The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 275: Rainy night

   Under the impetus of this kind of power, it spread like wildfire among the believers in Valledo. Although this priest resisted the corrosion with his firm belief and protected the village, it could not prevent the fall of the entire world.

   Firm beliefs can fight against invisible threats, but not necessarily against actual violence.

   It turned out to be like this. Heretics broke through the village, massacred everyone, and tortured this devout priest—perhaps the mobs kept him alive and witnessed what happened.

   The exact details are still unknown. Soshyan can only let the soldiers converge the priest's body and bury it. If there is a chance in the future, his deeds will be reported to the state religion, and he will also become a glorious martyr.

  After dealing with all this, the rain became heavier and heavier.

   "It seems that the corruption has started very early."

   After reading the recommendation letter, Soshyang probably guessed where the corruption was, but he still needs further confirmation.

   While he was collecting these evidences, the orbiting fleet suddenly sent a long-distance communication. Although the content was obscured by interference, Soshyan vaguely heard the words reinforcements and battle groups.

   There is no need to think more, he knew that there must be other battle groups about to join the battle.

   This is a good thing.

   After all, with their scale, they are too stretched to perform several tasks at the same time. If there are helpers, many things will be easier to handle.

   Then he informed the other soldiers in the team of the news.

   Everyone is very excited.

   After removing the traces of chaos in this dilapidated village, Soshyan quickly led the team to join the reconnaissance team in Ustad.

  Although the friendly forces will arrive soon, Soshyang didn't intend to wait in place. After simply surveying the terrain around the fortress, he found a breakthrough.

   There is not only one entrance to the fortress of the Ministry of Justice. In fact, the front entrance is generally used for vehicles entering and exiting. The side is the place where legal personnel enter and exit daily, but there is often a concealed back door dedicated to transporting prisoners.

   Generally speaking, this secret door is difficult to find, even the sensor of the power armor helmet is also difficult to find, but here is not the only star warrior...

   "YT-001, perform a secret intrusion mission, the main goal is to open the secret door, the secondary goal, to destroy the neighboring guards."

   "Received, execute."

   The rain at dusk continued until late at night.

The icy omnipotent hidden at the edge of the jungle is watching the gray stone bunker at the end of the towering retaining wall through the downpour, carefully calculating the number of sentries within the range of the eye, and the scanner constantly emits extremely faint ticks when it is running. sound.

   If you don't look carefully at this place, you will only think it is an ordinary sentry post. In fact, there are more than a dozen such bunkers near the fortress.

   But its scanner shows that there are more life activities in the bunker, and the structure is stronger than the others.

  According to estimates, the probability that this is the target place is as high as 89.12%, which is a completely actionable standard.

  Four hostile targets are standing in the open area on alert, but their loose discipline and distracted attention are about to kill them.

   The sound of raindrops passing through the shade of thick and low-hanging broad-leaved trees, and then on the rocks, has covered all suspicious movements.

   The dark night is just to make it more hidden.

   After planning the course of action, it quickly and quietly left the hiding place, moving unconsciously in the fine raindrops.

   The water drops continuously hit the smooth metal shell, and then rolled down quickly, but there was almost no sound. Only the internal server of the body made a hissing sound, strengthening every small action that strengthened the metal fiber muscle.

   During the movement, the sharp combat knife popped out of its arm. This gradual metal changed its color with the surrounding environment and became as black as ink.

  Some of the blades of this long-edged weapon are triangular, and its edges are so sharp and deadly. The casting is to easily slip between the enemy's ribs and break them effortlessly.

  , just like it, was born just a tool for killing, nothing more.

   Because of the heavy rain in this dark night, the guard's visibility distance was reduced to less than 30 meters.

But the vision of the sacred machine is far beyond what people can compare. The silhouette of the unlucky person who is about to become the soul of the sword has already been clearly reflected in the YT-001's visual sensor-it will release the most ruthless killing because of its control The author asked it to do so.

   But in its cold logic circuit, there is no sense of hatred, everything comes from instructions only.

   These people who have deviated from the empire never deserve the slightest bit of mercy and tolerance. These people have already made their choice, and now they will pay the price for their wrong choice.

   YT-001 remained quiet and secretive for its size, sneaking behind a reinforced pillar of the retaining wall.

   It is so close to its future victims that the auditory sensor can clearly distinguish their different sounds.

   Now they are just like ordinary people, complaining loudly about the current mission and the brain-disabled superior commander, but they know that they will no longer have to complain soon.

   It moved slowly, like a vague shadow, close enough to allow the enhanced senses to analyze the dirty bodies of these traitors in the mud and the stench of the moist sweat that had been planted in their bone marrow after weeks of fighting.

   YT-001 tightens and relaxes its metal fiber muscles, ensuring that the steel body is ready for the next move.

   Then, it finally waited for the sound of small footsteps when the first target turned around, and immediately turned around from behind the pillar, and rushed towards the target with all its strength.

   When the first victim died, it was too late to make any noise. The violent blow of the combat knife of the Telex-type combat robot pierced his head from the bottom.


   When the traitor fell, it squeezed out its blade, lowered the blade, and stabbed the second guard into the groin.

   Watching his own blood spurt out, all the hapless guy could do was scream in extreme pain, but his voice was immediately extinguished in his throat because of his beheading.


   The other guard seemed to be aware of something, and raised the laser gun in his hand, but before he pulled the trigger and screamed, a huge shadow rushed in front of him and hit his face with a punch.

   In an instant, tons of powerful force directly smashed the head of the guard into countless pieces, like ripe fruit smashed to pieces on the ground.


   Seeing that the same kind close at hand were killed instantly, the last guard went crazy and stabbed YT-001 with a knife.

   But the Telex-type assault soldier just turned his wrist and blocked the incoming blade with the base of his palm, and at the same time smashed his elbow against the jaw of the last guard at lightning speed.

   This blow almost removed half of his head, and plasma and broken teeth splashed on the side wall.

   At the moment the headless corpse fell, it quickly squatted into a dormant position.

  Everything seems to be very long, but it actually took less than ten seconds to solve these guards.


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