When everyone was surprised.

   The next second, the arbitrator drew the pistol from the holster and aimed it at the bishop-Barov had never been pointed at by a weapon before.

   The bishop felt a warmth in his pants. He knew that he had just pulled his pants. He felt ashamed that he was afraid and panicked at the gunpoint.

   "According to the rights granted to me by the Soshyan Commander of the Ministry of Justice and the Astral Knights, I am here to dismiss the Bishop and Superintendent of Barov."

"no, do not want……"

Amid the screams, the pistol made a loud noise, and three bullets passed through Barov's forehead and exploded in the back of his head again.

   Barov’s fat body was thrown back to the ground, and the chair was also pressed under his body.

   Immediately afterwards, three cartridge cases fell on the marble floor and made a pleasant clinking sound. Even before the pistol was retracted into the holster, the muzzle was still emitting light smoke.

   The arbitrator walked forward along the edge of the table, and the sound of footsteps wearing boots echoed through the hall.

   Then, he pushed away the bishop's body with his heels, straightened the chair, and sat down at the table.

   "My first order, all local Planetary Defense Force units withdraw into the nest."

   The arbitrator said to all the pale-faced people who stared at him in fear and shock:

   "And cut off all traffic in and out of the Chiao Capital, then set up armed checkpoints along the main roads and announce an indefinite curfew! If any individual still appears on the street after the curfew, he will be shot and killed!"

  After looking at each other, several representatives of the guards nodded in agreement.

   "Secondly, clear the mine area. Force all miners to leave the mine area and establish decentralized concentration camps. No one is allowed to leave without my order!"


   representatives of the guild immediately expressed different opinions.

   "This will affect the production indicators for the next quarter."

   As he said, the guild representative also glanced at the mechanical teacher representative who was always making a slight ticking sound not far away. The man was almost completely wrapped in a red robe, except for occasional red mechanical flashes under his hood.

   "Production quotas are not allowed to be disturbed."

   Then, under the hood, there was a mechanized male voice without emotion, and the representative of Griffin No. 4 was quite tough.

   "The production quota of Mechanical Education will not be affected."

   The arbitrator looked at the guild representative.

   "The local guild still has a surplus stock, all of which is transferred to the production quota of the mechanical education."

   "First, sir! This—this is a blatant act of plunder! You have no right to do this!"

   Facing the guild representative's flushed face and angry eyes, the arbitrator just sneered and slapped the gun on the table.

   "If you ask it, it will tell you whether I have the right to do this."


  The representative of the guild again looked at the representative of the mechanical education, as if expecting the other party to stand up and say something fair.

   But that **** reformer just replied without emotion...

   "As long as the production quota is not affected, I and the casting world that I represent have no other opinions."

"grown ups!"

  The representative of the guild turned to the official of the Ministry of Interior, but as an experienced bureaucrat, the other party had some other abilities, and the ability to steer the rudder was quite strong.

   From the arbitrator's shooting of Barov, he can see that the opponent must have received Astarte's support.

   In that case, there is no need to be boring.

   "Ahem, that... the current situation is so difficult, everyone should work together, regardless of personal gains and losses, and make contributions and sacrifices for the stability of the situation together."

  'S subtle bureaucratic response, and the guild representative's mouth was immediately blocked.

   Seeing that the other party finally couldn't move the rescuer, the arbitrator smiled and continued to announce his orders.

   "Contact the other nest capitals, order their defense units to return to the city border immediately, and tell them to be ready to respond to potential alien operations at any time."

   His gaze swept across the table, his eyes stern.

"We have a lot of work to complete, and the Astartes are not here to play those little political games with us. They are here to bring the world back to order in the name of the emperor, and to avoid a situation. This is a disaster, and they will use all means to this end... If someone is dragged down, the consequences may be extremely serious. I hope everyone is mentally prepared."

  Barov’s blood has accumulated under him into a puddle, and silence surrounds the hall.

   No one dared to move, the pungent smell of gun smoke mixed with the smell of blood.

   "Safinius is on the verge of destruction."

   The arbitrator stood up.

   "And all the kings present are the only hope to save it."

   At the end of the meeting, the star knights battle group that has received much attention has disappeared from people's sight.

   With the assistance of the Ministry of Legal Affairs, a ten-person Astarte team entered the No. 14 mine through a secret passage.

   As the team shuttled through the dark tunnels and refineries that existed in the city, Soshyan had a new understanding of how fragile human beings are on this planet.

   There are cooling pipes all around him, so that the promethium ore flowing in it will not explode in the hot air.

   Although the technology of Griffin 4 is trustworthy, in Soshyang’s view, the degree of danger of the alien surrounding the city pales in comparison with the underground facilities.

   He can't guess how much promethium is flowing in those pipes, but the stock must be amazing.

Soshyan had hoped that the temperature would be lower in the ground~www.wuxiaspot.com~, but the servants of the Mechanical Teaching only used fans and vents to a minimum-perhaps keeping the low oxygen level in this building complex was to allow Promethium mine is more stable.

   The underground corridors and tunnels are narrow and stubborn, only enough for the workers to run the refinery and erect the pipelines. The tall Astarte walked in them and looked very aggrieved.

  Some walls are reinforced with cement and granite, and the rest are still exposed with rough rocks.

   In every corner, the servants performed their missions meticulously, and did not even react when the space fighters passed by.

   The smell of motor oil and ointment exuding all over them was stronger than the smell of sweat.

   The low noise from the machine mixed with the roar from the transport pipe and echoed in the tunnel.

   The refining equipment and the instrument panel are the only light sources, emitting blood-red artificial light that is faint to only visible.

   They have been walking for several hours, but there is still a certain distance from the target.

   The purpose of this departure is to confirm the underground alien threat and the actual situation of the so-called Lord of the Crows. Soshyang does not intend to stun the snake, so he did not use the more rapid shaft channel-he did not want to fall into the trap.


   He led the team cautiously and concealedly through a tunnel of exposed rock. The soldiers followed him, scanning the entire area, looking for traces left by the alien.

   They must all deal with the sudden attack of the enemy carefully and use their firearms carefully.

   Because of a wrong action or misfire of the weapon, it may break the duct and detonate a lot of promethium mines, roasting them directly in the armor.

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