The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 37: Blood Tribulation (1)

   "Is the communication not connected yet?"

   General Sola paced back and forth in the main control room, like a beast trapped in a cage.

   Half an hour ago, their contact with the Marines was completely interrupted, and the New Faloth also lost contact. Although it was still sliding towards orbit, its speed slowed down significantly.

   "Did the rioters control the bridge?"

   General Sola immediately rejected his idea. This is absolutely impossible. It is impossible for a poor slave to capture a solid bridge with a water pipe, even if it is only a transport plane.

   Loken is standing next to a machine not far away. He is analyzing the noise signals he has received before, and he thinks he can find out something.

   Finally, in a vague static noise, he separated a faint voice, which seemed to be the last echo of a dying person, just repeating the two words.


   Loken immediately propped up his waist, turned around and said loudly:

   "Sir, I found out—"


   Another voice interrupted his words, and the officer in charge of communications yelled excitedly.

   "Our contact with the Marine Corps was connected, but the signal was disturbed."


   Soon, a low and vague voice came from the loudspeaker, which sounded like the young officer before.


   "What? What happened to you?"

   General Sola asked nervously, but the other party responded to him with only a vague noise and words such as retreat and return continuously.

   "Sir! The Hyena has been detected to have left the target and is returning to orbit!"


   General Sola put his fat chin in his hands, thinking about what accident would have caused the two hundred Marines to come home.


   Loken ran to him quickly, his mechanical appendages were shaking constantly, seeming to be quite nervous.

   "Can't let the Hyena go into orbit!"


   Sora looked at him, blinked, and didn't understand what Loken was talking about.

   "I just separated the real voice of Captain New Faros from the channel! Listen!"

   Ghostly whispers floated from the small loudspeaker on Loken's mechanical appendages, General Sola's face turned pale, and large beads of sweat slipped off his wrinkled head.

"This this……"

   "No matter what is on that ship or what happens, it will never be a good thing! The Hyena has a high probability of being occupied, and it is trying to get into orbit!"

   Loken saw that this stupid bureaucrat was still in shock, and immediately grabbed his shoulder and shook it vigorously.

   "Sir! Sir! Did you hear what I said? Immediately activate the defense and shoot down the Hyena! Shoot it down immediately!"

   As a result, the **** fat man just shakes his lips and can't say a word.

   "I can go to your mother's piston! Sooner or later you will hang up with you guys!"

   Annoyed Loken pushed General Sola away, then walked to the big screen in the main control room and inserted one of his mechanical appendages into the console below.

   The next moment, his voice echoed throughout the track station.

   "Red alert! First level combat readiness! Red alert! First level combat readiness!"

   Suddenly the entire track station rang into a ring, and the soldiers and staff on it ran to their posts in a panic.

   "How far is it from here!"

   Loken looked at the bird divination officer, and after a flustered operation, he said:

   "And... there are ten minutes left!!"


   Loken realized that he had underestimated the speed of the Hyena. The engine of the landing ship should have been modified, but he didn't know it.

   "The laser array will start immediately! First-level warm-up! Lock the hyena number!"

   He has made up his mind that no matter whether his guess is correct or not, he will destroy the Hyena, even if the fool is sitting on it.

  Because the sense of threat is real, the Hyena's speed is too fast, it doesn't look like a returning posture at all, it's more like an attack, a predator looking at helpless prey.

   "The first level of preheating is complete!"

   Soon, the weapon array came first, but as Loken often laughed at himself.

   His luck has always been bad.

   "Sir! Emergency!"


   "The Hyena has a high-level security identification code, we must remove the identification code to be able to target it!"

   Loken felt the world spin, he looked back at the stationmaster who was still in a daze, really wanting to put him in the general cannon and shoot him out.

   How could he give a landing ship a high-level security identification code?


   Loken suddenly thought of what he had heard before about the rumors that some officers at the rail station were involved in smuggling.

   It's really all bad luck that hit him.

   "How long does it take to remove the identification code!"

   "It least ten minutes."

   "There is no ten minutes for you here, five minutes to get it!"

   Says this, but Loken, as a priest of Mechanical Teaching, knows the characteristics of advanced security ID better than anyone, so he immediately contacted the garrison troops in the track.

   "All gather at the landing platform! See any target, fire first! Remember! Fire first!"

Under his order, thousands of soldiers on the defensive track took up their weapons and went straight to the landing platform, but most of them had never seen blood. They came on the track only to support their families. There were very few soldiers in the true sense. .

   As Loken estimated, the Hyena plunged into the defensive orbital landing platform before the safety identification code was lifted.

   The automatic cannon on the external fortification made a rattling noise when tracking the flying object, but it never fired, and then its landing fork spread out from below.

The gate of the landing platform opened to take the Hyena into it, and then closed again, and the air pressure in the platform returned to normal again.

   After the Hyena successfully entered the take-off and landing platform, a large number of soldiers also felt around the platform. They raised their shotguns and laser guns, using various suggested roadblocks as shelters, and stared at the uninvited guest vigilantly.

   The noise of the engine was reduced to an idling beep, and then all the sound disappeared.

   The sudden silence seemed to be forcing everyone, and some soldiers even felt like bugs crawling across their skin.

  The heavy front hatch is facing the entrance and exit of the landing platform. There is also a black cockpit and a cannon that opens up along the upper part of the back.

  The defense forces are waiting.

   Finally, when the front door began to descend, there was a vibration of the magnetic lock release and the voice of the server.

   The burst of pressurized steam blurred their vision, and no matter what was lurking in it, it seemed to be invisible.

   Suddenly, the bodies of some soldiers began to tremble because they saw...

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