The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 288: Lifesaver

There was a puff.

Marcus fell into a lake of cold, dark water.

The lake was deep, and the lucky angle of impact meant that he only broke three ribs, not his spine.

For a moment, ice-cold water surrounded him, flowing from his throat to his lungs.

He was panting and coughing, and the cold underground awakened him from the sense of disorientation when he fell.

Marcus flopped in vain, but now his limbs are stiff and he has no buoyancy.

When he opened his mouth, the cold water rushed in. He could only struggle with the heavy water-absorbing coat on his body, but his body was hurt too badly, and his soul was hurt too badly.

The judge sank deeper and deeper, and a series of bubbles popped out of his mouth.

Suddenly, an arm plunged into the water, and a hand with steel claws grabbed his shoulder.

The next second, he was dragged out of the water.

Marcus was dragged to the bank of a river full of gravel and rubble. He breathed heavily, rolled, and spit out the water in his lungs-the water was so cold that his throat was hot.

He kept vomiting until there was no more liquid in his stomach and his mouth was full of blood and bile.

When he returned to his normal breathing pattern, he even felt the sphincter in the trachea twitch.

Cold air has never tasted so comfortable.

It was a miracle that steam came out of him, and he was still alive.

There are really enough miracles witnessed today.

Marcus looked up and found that he had fallen from a height of more than a hundred meters.

The air was filled with dust, debris rolled into the cave like raindrops from the jagged cracks on the top of the cave, the steel mesh on the collapsed building was like a rough seam, and a hole was torn in the rock, high-strength wires and data The cable sparked and swayed like a climbing plant in the jungle.

The darkness makes it difficult to judge the size of the cave, but it is not big, and the widest place is about 100 meters.

As more debris fell into the lake, the surface of the lake was rising.

His entourage, and his savior, Malthus, the assassin of the Death Cult, was squatting by the lake.

Unbelievably, he was not injured, and the cold water slapped his feet.

The darkness is attached to this assassin, Marcus always feels a little strange, it seems that his legs have many joints.

Suddenly, the assassin turned his pale skull mask and said in a low voice:

"you are still alive."

It seemed that he was surprised.

"you too."

"Ha, I forgot to tell you that I have undergone some special transformations so that I can save my life at critical moments."

"That's great, can you tell me the details?"

The assassin tilted his head to the side, as if the answer was self-explanatory, but did not give Marcus any answer.

Then he looked at the cracked top of the cave.

"It's not easy to get up."

Marcus also stood up, his limbs barely regained mobility,

"The bombing should be over. Someone has to be called to save us."

"Who is it called?"


"Who is going?"

Marcus reluctantly took out the communicator that had fallen into two.

"Go ahead, I guess I don't have the ability."

"Then you have to wait a while."

After speaking, the assassin threw a hook and lock in his hand, hung it on a steel bar above, and then rushed up with strength.

Immediately, only Marcus was left in the dark hole.

He found a rock and sat down, then treated the wound on his body.

Suddenly, his body froze.

The laughter appeared again.

Whispers came from all directions, promising him to wait for his glory when he reached the divine destination.

Marcus realized that his excessive use of psionic energy had already caused certain consequences.

He stood up quickly and drew the sword and pistol from his waist.

Marcus calmed down, but when he turned around, he saw a pale humanoid climbing up the rubble and approaching him.

It is naked and gender cannot be seen.

There is no eyelid, the eyes are staring, and the mouth is open. Its flesh seeps out of its body like molten wax, just like when a candle is burned upside down.

It seems to belong to the same kind of corruption as those mutants, but in a more complete state of evolution, like something roughly carved out of living clay.

When Marcus saw it, it rushed over, and the inquisitor retreated hurriedly.

"Damn it!"

He pulled the trigger, but the bullet hitting the thing was the same as hitting the mud-it was useless.

Then he wanted to gather psionic energy to repel the demon, but when he applied a little force, the back of his head immediately buzzed like a heavy hammer.

The judge staggered and almost fell, and his nose dripped with dark and dirty blood.

The demon stood up.

It was at least four times taller than an ordinary person, with a long and thin body, wrapped in a column of throbbing flesh.

The creature twitched its whip-like limbs and sprinkled a lot of grease on the floor. Numerous eyeballs, lips and **** flowed around on its body, gathering like bubbles, staring down at the helpless judge. .

Soon, a pile of meat on that creature was melted by the magic of the subspace and flowed to the ground, gradually swelling, wriggling into a humanoid shape, and then entwined together like a carnival of men and women.

Marcus hated the blasphemous creature in front of him, but at the same time, he also felt more and more that some parts of him liked the blasphemy, which made him feel choked and sick.

He wanted to swing his sword, but he couldn't move his body. He could only watch himself, slowly being hypnotized by the creature.

The devil's face rotates, forming a whirlpool and a small hole in the center, which seems to open a subspace channel in the real structure.

Through this small hole, Marcus can hear some sounds that make him crazy, which can corrode both the body and the soul, and determine the direction of fate.

The devil extended a welcoming arm to him, and the flesh on his hand hovered into tentacles.

Marcus screamed, watching as he stretched out his hand to greet him uncontrollably.

"The evil spirit must be punished!"

Suddenly, one explosive bomb glided across the creature's scalp, but two other explosive bombs immediately pierced its chest.

Marcus regained control of his body, turned around and distanced himself from the devil, and vaguely saw the man who had saved him emerge from the ruins not far away.

The figure of the silver-gray power armor appeared from the darkness like an angel. It was a huge giant, and every step made the cave tremble.

When the giant walked out of the darkness, Marcus saw a sturdy face decorated with battle scars, and his raised arms released a burst of flickering flames from time to time.

Marcus immediately fell to the ground, and the demon's body began to explode everywhere, and the surrounding ground was covered with steaming The scarred face of the soldier was tense with anger. , The generator on the larynx amplified his voice into a terrible growl.

"The Hole Annihilation Sprite!!!"

Along with his roar, there was the roar of a chain saw halberd.

The devil slapped its limbs feebly, trying to entangle the giant, but was torn relentlessly, and the halberd cut off its head, instantly splitting it in two.

In a piercing howl, the devil flew into ashes, and the ground meat also turned to ashes.

Marcus had been lying behind the stone, and finally raised his head when he realized that there was a shadow covering himself.

The giant also reached out to him in due course.

"Hello, judge."

"Dame, uh—"

Marcus forced a smile on his dirty face, then rolled his eyelids and fainted.

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