The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 278: reputation

   The warrior in the Terminator armor lowered his head slightly, his hair cut very skillfully, his eyes were sharp and firm, and he looked very young to Gorge.

   "Mum, as far as I know, the commander of the Astral Knights is called Alexei."

   A sly light flashed in the soldier's eyes.

   "But I heard the Saul brother say..."

   The soldier dressed in the Terminator suddenly smiled.

   "Hello, I am Soshyan Alexei, the commander of the Astral Knights."

   He stretched out his right hand to the opponent. After a moment, the battle captain of the Soul Drinker also smiled and stretched out his hand to hold it tightly.

   "I am the captain of the Soul Drinkers, Gorge, and I am honored to meet you."

   Soshyang seemed to be surprised by these words.

"with pleasure?"

   "Yes, I heard about the sacrifices of the astral knights. You are all great warriors."

   Soshyang was relieved at once, but he was also a little bit disappointed—he still lives in the shadow of the heroes of the past until now.

   "Yes, they are all heroes."

   "It's not just that, I heard that you have only served for less than a hundred years, but you have begun to bring the battle group back to the road of revival... When I was as young as you, I was just a small captain."

   Gorgri retracted his arm and smiled:

"And I have also heard about your deeds in the Battle of Flen. I can only say that it is a pity that you almost killed the **** alien pirate, but your tactics are great. I am not very proficient in naval battles so far. Ashamed."

   "You also look very young."

   Soshyang was a little surprised, but he wasn't because of a compliment from a war regiment commander, but because of the Battle of Furen that had spread.

   "Yes, I have only served for a hundred years. Strictly speaking, I am still a recruit, but the former commander still handed over the burden to me."

   "Then it must be because you are better and more suitable to lead the team into the future."

   "Maybe, there are actually many veterans in the battle group with very high qualifications..."

  Gorgri was still smiling, but Soshyan noticed that the other person's breathing was a little heavy, especially when it came to the topic of veterans.

   "Yes, it is not easy to lead a battle group."

   Soshyang spent a short period of time carefully looking at the opponent's power machine and battle group badge. He had heard of the Soul Drinker battle group. Like the Star Knights, they are theoretically subgroups of the Fist of the Empire.

   Of course, now he knows that the astral knights are not a sub-group of the Fist of the Empire, so when facing a real Fist of the Empire, he still feels a little nervous-but he concealed the past very well.

From the outside, the battle commander of the soul drinker has the heroic and fortitude temperament that a warrior should have. His skin is slightly dark, a healthy brown, his face is square, the bridge of his nose is high, and he has a sharp and powerful head. The short hair, the style is not too different from Soshyan-this shows that Gorge has a similar aesthetic preference with himself.

   "As an ordinary soldier, I never thought that the responsibilities and tasks that the commander of the battle group had to bear were so huge, almost every step was like walking on thin ice."

   Soul Drinker, the same young captain nodded.

   "But you did a good job. It's hard to imagine that a battle group with only... less than thirty fighters left can be active in the galaxy and defeat such a powerful enemy."

   Soshyang’s cheeks are not only warm, but he doesn’t know what to say.

   "Uh, my team and I are proud and honored to be able to participate in such a great battle, but in fact the victory is more due to the efforts of the Ascetics and the Weeper brothers."

   "It is already great courage to be able to fight in that situation."

   "Brother, did the court call you?"

   Gorgri answered almost without thinking.

   "Yes, it just so happens that the battle group is conducting recruit training activities in the nearby galaxy."

   Then he gave Soshyang a brief introduction to the soul drinker.

  The Soul Drinker clan is currently in a state of basically full organization. The clan is no different from other sacred groups except that it is not fearless and there are few Terminators, except that it does not have a clan's parent star, and uses the fleet as a base for activities.

   The Soul Drinkers battle group is divided into two parts. One part is led by the battle group think tank, mainly composed of most veterans of the battle group, to perform a key mission.

   The other part is personally led by him, mainly recruits, plus some veterans from two companies, undergoing actual combat training.

   At this stage, they received a message from the Tribunal fleet, and they simply changed the training location and placed it in Valledo.

   After listening, Soshyang looked worried.

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"We received a signed report from an inquisitor. Now there is a serious threat of chaos in this place, and after arriving we encountered a pilgrimage ship full of demons... According to the log found in the captain’s room, that The ship should be the earliest source of corruption, a cultural relic was brought to Valledo by someone."

   "Indeed, we saw a lot of wreckage in orbit."

   "The power of the source of corruption is very strong. Even the residual reverberations have created a lot of demons... Too dangerous for the recruits."

   Realizing that Soshyang meant to express this, Gorgri shook his head.

   "Do you think they can't handle it?"

   "This is an unprecedented threat. Every recruit is precious. I mean... Maybe it should be more gradual."

   "How can they grow without the tempering of fire and blood? Certain sacrifices are inevitable and must be accepted, because this is how we were born."

   This time Soshyang didn't know what to say. He realized that the fundamental reason why the opponent was completely different from himself in this respect was that Gorgri had a complete battle group with relatively sufficient manpower.

   And what he has is only a handful of remnants, which also caused him to be too sensitive to the lives of soldiers, and even to the point where he could not accept any sacrifices-not for this conversation, he seemed to be unaware of this.

   "Yes... only sacrifice can make a warrior."

   "What did you find?"

  Gorgri's eyes wandered to the data board in Soshyang's hand.

   "An investigation record is about the disappearance of certain persons a year ago. Those missing were the priest who ran the church and..."

   Soshyan shared the content on the data board with Gorgeli.

   "...Following up the investigation by the Ministry of Justice, those priests who are known for their ‘smelly temper’, their beliefs are as hard as rocks, they rarely collaborate with corrupt colleagues, and of course they are naturally marginalized."

   "What about more?"

   "There is also some smuggling activities... The data here is very badly damaged. Although the door was intact when we came, the internal system was in a mess. Our technical sergeants did their best to collect this."

   Soshyang shook the data board in his I have found the key thing. "

   "What is it."

   "An exhibition. The archbishop of this planet held an exhibition of sacred objects in the city of Bright, the first parish of the capital of Valledo. After the exhibition, the whole planet fell into chaos."

   Golgerie nodded thoughtfully.

   "It seems that the source of the corruption is in that exhibition..."

   "That's right, so what we have to do now is to find the remaining astral army, they must be more familiar with the situation in this world."

   At this time, a soldier of the soul drinker walked in violently.

   "Commander of the battle group, the enemy of the fortress has been completely strangled."

   "Very good, quickly clear a landing area, we want to establish a front-line base here."


   After speaking, Gorgri turned to Soshyan.

   "This place still has a relatively complete fortification, which can be used as a frontier stronghold. The high-power radio of the fortress should still be usable. Maybe we can try to use it to contact the still-alive Astral Army."

"Right on my mind."


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