The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 410: Pinnacle showdown

I foresee its rule suffocated by corruption,

Poisoned by filth and five hundred lies,

The human empire no longer breathes.

On that night, when the madness turned into reality,

The door of Khadian was torn like a festering wound,

All the cursed legions flooded into their country of origin,

At the end of all things,

Prophet of the Eighth Legion,

Will rise in the forbidden blood and fate--

In the majestic rainstorm, the verses recited in the elegant Nasturm language floated out of the winged skull visor. The dark figure resembled the ghost in the rain, and the lightning engraved in it seemed to be from the dark blue Bursts on the metal.

Hearing this sound, Talos suddenly raised his head.

He looked at that figure, his eyes widening slowly, and he almost thought he had fallen into a new hallucination...

"A company commander...A company commander?"

He will never admit his mistakes, that jealous posture, breathtaking temperament, and the iconic helmet.

In the period when the Primarch became more and more mad, only that person maintained the nearly collapsed Legion with his own power. In a sense, he was the true "Primitive" of the Eighth Legion.

But even in Talos' craziest vision, he had never seen this person.

He lost a long time ago, and the last pride of the Eighth Legion was gone with it.

But now, this person reappeared in front of him, in a place he could never imagine, a time he could never imagine.

"Is that you!"

Talos' voice trembled.

"Our company commander! The crow prince! Yago Savitarion!"

Hearing a click, the dim sky was torn apart by a flash of lightning, illuminating the earth, and revealing the dim figure in front of everyone.

Talos propped his hands on the ground and shouted hoarsely:

"A company commander! You are still alive! You are really alive!!! I always thought that was Markushen's falsehood!"

Saivita didn't even look at him, his attention was always on Jan Zal.

Lord Phoenix finally condensed the relaxed expression at this moment. Only dignity remained on her face. This guy who appeared suddenly carried a sense of murder and crisis she had never seen before.

In her senses, the person in front of her is not so much a human being, as it is closer to a weapon, an extremely savage weapon.

In Jain Zal's long life, there were very few enemies who encountered this feeling, and each time was accompanied by a life-and-death crisis.

"Prince of Crows, funny name... I seem to have some memories."

Lord Phoenix froze for a moment, as if searching for something.

Then her shoulders suddenly stiffened, and then gritted her teeth, her expression changed from solemn to tense.

"It's you!? Why are you here!"

Saivita didn't need to reply, but backhanded out the tarp-wrapped object behind him, and held it firmly in his right hand, pointing to Lord Phoenix.


In Jain Zal's guarded gaze, Savita's arm shook, and the tarpaulin slowly slipped off.

"Soul Spear!"

Soshyang discovered that Saivita turned out to be the Holy Spirit Spear, but he did not remember that he had lent it to the other party.

He glanced at Saul, who just shook his head in response.

Although he felt a little uncomfortable, Soshyang still pressed his emotions, knowing that he had to solve the immediate matter first.

Saivita held the spirit spear motionlessly, and the rain was dancing on the curved blade of the spirit spear, and he just watched the rain flow over the perfectly still spear blade.

Above him, the iron-colored dark clouds rolled over the wet rain curtain that splashed the broken scene, and the fire light in the distance was still bursting in the wreckage, struggling with the pouring rain.

Bystanders, whether they are humans or spirit races, are standing on the gentle slope, and no one wants to interrupt the duel.

In Saivita's mind, he hardly noticed the quiet crowd, and the Phoenix Lord on the opposite side was now the only reality in his consciousness.

He must go all out for this level of goal to be possible to win.

His concentration has risen to an unprecedented level. Every ripple on Jan Zal’s armor, every breath between his teeth, every raindrop on the black spear-Saivita sees and feels All of them.

Suddenly, Lord Phoenix shook his head and pointed the tip of his spear at Talos.

"Why are you saving him?"

Saivita didn't answer, but slowly approached.

Jan Zal had to spin the spear, his arms looming among the rotating weapons, the raindrops shattered as if it had cut a curtain of rain.

"Do you still think about your so-called brothers who have long been depraved?"

The ridicule of the Phoenix Lord danced in words.

"You have been free long ago, Prince Crow, you and we have worked together happily, there is no need to fight each other like this.

Savita was not listening, his concentration had been compressed into a needle, causing the world surrounding him to shrink, shrinking to a point between the flashing blades, and the moment in it.

He even stopped observing Jan Zal, nor did he observe the opponent's spear, his world was only left with the crevice at the tip of the spear.

This is his kingdom, a part of his life, like the air in his lungs and the iron in his blood.

Gradually, his pulse slowed down with the echo, and the flow of time became heavy and slow, like oil spreading across the ice.

He put his other hand on the handle of the spear and felt its weight change in the palm of his hand.

Afterwards, he raised the spirit spear above his head, the muscles of his shoulders were tense, and his breathing followed the frequency of the slowly rising and falling blood in his veins.

Seeing no results in the inquiry, Jan Zal turned her weapon, then suddenly stopped it.

Several dirty streams rushed down the slender face.

"I was like playing against you early too, Sai."

Finally, Saivita said the first word.


Jan Zal held the spear low to his side, Savita motionless, measuring the opponent's static rhythm, waiting for the moment to unfold.

This confrontation will never last too long, because they all have a certain sense of each other's strength.

There is no more temptation, and the shot must be a killer move.

While breathing, a raindrop stopped at the tip of the spear.

Saivita held her breath, her pulse stopped in his blood vessels, and his heart stopped in his chest.

Breathing again, the drop of rain fell.

The black spear danced forward, and Savita shot at the same time.

However, his opponent dodges at an incredible speed The spear in his hand turns into a phantom to wrap his body.

The crow prince wielded the soul spear again and again, and the holy thing broke through the rain curtain like a bullet.

He was waving high and low, but Lord Phoenix laughed and avoided every blow, jumping in the air.

The next moment, the tip of the black spear was inserted diagonally.

Saivita suddenly freezes, and Jan Zal's eyes widen in surprise when the shot is down.

Then the crow prince suddenly avoided, the curved spear blade flashed over his head, and then the spirit spear flashed out.

The phoenix lord retreated like a spirit snake, and her spear was also raised vigorously.


For the first time, the two weapons collided in the sound of gold and iron, and sparks burst out in the rain.

It was also at this moment, in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, there was a sudden change!

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