The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 422: Blade competition

"This will be an exchange of friendship."

Soshyan looked at the two fighters on the ring and said, standing on it were three company commander Falzad and one company commander Mark.

There are more than a hundred soldiers standing around the platform.

Although the Star Knights and Soul Drinkers have merged for some days, Soshyan realized that it is not easy for the fighters of the two systems to merge without stopping, so he formulated a rule to hold regular ring battles so that the fighters can become more familiar with each other. .

In fact, this tradition also existed in the past astral knights. If you go back up, it has started from the age of the legion. At that time, there was a sword competition within the Fist of the Empire, and the warriors compared and sharpened each other in the competition. Skills, after the second army formation, this competition has become an opportunity for the Imperial Fist Group to connect with each other.

Soshyan borrowed from this competition, and today's first set of opponents are Falzad and Mark.

"A company commander, Mark."

Mark walked to Falzad and drew his sword.

This is a two-handed sword, elegant yet powerful, with a long, striped grip extending downwards from the blade.

Falzad stared at the weapon, measuring its weight.

After catching the opponent studying this weapon, Mark smiled and played a sword.

"This is an antique, and the long handle allows me to change my grip."

He demonstrated, switching to both hands and one hand effortlessly.

Falzad nodded and drew his weapon, two broad-bladed battle axes, the same silver-gray as his armor, and hit each other with the two battle axes.

"The third company commander, Farzad."

Mark leaned slightly with a sense of ritual, and then began to circle around Falzad in a defensive posture, while continuously pulling his sword, looking at Falzad's upper body and legs.

Falzad adjusted his breathing and began to move along his own path.

He was surprised to find that the opponent had never taken a wrong step, had never stepped into the distance of his attack range, and had never let the swords loosen between each other for a while. It was always a gesture of detachment, attracting him to swing forward. Out of the battle axe.

The opponent is an veteran swordsman, Thor taught him how to deal with this kind of swordsman.

Falzad stopped, defended with one hand and turned his tomahawk with the other, holding on to it.

He fell into unprecedented patience.

Sol told him exactly that, when faced with the provocation of a swordsman, you must not attack by force, you must first exhaust the opponent's patience.

Ten more heartbeats passed.

Even the besieging soldiers began to tire of this confrontation, and their earlier cheers were replaced by a cold, boring silence.

After feeling Farzad's patience, Mark's eyes narrowed.

"I wanted you to attack first to give you a chance to fight, but..."

He stopped, a confident smile slowly appeared on his face,

"Then I'm not welcome."

Before the words fell silent, Mark's sword attacked first.

In Ustad's eyes, the sword was nothing but a flash of movement, and Mark's figure was only slightly clearer than the ghost without a trace.

But the attack is real.


The mouth roared loudly, but Ustad's hasty action would only open the opponent's stab, defending his exposed face from the point of Mark's sword.

Then Mark changed his offensive and hit Ustad's armor several times.

The soldiers exploded with a shout of approval in each new conflict, and stepped on the ground with their boots to form a rhythmic stomping.

Ustad calmly challenged, abandoning passive defense, and attacking with double axes, forcing Mark to retreat from the circle.

"I'm glad to find that you still have two lives. I heard that you haven't served for a long time. It's rare to be able to develop such a skill in this time."

"Your praise makes me very happy."

Ustad abandoned his distraction and focused on his breathing, carefully keeping his shortness of breath short, as if he needed this time to rest and adjust.

Noting this detail, Mark took the bait.

He stepped up to assault Falzad’s front legs, but his attack was too obvious. Falzad ignored this false move, deflected the opponent's sword blade that pierced the face, and then attacked back with his hands tight. Hold the battle axe and slash towards the opponent's abdomen.

At this time, there was no room for Mark to parry. The veteran twisted his feet calmly, turned to deal with the blow, tried to block Falzad's impulse with his shoulders, and was ready to meet the impact.

Farhard's ax blade trembles constantly when it comes into contact with the opponent's shoulder armor, and then it cuts down the shoulder armor.

Obviously, this blow did not achieve the desired effect. Falzad twisted the axe's blade and switched his grip to swing it to the side.

But immediately rushed to nothing.

He is not fast enough, Mark has rushed out of the attack range.

"A great trick."

Mark said so, but his eyes narrowed tighter.

"There is even better!"

The battle has aroused Falzad's blood, and he rushed forward, raising his battle axe high above his head.

Mark blocked his slash, deflected to attack again in the reverse direction, and backed a few steps when Falzad launched a kick, flashing out of the attack range.

Falzad continued to approach, swinging a flat sweep parallel to the ground, followed by another flip of the axe blade.

This sudden outburst caught Mark by surprise. Although he was defensive well, it allowed Falzad to cut into his inner circle.

Falzad from the savage world is taller and stronger than him. This is his opportunity.

Falzad threw a battle axe, and at the moment when the opponent blocked, he grasped Mark's sword hilt with both hands, pulled the veteran toward him, and fired a head hammer.

But Mark lowered his head"

When Farzad's forehead hit Mark's thick skull, he frowned in pain.

The reckless behavior cost Falzad, Mark also dropped his sword, held his wrist, turned his body, and threw him through the ring.

"It's not over yet!"

When Falzad turned and stood up straight again, fighting spirit burned in his eyes.

"Did you forget something? Second company commander."

At this moment, Mark grinned and pointed his sword at Falzad's hand armor.

He looked at the empty hands below, and immediately cursed the **** impulse-he just threw the weapon out.

This made Falzad himself forget the warrior's teachings taught by Risol, calm, restrained and thinking. Obviously maintaining these in battle is more difficult than he thought, and the lessons are very profound.

"This competition is over."

Soshyang smiled and stepped forward.

"Company Captain Mark deserves to be a warrior who has experienced many battles. Your calmness and heaviness will be our most precious wealth."

Mark put away his sword and bowed respectfully to Soshyang, and the soldiers applauded him.

"Commander Falzad, your tactics and skills have improved a lot, but you still need to sharpen your will. I hope to see you who are braver and calmer in the future."

Falzad bowed to Soshyang with a little shame, and the soldiers applauded him.

"Okay, next is—"

Just as Soshyang was about to announce the next set of opponents, Armin hurried over.

"Team commander, a guest is here."

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