The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 225: Out of ammunition

Armin's team fought hard, and they gradually retreated into the arch of the temple, relying on temporary shelters to resist the tide-like alien.

The relatively narrow arches limit the number of enemies, but they have to face at least hundreds of aliens at a time.

In this case, Almin had to consider another issue.

They may have to find a way out.

But before that, he had to block the enemy's offensive first, and his gaze fell on the huge statue behind him.


By this time of the attack, the main force has gradually become a second-generation hybrid. These monsters with a little human characteristics can use the simplest weapons.

"Ready to blast!"

A small wave of human imitations gradually rushed towards them, brandishing anything they could find that could be used as a weapon-the small-caliber bullets as the first wave of greetings had already hit the ground.

"No problem, sir."

Tara, holding a plasma gun, looked around, and he also carried the only hot melt bomb in the team.

"Exactly, where?"

"On the pedestal of the statue, facing the enemy."

"Roger that."

After Tara finished speaking, he shot a ball of plasma at the aliens who were approaching and howling frantically. Then his weapon was about to enter a long cooling period, so he took out the explosive pistol on his thigh.

"There are more and more enemies."

As he said, he placed the hot melt bomb in front of the statue's base and set the time for the explosion.

"Installation is complete! Detonate in a minute!"


Armin gave the order, and the team immediately abandoned the arch, stepped over the corpse on the ground, and retreated into the short path between the statue and the arch.

During this process, they continued to shoot, letting the accumulated corpses tired at the entrance of the passage, making it look like a wound that was about to heal, while the subsequent aliens stepped forward step by step on the corpses of their fallen companions, and Ass Tate's distance is getting closer and closer.

Almin was always at the forefront of the team, brandishing his sword and assuming a standard defensive posture, constantly shredding the enemy's bones and internal organs-but this did not stop them.

While killing with melee weapons, he kept squeezing the trigger of the explosive pistol, causing the bullet to shoot into a face that was distorted by anger and hatred.

Their gender was unrecognizable because of howling, and their heads burst into pieces like a balloon full of blood clots.

"Exhausted fuel!"

At this time, the flamethrower in the squad first announced the misfire, and the Wall that used it hung the flamethrower back to the back of the waist, and then turned his explosive gun to the fully automatic gear, and rushed at the attackers who pounced on him. Fierce fire.

However, more aliens came forward, showing no signs of retreating, and his attacks did not really block them.

"Retreat behind the statue! Rebuild the defense line!"

As Armin commanded the team to retreat all the way, a high-pitched roar suddenly exploded, and then a huge beast tore apart the same kind that was blocking the road, and rushed towards the team.

Its physique is even bigger than Astarte, and its body is wrapped in a thick carapace, and the hooks on its four arms are as sharp and astonishing as a sickle.

More importantly? Is it speed and size completely inconsistent? Unbelievably fast.

Armin almost didn't have time to lift the sword, but his fighting instinct saved him? Let him barely block a sharp claw against his head.

Then he swung a sword at the neck of the thing.

Decomposition stand buzzing and howl? It was torn violently, and the wound of that thing immediately burst into thick pulp accompanied by a violent stench.

The monster went back? On its ugly face showed a confused expression like a human.

Obviously, it did not expect to receive such severe damage? Howling and retreating back? The muscles and chitin on the body also tightened.

Armin then used a pistol to shoot at its head and body continuously, but the monster's intelligence was obviously higher than that of its kind, and immediately hid behind the cannon fodder, so that the explosive bullets only shot and killed a few unimportant targets.

If there is a grenade now? Almin is confident that it can be hit hard.

But ten minutes ago? All grenades were used up.

The squad rebuilt the defense line behind the statue, and the aliens in front of them wave after wave, and the Astartes can only retreat them by rapid fire again and again.

However, as long as the ammunition is exhausted, they will be overwhelmed by the aliens in a few seconds, and they can't even wait for any reinforcements-the only theory may be Soshyan and Sol.

"There is still half a minute!"

"Out of bullets? Sir."

As soon as a soldier's voice fell, his gun went out.

"Well... that's what it means."

Before that soldier had time to reload? The enemy rushed over.

He turned his weapon steadily and quickly, aimed at the forehead of a nearby alien and smashed it down.

The next second? The cracking of cartilage and howling followed.

When the thing hadn't fallen down, a dogfight who looked like a woman suddenly crawled over? Grabbing the soldier's ankle? Pulling hard? Trying to make him lose his balance.

Seeing that his comrades were surrounded, Armin rushed over and cut the female alien hand with a sword, avoiding the warrior being surrounded by surrounding monsters.

Although they can still kill the enemy, there is no doubt that their situation is extremely desperate.

Even though thousands of similar species have been killed, the gene stealers continue to rush towards Armin's team.

In the long run, sooner or later they will overwhelm these Celestial Warriors with numbers.

Maybe the Astartes can use swords and chainsaws to delay for a few more minutes, but as long as one person falls, the others will immediately be attacked.

The huge alien still patrolled around, observing the Astarte team under the protection of layers of cannon fodder servants-this reminded Almin of a vicious cat entrenched next to the mouse hole.

Their current firepower still makes it afraid to cross the thunder pond, but once the ammunition runs out, it will definitely rush up without hesitation.

But it is destined to be disappointed this time.

"Ten! Nine! Eight! Seven! Six! Five!"

A countdown reverberated in the communication channel, and the team members began to run back neatly, as far as possible from the statue.

"...Three! Two! One! Lie down!!"


Amidst the collapse of the sky, the eruptive halo burst through the dome of the temple, and the bright light even temporarily blinded most of the creatures present.

The explosion caused by the hot melt bomb turned a fifty-meter-sized area into a dazzling mist of particles. All the organic matter in the area was instantly carbonized, while the inorganic matter turned into a splashing fluid.

The aliens didn't even have time to let out a scream, and the metal and flesh disappeared without a trace under the torrent of energy, and even the huge beast turned into a cloud of steam under the impact of the scorching heat.

Armin, who was lying on the ground, wanted to raise his head, but all his senses were overwhelmed by the roar and heat...

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