The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 327: "Questions and Answers in the Army"

The church of Unbound Soul is an irregular circular fortress, sitting on the back of the battleship, like an open palm pointing to the sky.

The artificial wind blowing over the top of the church was very cold, and what followed the wind was the smell of spices from the chanting hall in the distance.

A icy light of the sky crossed the exposed skin of Soshyang's face. It was a face that was supposed to be very handsome, but war and genetic modification led it in different directions.

The noble face became rough and blunt. A scar stretched from under the tip of the left eyebrow through the cheek to the chin, but the most noticeable thing was the eyes that looked like night.

Now he has taken off the heavy Terminator armor and put on the original Seiko power armor again, wearing a double-sword intertwined overall.

In front of him, the bright light could not completely illuminate the shadow of that person.

Sol looks like a melancholy poet. Next to him is a carved guardrail. The hand of the star warrior is on the guardrail. Behind the guardrail is a book stand with a heavy book on it. books.

No one spoke, but the atmosphere on the scene was a bit strange. The man-made wind whipped the robes on the two of them and slapped them on the armor.

"how are things going."

Saul got up slowly, his eyes appearing extremely deep against the background of his cold facial lines and unpredictable expressions.

Soshyang shook his head and pulled out a smile. Thor knew what that meant-this meant that all the news that Soshyang had received since the Soul Drinker rebellion was bad news.

"It was the Inquisitor Tadius who tried them. According to Marcus, he was a ruthless and cold hunter. He would not easily change his decision unless there is decisive evidence to prove the loyalty of the soul drinkers. , And this rebellion is only a deviant of a few people."

When they learned that the Soul Drinker was beaten as rebellious, Soshyang and Gorgeli were shocked. The other two battlefield judges were also very surprised. After all, the battle commander of this battle group has been under their noses, why? Will there be a rebellion?

Afterwards, Gorge finally told the truth.

It turned out that most of the elite veterans of the battle group followed the think tank curator Sarperdon to regain a holy object. This holy object was once Dorn's weapon. After being discovered by the think tank curator, he decided to take it back.

Regarding this decision, although Gorgerie had doubts in his heart, he could not stop it, because he served too much time and did not establish prestige among many veterans.

In the end, the think tank curator Salperton took away two strike cruisers, three companies of elite veterans, and the holy lord (priest) of the battle group.

When he heard this, Soshyan could imagine how embarrassing Gorgri’s position in the battle group was. This kind of veteran's direct departure from the chain of command of the battle group would never happen in other battle groups. He guessed the soul drinker. There must be something wrong with the internal structure of.

For Gorgri, the primary problem now is to find out the truth of the matter, and then find a way to revoke the court's ruling.

Marcus is willing to help them, but according to the rules of the judges, to overturn a judge's ruling, three or more judges must be present and show definite evidence that the former ruling is wrong.

Wende can contact another judge, but Golgerry must bring out the evidence himself, and the sooner the better.

Because once beaten as rebellious, there will soon be crusaders.

In fact, according to the rules, Soshyang should take Gorgeli down on the spot and hand it over to the trial court.

But Soshyang made another decision.

He decided to be Gorge's guarantor until he cleared the suspicion of the battle group.

But before that, he has to figure out a problem first.

What is the root cause of the chaos of the upper structure of the soul drinker?

And the person who helped him was Thor—he once served in the army, and he understood the problem of this organizational structure better.

"Is there still no news from the soul drinker on the other side?"

"The subspace storm is isolated..."

"Let the communication fail, yes."

Sol turned around and walked to the edge of the book stand. Outside the heavy viewing window of the church, the trajectory of the battleship was wrapped in a stream of smoke.

The veteran of the son of the emperor looked at it, his eyes moving with its trajectory.

"Gorgri is very angry. He thinks that the think tank curator deliberately didn't contact him."

Since clarifying the accuracy of the news of his brothers' rebellion, Soshyan remembers that the anger in the eyes of his friend has never dissipated.

Gorgerie longed to face Sarperdon, he wanted to hear the traitors' confession with his own ears, and personally give them the punishment they deserved.

"I've seen a lot of this anger."

Sol's eyes looked at Soshyan.

"The end result is all fighting in the same room... Just like Horus suddenly became a traitor, turning the world back."

"I will help him solve this problem."

Saul smiled, then picked up the book on the desk.

"Even if everything is dark, even if it is covered by blood and war, hope still exists... This sentence comes from this book, the title is Congjun Q & A, and it is an open classic in the soul drinker."

Soshyang frowned.

"Any questions?"

"There are many problems. I will pick a few key points. First of all, it explains the origin of Astarte. It is said that eighteen primitive bodies shredded their two brothers and made Astarte from their fragments. special."

"What nonsense?"

"That's not enough. The interpretation of freedom here is very extreme. It preaches that the freedom of the individual soul should prevail over duty and loyalty.


"The most interesting thing is that it also mentions imperial truth, but the content is fundamentally distorted."

"Who wrote it."

"It is said that it was the fearlessness of a battle group who passed away. I also inquired about something more interesting."

Soshyang looked at Saul suspiciously. He didn't understand how the other party got along with the soul drinkers in such a short time.

"There is a special group called the'beast group' inside the soul drinkers. They are all veterans who have lost their commanders in previous wars, and the leader of the group is Ikhotinos, the priest of the group. The Lord of Purity."

"Wait, you mean—"

Soshyan immediately grasped the core point.

"There is a group of veterans who have broken away from the chain of command in the soul drinkers? And their immediate superiors are priests?"


Soshyang suddenly realized it a little bit, which is not difficult to understand why Gorgri's control of his team is so poor, even the veterans do not know what they have done.

Because those people are not in his command system at all.

"The reason for this status quo—"

His eyes drifted to the "Questions and Answers in the Army" Yes, it is very likely because of this book. "

"Instructor Thor, how do you know such a secret?"

Saul gave a sly smile.

"Pallas, the pharmacist of the Soul Drinker, is a very thoughtful young man. He..."


"You will know later."

Looking at the other side's mysterious look, Soshyang even wondered if he had encountered the same problem as Gorgeli-if uncontrollable factors also appeared in the astral knight, he does not seem to be very good now. Way.

Thinking of this, Soshyang's mood suddenly became very bad.

Noting the change in his expression, Saul said with a smile:

"Do you know what Gorge's biggest problem is?"

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