The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Vol 2 Chapter 2022: witchcraft trap

"My lord! Please—"

Facing the crying woman holding the baby on the ground, political commissar Millard raised his pistol indifferently, shot through the traitor and the evil seed in her arms at the same time, then turned and walked to the next one, leaving behind ten people behind him. Several corpses.

It is meaningless to take captives, and the order from the superior is to shoot or kill.

"Imperial dog! Your false emperor will curse you too!"

The man with his broken hands was leaning against the wall, spitting blood angrily, and Millard directly shot him through the head.

Heretics are nothing but madness, and their end is death.

Kindness means betrayal.

After executing the last prisoner, the political commissar turned around and came to a collapsed stone tablet, stepped on it, and then wiped the blood and stains on the boots with a cloth to ensure that they were still shiny, before they met the fearful eyes of the soldiers. Come to the officer.

"Now that the traitors have retreated to their wicked and depraved churches and cellars, put on the soldiers, and gather the flamethrowers, we need a great burning to cleanse this filth."

"Political commissar...the soldiers have been fighting for three hours straight, and they are very tired. Anyway, the traitors have nowhere to escape..."

Faced with the officer's excuse, the political commissar rolled his eyes. He knew what the other party was up to. The soldiers were going door to door looking for anything of value. They had bled, so naturally they didn't want to come in vain, even though there was only poverty and depravity.

This is the case with the legions recruited by the Maelstrom. From the officers to the soldiers, they lack steely discipline and will, so the role of supervisors is very crucial.

The political commissar's only answer to this was to put his hand on the handle of the bolt pistol at his waist, and cast a look at the officer, "Give me a chance to reorganize the language", and the officer immediately turned around in a hurry to greet the people around him.

"Let the brothers hurry up and attack! Don't f*ck scrape! The land is scraped off! Send me the flamethrower team and burn! Burn everything!"

Under the scolding of the officers, the soldiers had to give up other "jobs" and concentrate on attacking. Soon, more intense gun battles broke out on the streets, and every step they advanced encountered stubborn resistance from the pagans.

Some traitors seem to have fallen into some kind of religious fanaticism so that they don't care about their lives at all. They foam at the mouth, roll their eyes, and twitch their fingers convulsively on the trigger. These are the loyalties of the once inviolable human empire. Citizens, now despicable traitors, are making their last stand.

Streets are burning, wreckage hangs in the night sky, lasguns crackle like thousands of dry tree branches snapping, shrill and terrifying cries echo from the ruins, some traitors hide in what they think In a safe home, soldiers immediately locked the doors and windows, and then set fire to them from the outside with flamethrowers, watching the people inside flee wildly like rats in a red-hot tin can and beat on the doors and windows in despair.

Just as the flames gradually began to engulf this small town like a garbage dump, some kind of singing echoed in the wind, getting louder and harsher.

Commissar Millard also felt the air becoming heavy, and even a signal soldier on his right began to groan, and the communicator on his back also trembled.

Suddenly, a soldier appeared out of nowhere and almost jumped on him. The political commissar stepped back and kicked him down, then drew his pistol.

"What are you doing! Are you crazy!"

But the other party just rolled on the ground, his eyes were tightly squinted, his mouth was opened wide, and dirty and strange words kept coming out of his mouth.

The commissar immediately pressed his bolt pistol to the opponent's temple.

"shut up…"

He growled, with a barbaric world accent in his voice.

The Nadan soldier stumbled to his feet, a smile spread across his face, sickly and manic, he grunted, coughed, and spat on the grass, his saliva hissing like acid as he landed, Even the smile on his face grew bigger and bigger until it swallowed his entire cheek.

Before he started screaming, a sentence was repeated over and over on his lips.

"Revenge has come."

The political commissar stared at this man in horror. The big man's skin peeled off like a boa constrictor's skin, leaving a layer of dry, wrinkled dead skin. Only the things under the original skin gave off an evil halo under the firelight.

The political commissar felt that he should do something, and raised his pistol with trembling hands. He didn't know that they had already stepped into a huge witchcraft trap.

As the chant faded away, a sickly yellow and blood-red mist rose from the ground, black clouds whizzed past his head, and the soldier's dark eyes reflected the storm, a darkness of fear, malice and unknown.

Then all around the soldiers fell in pieces, slumped to the ground, flesh twisting, madness flashing in their eyes, some begging their comrades for the Emperor's mercy, others twisting into new shapes with grunts and clucks , the soldiers began to shoot at their comrades, the gunshots came and went, and screams erupted from the mouths and throats that were no longer human.

"What kind of witchcraft trick is this?"

The political commissar screamed, fear took the last trace of discipline from his voice, the soldier in front of him had already coughed out his teeth, his jaw opened to the limit with a click, thick liquid gushed out of it, and then is a hand.

So he started shooting, the pistol spewing bolts, and he hoped it would have an effect, until another hand came out after the first and the bolt exploded the man's head.

Then something tore him in two from the inside.

A grotesque monster rushed out from the fallen corpse, its yellow glass eyes stared at the political commissar, it looked like a skinless hound, its whole body was steaming like a soldier's corpse, covered in blood and dirt, filthy Visceral tissue slid from the creature's face, and as he met the other's gaze, horrible thoughts of blood and slaughter invaded the commissar's mind.

This sent him into a panic Bolt pistols kept firing.

Hit by the bomb, the monster flinched, and then it smiled, its missing teeth gleaming in the raging firelight.

Then its **** tongue hissed, a sword gathered from the scattered bones at its feet, it took two steps forward, a soldier tried to run away from it in a panic, the monster immediately put him Cut in half.

The political commissar took this opportunity to get away from its gaze. He didn't want to escape, but to reorganize the soldiers' counterattack.

"Don't mess! Don't mess! Gather the front!"

But what's worse is that the traitors also appeared again, wearing various masks, howling and waving all kinds of crude weapons, rushing out of the evil church and the open cellar, and the soldiers without cover suddenly rushed out. Fall in pieces.

With the sound of whistles and drums, although the fallen soldiers were still screaming, the soldiers of the three regiments recovered from their initial losses and began to retreat to more favorable areas to fight against the endless stream of enemies. Monster enemies and mobilize armored forces outside the town to fight back.

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