The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 437: Black ship

At the edge of the Maelstrom, a mysterious warship is mooring in the orbit of the Shrine World Saint Šboles.

This warship is dark and gleaming mysteriously, and if you want to find out the model or number of this warship in the establishment of the Imperial Navy, you will find nothing.

Because this warship is not in the records of any official empire, it only obeys one goal, and it only acts for one goal.

It is called the Holy Words, and it is a "black ship" belonging to the Black Ship Alliance of the Xingyu Hall.

The black ship is a technologically advanced ship covered with an anti-psionic shield. The armor is made of a psionic-resistant ebony metal. Most of the time, it is supervised by a senior nun of the state religion. She also Known as the hostess.

And the black ship exists for only one purpose-to find psionics.

But the purpose of the black ships of different affiliations is different.

The black ship belonging to the psionic school is usually for selecting suitable psionicists for training.

When a black ship approaches a planet, its administrator is instructed to prepare the customary tithe-the psionicist.

Once the "tax" is collected, the captain of the black ship will make a preliminary assessment of their "cargo" and then move on to the next world.

When the ship is full of psionicists, they will return to Tyra, and then these psionicists will be sent to the psionic school for another selection, and those who are not selected will be sent to the Star Language Hall .

The target of the black ship in the Star Language Hall is even simpler.

All the psionics found by the black ship of the Star Whisper Hall will be locked in the cabin behind the psionic shield, and then transported to Terra to feed the emperor together with those eliminated by the psionic academy. Huge psionic demand.

After that, the black ship will set sail again and enter their eternal journey of searching.

Most of the illegal psionics who were found by the Star Language Hall had threatened. These people were also called wizards or witches. Therefore, the Sisters of the State Church would often cooperate with the Black Ship to conduct witch hunting activities.

The black ships belonging to the Star Language Hall and the Academy of Psionics are completely independent of the Imperial Navy. Only the highest-ranking personnel of the two organizations know the true size of the fleet and its huge scope of operation.

The target of the Holy Words this time is an illegal Alpha-level psionicist named Jiroubia Knox, or a witch.

For this witch hunt, the Star Whisper Hall summoned the Ebony Grail Order of the Battle Sisters.

The Battle Sisters can be traced back to the age of apostasy in the 36th millennium.

Van Dil, the high lord who ruled the empire with **** pressure, found a group of fighters composed of women in the world of Sanlor. They called themselves "the emperor's daughters", and he later renamed them "the emperor's brides." , And appointed them as their personal guards.

However, with Van Dil's downfall and the intervention of the Forbidden Army, the "Emperor's Bride" was changed back to the "Emperor's Daughter" and personally eliminated the high lords who deceived them.

When Sebastian Sol was promoted to the Pope, he began to reform the Holy See permanently.

He convened high-level church officials on the planet Ophelia VII to hold a religious conference, split the state religion, so as to avoid the situation of a single person in charge of the Holy See, and then give Van Dil and his like a chance to take advantage.

After huge changes were gradually implemented and the Holy See resumed its original role, the most significant event was Sebastian Sol’s promulgation of the Domination Doctrine in the 288th year of the 36th millennium-this historic event was permanently banned. The Holy See has "armed men" (which can also be interpreted as armed men, just a game of words).

But Sebastian Sol still left a gap. He reorganized the emperor's daughter into a standing army and renamed it the Battle Sisters.

After that, Sebastian Sol further reformed the Sisterhood, dividing it into two, one is the monastery on the earth, and the other is the monastery in Ophelia VII.

After a period of expansion, Sebastian Sol’s successor, Pope Alexis XXII, issued a decree dividing the two congregations of nuns into two again.

Terra's Priory is divided into the Ebony Holy Grail Sisters with Dominica as its first leader and the Silver Shroud Sisters led by Sylvana.

The Holy Seminary of Ophelia VII is divided into the Sisters of the Heart of Fire led by Catherine and the Sisters of the Heart of Courage led by Lucia.

Until the second half of the 36th millennium, the fighting nun had become a proxy for the power of the imperial state religion in the world.

They strongly promote the doctrine, are committed to the heretical punishment war across the galaxy, and always provide support to the heresy court as a subordinate armed force.

In the long period of time that followed, the various congregations continued to establish new branches, forming various subsidiary convents in the main world of the empire.

As the oldest nuns of the Ebony Grail, they have been cooperating with the Star Whispering Hall and the Tribunal for a long time and are committed to various heretical punishment activities. They are also solely responsible for this witch hunt.

Although the Alpha-class psionicist was so powerful, they were still defeated by the resolute and fanatical fighting will of the nuns.

The commanding nun of the mission was Adriana Viletz, who joined the congregation at the age of 16. She has been fighting for the emperor for 10 years, winning her colleagues with her fearless courage and calm command. His support has already been among the command level at such a young age.

Some people even believe that she has the hope of being promoted to a major nun in the religious order in a few years.

After capturing the target on the planet's ground, Velec's report to Captain Teyak was brief.

After catching the prisoner, she and her sisters immediately escorted each other to the Black Ship Saint Order.

The Holy Word is like a majestic cathedral, this huge cruiser once left a deep impression on the fighting nuns.

It has been on a three-year cruise in the core area of ​​the Milky Way. Willets has served on this ship for two of the three years. The black ship is carrying thousands of unhappy Star Whispering Hall technicians and them. The psionics caught-as a tithe dedicated to the emperor.

This is a sacred duty, and Willets is proud to work for the emperor.

As soon as he boarded the ship, the psionicist was taken away by the Stormtrooper.

Storm soldiers are regularly tested to ensure their purity and loyalty ~ ~ They are responsible for protecting the safety of the entire ship.

Then the medical nuns restrained the psionicist with powerful tranquilizers and placed the psionicist in a special container in the ship's dungeon.

After acquiring the target, the black ship got out of orbit and began to prepare to go to the next target.

And Willets escorted the prisoners and escorts through the decks.

Although the upper deck can be seen as a lively miniature nest, crowded with devout technicians, the lower dungeon is simply a living hell.

There, the psionicists and technicians of the Star Whispering Hall made the prisoners lose their abilities in a way that Viletz could not understand at all.

In addition to the completely enclosed space, psionicists are constantly tortured by noise and dazzling electric lights. If they can't get sleep, they naturally don't have a clear mind to summon those evil forces.

Coupled with the large amount of tranquilizers in the diet, the psionicist immediately behaved very docile.

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