The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 455: Like a broken bamboo

"go ahead!"

Soshyang threw his fist through a heavy sealed door, throwing himself into the hustle and bustle of the battle.

At the end of the passage, the outer hall of a small temple was displayed in front of his eyes. The polished skulls and walls made of bones formed a vault above them, and profane texts were all over the skulls, on which were sentences praising the dark gods.

In the past, this was a place to pay homage to the sacred emperor, but now it has become a place of blasphemy.

This made all the soldiers angry, especially the nuns.

And the nearly a hundred red pirates stationed in the temple immediately became the target of everyone's anger.

When Soshyang rushed forward, the opponent's blaster opened fire to welcome him.

The sound of shrapnel bounced from his Terminator armor, but he did not hesitate and turned into a phantom, a swift shadow consisting of a sharp edge and a hard blade.

The first red pirate was already in front of him, the explosive bomb rang, and his blasphemy blood-red armor gleamed with the backfire reflected.

Soshyang stared at the opponent for a second, and noticed that there were many unspeakable floating images etched on the surface of the red ceramic steel, and then he beheaded with a sword.

When the headless body fell heavily backwards, more red pirates appeared behind the bunker, at least ten.

Another guy rushed in front of Soshyan, and Soshyan also took steps.

The barrel of the opponent's blaster gun looked back at Soshyang's eyes like a wide-open eye, and his twin hearts, which were beating steadily, bulged and expanded when he landed on the last step.

The red pirate's finger squeezed the trigger.

Soshyang swung his sword down again.

The blood turned into black and slippery in the explosion of the explosive bomb, and began to spill in the opposite direction.

Although his head flew with a sword, the fingers of the dead red pirate holding the gun tightened, causing a roar of flame to burst from the muzzle, and Soshyang could feel the ferocious breath bullet jumping over his helmet.

Before the corpse started to fall, he was already moving.

He chopped and chopped, killed and killed, constantly moving forward.

At this moment, his world was beating faster with the fragments of sensation. A section of the torso was split from the collarbone to the abdomen, and one hand was cut in two. The roar of the explosive bomb and the fire corresponded to the screams of the dying.

He heard and felt them all, but he was not there.

He turned into a single focused line, cutting forward, waves of ideas in his mind stirred like a river.

Soshyan knew that his brothers were following him, forming a triangle with him as the tip.

They moved forward courageously, constantly firing to knock out the guards, and constantly hacking down the red armored figures. The roar in the communication indicated that other parts of the strike force were gradually invading this small temple.

Although the resistance I have encountered so far is not weak, but it is not strong—there are many enemies, but the tactics are poor and they lack heavy firepower.

Soshyang understood all of this without even thinking about it, and he didn't have to stop to disrupt the rhythm of his sword swing.

Suddenly, a red pirate rushed towards him, moving faster than the others. On his face without a trace of hair, there were various symbols connected by a net, holding a broad sword with a broken edge and slashing towards Soshyang’s neck. .

This blow was strong and powerful. It was a product of training and experience. It was obvious that he wanted to be a one-shot, a clean one.

And Soshyang didn't even hesitate.

He deflected the blow, turning around to chop off his own sword.

Only then did Soshyang see that grenade, the very small one, tied to the bone handle of the long sword.

Only then did he notice that the opponent's eyes were wide open on his tattooed face, and he was showing a triumphant grin.

Soshyang tried to twist to the side and yanked the sword downwards to block the stab attack, but this couldn't stop the opponent from pulling the grenade's tab.

At this time, a chainsaw sword smashed into the red pirate's head from the right side, and the blow exploded with thunderous red flesh and blood mixed with broken armor pieces.

Talos then pushed the body away from his path.

"You almost fell on this, Captain Soshyang."

The front of Talos' armor was a mess of metal scars and blood stains. Although he was wearing the power armor of the Astral Knight, he still couldn't change the habit of using human bones as a mask.

They stood side by side, like butchers and knights covered in scars.

Although reluctant, Soshyang had to admit that the other party saved him.

"Thank you."

"Hmm, if it weren't for Savita let me look at you."

Talos was as contemptuous as ever.

Saivita separated from everyone after entering the flight deck. Before leaving, he told Talos to protect Soshyan.

The prophet who had already boarded the thief ship had to answer the countermeasures.

More astral knights joined them to form a battle line, jumped to help shields to guard, and continued to fire with explosive bombs.

At this time, a meteor mace struck, smashing Talos back by two steps.

A red pirate wearing an iron rider terminator was standing in front of them. Its armor was stained with blood, and its feet were inserted into the corpse as if it were growing out of it.

Soshyang waited for the moment of the heartbeat, and waited until he could feel the other party starting to pull out the hammer.

"right now!"

Talos immediately swung the chain saw forward and slammed the opponent's shoulder. The red pirate terminator lost its center of gravity for a moment, and soon recovered to swing it down.

But Soshyan's sword had been inserted into the crack in his abdomen armor, and he felt the vibration of the sword passing through the armor, flesh and bones as it was inserted.

Then Talos' sword took the opponent's first level with one blow.

"Your understanding of war is still too naive."

Soshyang heard the sneer in the other's words, but he seemed to be used to it.

"I'm learning."

They rushed through the pile of corpses, and the red pirates in front were retreating, moving while firing.

Behind them, bones and bronze decorated door leaves were closing the wide open mouth-like passage.

"Take down the door!"

Soshyan roared loudly, and his brothers had already stepped forward to respond as soon as the order left his lips.

The five astral knights, their shields tightly formed into a shield wall, charged forward.

Numerous explosive bombs hit them, two of them retreated, but the rest did not hesitate.

The door was almost closed when they opened fire, and only the flashing eyes and backfire flashes of the red pirates in the distance could be seen.

In the next second, the hot melt gun roared and sprayed out several thin lines, scorching the open air and shooting towards the closed door leaf.

The plastic steel and bronze peeled off as if the fat in the flames, the gravity gun fired in the next second, and the door leaf turned into a bright white metal and exploded like a waterfall from the frame.

Soshyan started running again, Talos and Thor were beside him, and the temperature alarm of the Terminator armor began to sound non-stop as the heat was still splashing around.

Then they passed through and entered the passage behind The melted debris behind them was still splashing around.

The rhythm of killing flows through Soshyang again, but it feels different again, as if a moving illustration in front of him is outlined by a swift phantom and sprayed blood.

Soshyan stopped.

The passage turned into a wide darkness in front of him, now silent and empty.

When the air was drawn through the opening of the broken outer wall, a false wind surrounded him.

In a moment of silence, Soshyang felt as if he had heard a distant voice whispering outside of his hearing.

He looked down at his sword, blood congealing between his fingers.

"what happened?"

Adriana Willets said as she walked through the open tunnel.

He turned his head to look at her, the nun was walking towards him, the barrel of the pistol still emitting residual heat, volatilizing hot mist.

The other nuns followed her closely.

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