The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 429: Scratch your tongue

Two hours later, the Red Pirate's investigation team arrived at the foot of the old city wall.

The surface of the retaining wall looks like it is decorated with ancient masonry and cement components, making it look more artistic than ordinary city walls.

These decorations make the city walls look beautiful, but they are easily damaged.

Monitoring skulls are set up at every corner and center of the city wall, and each skull closely scans the roads and sidewalks of vehicles entering and exiting.

As it was late at night, the road was empty at this time. The four city gates were guarded by sentry mecha teams. At least a dozen two-person patrol teams were walking back and forth along the road along the city wall—these patrols The team patrolled in a pattern of turning every thirty seconds.

It has become difficult to sneak into the city without being noticed, but it is not completely impossible.

Faith Freddy gave instructions to the hunting team with gestures, and everyone clearly understood their mission.

Soon, the team began to act.

They kept their movements in sync with the patrol team and monitoring the skull, and climbed up the city wall through the streets at the right time, using the gaps in the city wall and the decorative components as a foothold.

The red pirates successfully climbed over the city wall and quickly entered the old city.

Faith Freddy was the last one to act. He waited until he confirmed that every team member had safely climbed over the city wall before catching up.

As his team did, Faith Freddy quickly rushed out of the cover to the old city wall and climbed up easily.

After catching the top of the city wall, he swung his legs to one side, then jumped up and crouched on the patrol road on the city wall.

From here, he could see the inside of the old city for the first time.

The high tower of the upper nest capital stands in the center of the old city. Adjacent is a church. This is a beautiful building made of glass, ceramic and steel. The painted glass windows depict various aspects of the city's history.

Compared to the lower nests, they are messy and messy. There are small gardens with lush vegetation everywhere, and trees for viewing are dotted around the streets.

The rows of buildings surrounding the towers of Chaodu, each of which is responsible for part of the daily operation of the city.

The Taurus Hotel was on the 43rd block, and Faith Freddy quickly drew a rough map in his mind, and then jumped off the other side of the city wall to chase his team.

As soon as he landed on the ground, he ducked into the shadows, and then whispered:

"How does it look, Bonnie?"

Bonnie is focusing on the fortune-teller scout, studying the map and the news about the old city.

"The interference here is not strong, but the signal is still very weak. According to the map, we should move in this direction."

Under the cover of the shadows, the red pirates set off towards their goal slowly and precisely.

The No. 43 block is next to the city square. This level grassland used for ceremonies is more than 150 meters long and almost 75 meters wide. Roads are paved along the sides of the plot.

On the outer edge of the square, there is a small piece of woods and bushes with artificial streams flowing in between. There are also some benches and tables in the woodland, where guests can get away from the hustle and bustle of the nest city and enjoy a moment of leisure.

The team is lurking in this quiet forest at this moment.

Due to interference, the fortune-teller detector is no longer functional.

It is also from here that they will no longer use detectors in their operations.

Confirming that the optical scanning did not find anything nearby, Jeremiah motioned for the team to use leaf clusters as cover and began to pass through the square.

Bonnie took the lead, Faith Freddy pressed, and they moved quickly, occasionally stopping to scan the front to make sure there was no visible threat.

Soon, they came to the center of the square.

"Bonnie, do you see anything in the garden?"

"Full spectrum scan."

Bonnie whispered instructions, and the optics in his helmet began to switch between spectra.

To his surprise, the signal from the vision sensor could not penetrate the glass windows of nearby buildings.

"Something is blocking my optical scanning, sir."

Bonnie's voice came through the communicator.

"I can't detect what's inside."

"Very well, keep going. Block 43 is over there. We should look for the target there."

The space warriors ran away from each other, as if they were moving from one shadow to another.

Bonnie led the way and Faith Freddy was in charge of the guard position. They encountered no obstacles along the way.

Passing through the open space between the square and the complex of buildings, one by one they came to the other side of the site, which was less than 50 meters away from Block 43.

Faith Freddy was the last one to take action again.

Using the leaf clusters as a cover, he observed the area behind the lower team for the last time to make sure that they were not being followed.

After sure, he slowly left the hidden place, crossed the open ground, and ran towards the corner.

As he was running, Faith Freddy's eyes suddenly caught something.

He immediately turned to look around and noticed that several figures were moving along the adjacent mezzanine floor.

Judging by their size and size, he concluded that these figures could not be ordinary human beings.

Then there is only one explanation, they are also star warriors!

Faith Freddy's heart suddenly became extremely cold, and he had realized that they had fallen into a trap-I am afraid that the guy who provided the information had already been bought.

So he ran away and screamed in the communicator.

"Retreat! Organize a retreat route immediately!"

And on the other side--

"Don't be stunned! The command of the commander of the battle group is to catch alive."

Ustad led the team carefully through the square and kept jumping over the leaf clusters that had been used as cover by the invaders a few minutes ago.

Suddenly, he stopped, and then the leaf clusters behind him suddenly began to shake violently, and the deputy commander Mosenli slammed out of one of them.

"Company commander, what are you waiting for standing here? Let us catch up!"

Mosenli looked very anxious, but Ustad just shook his head, and then moved to the corner where the red pirates had just He slowly inspected the corner, but found nothing. So it indicates that everything is normal.

As he and Moore walked towards the patrol road, suddenly there was a burst of bombs from the wall like raindrops.

Ustad was shot in the arm and turned him around.

"Found it!"

After seeing where the bullet came from, Morsenli immediately fired back, giving Ustad enough time to jump back to the corner.

The originally silent square was filled with the roar of explosive bombs, and the second company commander got up from the ground in embarrassment.

"are you OK."

Mosenli asked while shooting.

"I was just unprepared just now, I won't let this mistake happen again."

The rest of the team were still shooting at enemies they couldn't see. Ustad and Mosenli took the opportunity to rush out from the corner and ran across a small garden towards a huge statue of the emperor.

The enemy did not respond abnormally.

Even so, Ustad did not waste any time. He bypassed the base of the statue and rushed to a corner of the street. After arriving, he pressed his back against the wall of the Ministry of Interior building and quickly glanced out. At a glance-I happened to see the attacker just now.

Ustad and the red pirate met their gazes, and the two fighters had received far more information from the eye contact at this moment than a few hours of conversation.

The third company commander knew that his enemies had no intention of fighting, and he was definitely trying to escape. He had to stop them by other means.

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