actively exploring the ancient secrets of his family, a message came from the distant Lord Magyar.

  The mining world Safinius is in urgent need of assistance.

  According to the information transmitted by the Star Whisperer, Mazar believes that Safinius’ alien threat is already very serious. If this important energy production site is ignored, it will be severely damaged or even fall.

   And the main force of the ascetics is now limited to a few nest worlds, and they will be unable to get out for a while. The hidden dangers of Safinius are all in the narrow underground mining area, and the large forces of the Astral Army may be difficult to use.

   Soshyan naturally understood the importance of Safinius, so he immediately sent a request for intelligence feedback to Safinius.

   The other party’s response was also very timely, and the first-hand investigation report from the Legal Department soon arrived in Soshyan's hands.

   After preliminary assessment, he confirmed that Safinius’ alien threat had indeed reached the point where it had to be resolved, and it might even be worse.

   "What the bureaucrats say is true or false, and the data is incomplete."

   Soshyang stood in the preparation room. The servants were helping him remove his armor piece by piece, moving around him while muttering with a mechanical voice.

   When the servants took off his torso armor, Soshyan felt the cool air in the room touch his skin.

   This time he is not alone, Sol is also by his side.

  His armor was originally a set of very ordinary power armor, but then he added a little purple to some hidden parts of the armor, Quandang is the remnant of his memories.

  The sky eagle emblem made of flat gold thread is on the surface of the plate armor. A blasting arrow pistol and a sword are hung around his waist, and their grips are decorated with dead bodies.

   The servants are also unarming Thor.

   Under his carapace, black wing-shaped tattoos and traces of the past are geometric lines on the surface of the muscles.

   Pale scars ran across his arms, back and chest, and hair-like lines cut through his skin.

   Thor stretched his shoulders, the feathers on the tattoo rippled.

   "The ambiguous attitude of the local administration is indeed worthy of attention."

"Then the Legal Department also lied? From the report, if they really encounter such a large-scale group of gene stealers underground, I think their survival rate should not exceed 10%, or even lower, but the facts are Yes, they almost retreat."

"I believe that the report tells the truth, at least part of it. The Legal Department shouldn't conceal too much, and Safinius has never reported any gene stealers before. If they intend to conceal something, even more. There is no need to expose the iceberg one at this time

   horned. "

   "If the local executives have been infiltrated, they can continue to conceal it, or even not issue this report, but now the situation is that this report is directly in our hands. Why?"

   The last part of the armor was also removed, and Soshyang felt the fibers of a blouse slip across his neck.

   "Because nothing is the same."

   Thor's meaningful sentence made Soshyang a little confused.

"what for?"

   "We should go and see directly."

   Thor responded, shaking his arms to stretch his muscles.

   "There will be answers."


  Safinius No. 14 mining area.

  The shadows are scattered and changing along the wall in a way that challenges natural possibilities.

   The light bulbs began to go out, one by one.

   One of the Thinker screens in front of the Elder Gene Stealer broke and burst into a cluster of sparks.

   The alarm began to sound, surpassing the wailing in the secret church.

   Those shadows continue to move, wave and gather together to form a silhouette, like claws, sharp teeth, and fierce beast heads.

   With a roar from the subspace itself, the darkness fell.

   The bodyguards of the elders were the first to die. Those shadows resulted in these fourth-generation hybrids, which were the same as humans, and wrapped them with razor-sharp death.

   When darkness poured into their open mouths, their screams became choked and choked, and then tore them from the inside, dismembering and tearing them apart, shaking the church.

   When the claws of darkness and emptiness reached him, the elder staggered back, and then sawtooth-like smoke wrapped around his reading chanting table.

   The bodyguards have calmed down, and there are gunshots in the distance. All of this is meaningless.

   The only sound now is his flustered breathing.

   "The Four-armed God Emperor gives me strength--"

   The elder stammered, trying to remember the familiar holy word.

   "The rays of light you guide are **** and sacred, burn all unclean, protect and protect——"

   But the next second, the shadows rushed together, like being sucked into a vacuum.

  The twisted darkness becomes a form, like a figure slowly emerging from the thickly entangled black mist, and when the last part condenses into a gleaming entity, the elder's words become bitter in his mouth.

   Woven out of the ferocious darkness, a creature stood in the middle of the church.

   It is more than two meters tall and is surrounded by weird blue cold light.

   The worst thing is the faintly visible covering of the thing-the peeled skin, many of them shattered by time, all sewn together and fixed with black iron thorns.

The elder    can see the withered hands, legs and torso, as well as the face with open mouth and wide eyes, hung on the waist and shoulders of that thing like a ridiculous mask.

   Those are their ethnicities, and there is even a patriarch he is familiar with.

   But they all died like dogs.

  The nightmare existence walks towards the elder~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It strides mercilessly, and the air around its body also trembles and emits majestic energy, even the screen of the meditator is short-circuited.

   This four-generation mixed elder staggered back, and then tripped over the ruffle of his robe.

   "Spare my life——"

   He stammered, desperately looking for something, anything, that can stop this monster with meat hanging on it.

   "Spare me, no."

   With the sweep of contempt, the giant swung the warp between them across the room with his arm, and the torn power coil flashed with sparks and snapped.

   The elder knelt on his knees, crying and shaking.

   He has never been so scared.

   This monster is a nightmare that their ethnic group has haunted for hundreds of years. If it weren't for it, they would have taken over the entire world.

   The giant leaned down towards him, its shadow obscured the last remaining light ball, and then stretched out the empty hand and slowly stroked Lao Tzu's forehead.

   When the thorns nailed to the metal glove pulled his flesh, the elder felt a sting, but he did not dare to speak.

   Then, it spoke.

   "It's only you now, are you afraid?"

The elder    whispered, a damp spread under his robe.

   The nightmare slightly strengthened the grip.

   "Actually, I don't have time to torture you. You will die very quickly. You should be thankful for that, thank me."

Elder    moaned because the nightmare pinched his head with his hands and lifted him up.

"Thank me."

   It ordered.

   "Thank you, thank you."

"you are welcome."

   The nightmare let out a miserable laugh, and crushed his head in the next second.

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