The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 230: Nest owner

"It" wakes up from the cold and dark nothingness, that is the closest thing to sleep it knows.

A faint pain echoed at the base of its curved skull. Although it disappeared, it was disturbing.

This faint pain quickly spread with annoying persistence, combining with the pulse of the creature through the beating of blood vessels.

The pain radiates from the dull brain through the facial structure along the "it" spine.

This is not the pain of wounds and failure, nor the pain of being chased by hunters.

"It" does not cover up the need for hunger, but this feeling is even more unwelcome. The taste and resonance of this pain are so different. "It" has not had this feeling for a while...

The children are dying.

"It" felt every pierced hole, every broken limb, every bleeding eye socket, resounding like a ghost in the pain of the wind.

In the dark, "it" slowly spread its limbs.

When they tighten and bend again, the joints click and bend.

The huge sharp claws opened and closed in the cold air trembling, and when the saliva ducts in the huge mouthparts of "it" became active again, the digestive soreness stung the tongue.

"It" took a trembling breath through the rows of shark-like teeth. The cold air stimulated its senses, and then its featureless eyes opened, and a thick stream of saliva followed its curved chin. It dripped from his mouth and splashed onto the deck with a hissing sound.

The time of fate has come, and "it" drags itself out of its hiding place and crosses the boat to find the creatures that kill the children.

The plan failed, but there is still a chance to end all this and understand the grievances of this century.

Despite being separated by a heavy metal plate, "it" can still smell the blood in the air, hear the rhythm of the prey's heartbeat, and even smell the salty sweat on the skin.

Not only that, "it" can even feel the hum of the biological field and touch the currents of emotions and thoughts in the brain.



Very close.

"It" opened its mouth with a click, leaned forward, and then ran quickly through the dark passage, its paws banging on the metal.

The swarm will eventually swallow everything--

"After the blockade is complete, we are moving towards the E07 area, leaving only the E08 area."

The voice of the arbitrator came from the communicator, and Saivita pressed down in front of the team. He lost patience with the progress of the Legal Department early on.

After the team returned to the ground, the first thing was to come to the Legal Department and let the arbitrator personally lead the team to block the orbital airport on the planetary orbit, and control all officials and persons in charge.

During this period, gene-stealers who hurriedly jumped the wall attacked the Ministry of Justice and the Guards, but they were immediately suppressed by the accompanying Astartes. All aliens were annihilated on the spot, and a few fled into the complex structure of the airport .

But only death awaits them.

Soshyang is determined to block any alien escape routes? The arbitrator also has such determination.

He mobilized a total of 20,000 troops from the ground and asked the technical priest to close the passages in all areas, and then the guards cleared the areas one by one.

This was a cruel operation? There was no prior warning? There was no notification that a large number of workers and laborers were trapped in the orbital airport? And they were ordered to wait on the spot-the guards would kill any active targets.

At the same time, anyone who encounters the guards must undergo an unconditional physical examination? If there is resistance, they will be shot on the spot.

This is a relatively slow but safe process, but it can guarantee that no fish will slip through the net.

The only dissatisfaction is the crow prince Saivita.

All he had in mind? Only slaughter the enemy.

He also repeatedly asked Soshyang? The nest owner can only be killed by him.

Finally, after two days of hunting and killing more than a thousand infected people and aliens, there was only the last and largest area left in the airport-the storage area.

"Received? We have moved to E08 area."

Soshyan's answer was interrupted by the roar of several explosive guns from time to time.

Then, he turned off the communicator? He glanced at the corpse on the ground-pure blood alien.

It can be seen that they are guarding this corridor? Or what is behind this corridor, and the things that can be guarded by pure blood? It is self-evident.

Saivita's face finally showed an expression other than indifference.

That is an expectation.

At the end? The automatic door in the corridor opened? The team entered a large room.

There are neatly arranged containers, towering generators and wall-mounted plasma chambers. The mixture of liquid and gas rolls deep in the glass chamber, emitting a faint orange light.

Without orders, the Astartes scattered on the operation deck, moved to the console and transport rack to occupy the shooting position, and cover the exit of the room.

But they didn't find anything for the time being--

With a damp click, the film to cover the sensitive eyes of "it" was peeled off.

"It" looked down at the long room and saw some flickers, suggesting that something was moving in the room.

The human smell is stronger now, so strong...

"It" strode forward with its head held high, its claws rubbing against the metal floor, but there was no sound at all.

There are three more dangerous prey species, one of which is especially dangerous, that kind of murderous insufficiency...

Although "it"'s animal intelligence doesn't think it has the ability to kill this monster, it has no way to retreat, and wisdom can only give way to the animal nature at this time.

"I saw it."

Savita looked at the dark room six hundred meters deep to the north in the darkness.

"It just emerged from the wall."

"I saw it too."

The sound came from Soshyan. He raised his blaster when he approached Saivita. The heat-sensitive sight of his helmet could easily penetrate the darkness, but he didn't know how Saivita, who was not wearing a helmet, saw it.

"A nest owner."

Soshyang muttered to himself, looking at this ugly alien.

On its body are sturdy limbs, claw appendages and bulbous skulls, and it is approaching them step by step.

"Fire when it reaches its best but don't kill it."


Soshyan replied reluctantly that he was not used to accepting orders from a traitor.

But he raised his gun and aimed at the target, took a breath, and then summoned others in the communicator.

"Found the target, everyone listened to my instructions and fired."

"Enemy attack!"

But without waiting for his order, the silent cabin suddenly erupted with gunfire and Almin's verbal abuse.

From the ducts and vents in all directions, a large number of purebred aliens gushed out, and the tactics of the Star Knights team were immediately overwhelmed by waves of offenses, and they could only defend themselves.

At this time,

On Soshyan's eyepiece, a nearby rune turned white, and then he fired at that target.

The nest owner endured the pain of being torn apart by the bullet, and kept howling and screaming, then rushed down.

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