The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 463: The tyrant is back!

While the battle inside the Star Castle was in full swing, the battle outside the Star Castle gradually became fierce.

After the first wave of severe blows, the Red Pirate Fleet finally started to take action. The remaining cruisers got out of orbit and merged with other small warships to form a defensive fleet to fight the misery alliance fleet that was besieging Starcastle.

Their purpose is not to defeat this powerful fleet alone, but to delay the fleet's attack.

They didn't do a bad job at this point, Malakin had to allocate half of his power to expel them.

It was also at this time that the violent disturbances in the depths of the subspace were captured by the tonithology of each battle, which undoubtedly only represented a possibility——

The ruler of New Badab, the tyrant Huron is back!

The first thing that jumped out of space was a behemoth, and it was also Huron's flagship "Phantom of Destruction".

The Ghost of Destruction, like most chaotic warships, looks like

A huge mass of looted guns, covered with swollen armor plates and cannons of various calibers and sizes, and a large number of imprints of worshipping the gods of chaos.

Since its service, it has been known for being nearly indestructible.

In all the battles Huron fought, it always came out of the battlefield intact-even if it was scarred and devastated.

And now, in addition to itself, there is also a fleet that it leads, full of anger and hatred.

"A little faster than expected."

Malakin, who was on the Mother of Tears, had already anticipated the threat, so he did not dare to be surprised and would not panic.

"Emergency take off all interceptors, every squadron, I hope they will be completed in the next five minutes."

The departments around him are like the epitome of the chaos of other departments on the deck. The communication well keeps issuing warnings and providing new directions for the nearby ships. The engineering department reports that the energy of the main drive has already charged the light spear array. Locking the target and determining the range, the soul of the thinker is also agitated.

The overseers flogged thousands of prisoners to fill the cannon on the side wall of the Mother of Tears with ammunition.

In this chaos, Malakin stood alone on the edge of the command platform, motionless and vigilant like a gargoyle.

He showed no signs of discomfort except that the brass railing on the side of the platform was deformed by him. He had thought that he would face Huron, his former friend, in many ways, but he had never thought it would be this. In this form, command a fleet and oppose each other.

His eyes scanned the monitoring station and the readings of the predictive array calmly, paying attention to the changes in each target.

"Team commander."

The second company commander of the weeping man came up from the spiral staircase on the command platform and put on an ingenious salute.

"Bloodwing and Baal's Light squadrons have already set off. Only Golden Spear squadron has not cleared the flight deck. It seems that there is something wrong with the fuel line. The flight commander assured me that before the enemy fleet is in place, all squadrons will set off."

Malakin nodded immediately.

Speaking of, these Lightning fighter formations still requested the transfer to the Mother of Tears because the ancient battle barge of the Mother of Tears was very special. It was a rare aircraft carrier type in the Imperial battleship sequence during the Great Expedition. Although it has undergone many modifications, its large flight deck and advanced flight control system have been retained.

Soshyan believes that these fighter formations can be more advantageous when placed on the Mother of Tears.

Malakin is also very grateful for Soshyan's trust.

"Send my compliments to the flight commander,"

After Malakin finished speaking, he turned his attention to the next person, his fourth company commander.

"The commander of the battle group, the Unbound Soul sent a message. She is accepting our recommended course and maintaining the same posture of the gun platoon. She is still waiting for news from other ships in the fleet."

"Contact the commander of the Soshyan war again."

As Malakin spoke, his eyes turned to the thick pile of fleet signs on the monitoring platform.

"And tell him, please try to be as fast as possible."

After everyone left, Malakin stood motionless on the edge of the command platform, straightened his back, his hands behind, and looked down at the bridge.

The crew, crew and officers of the other bridges also quietly concentrated on their work.

On the tactical screen, Huron's fleet has gradually separated from the subspace and is launching a suppression formation.

The contact signal on the wall flashed through the monitoring station urgently. Rowald had calculated the possibility and reached a clear conclusion.

He is very clear about his own fighting ability, he also understands the opponent's fighting ability, and knows better how Huron is a naval battle expert-in terms of tactics, he is far from Huron's opponent.

Although the Unbound Soul has powerful firepower, it is far from enough to offset the opponent's offensive.

Not to mention that there are heavy artillery battleships such as the Battlecruiser Hawkhook in the Red Pirate fleet.

But he must delay the opponent, this is the trust Soshyan gave him, and it is also the trust given to him by other fighters.

He never hoped that the scene on the Lady of the Storm would be staged again.

On the tactical screen, the battleships on the right, marked with green symbols, began to line up according to the instructions. All the battleships responded to Malakin's request and tried to maintain the blockade.

"Report to the captain!"

The master of guns called from the artillery stand.

"The side artillery rows 2 to 8 have been fully prepared and filled. The enemy fleet's vanguard has entered range and requested to fire."

Malakin took a deep breath and looked around the bridge for the last time. It is an honor to be able to command such a battle.

How much he wants to stay at this moment.

For a moment, a faint smile appeared on his gloomy and pale face.

"Send priority information to allow firing."

A few seconds later, the first salvo hit the Ghost of Destruction hard.

The shield was trembling due to the shelling, and the bow of the ship was shining with green light. The nearby small ships with weaker shields were hitting and sinking one after another.

On the ghost-destroying bridge, Huron turned to his technical priest, and pointed to the granular, flashing holographic display.

"Notify every ship."

He snorted.

"Keep your course, go full speed toward the goal I set, and it doesn't matter if you hit it."

"Understand, execute."

The technical heretics turned to the main communication array and used a rusty microphone to output a series of commands. The heavy metal bulkheads of the entire warship began to tremble and groan, and the engines began to run at speed.

In the Red Pirate's fleet channel, sirens roared, and thousands of beasts roared, rolling forward with the Destruction Spectre.

At the same time, the roar of artillery has reached a new wave.

The cannon train of the Mother of Tears flickered.

The salvo of the three luminous spears overloaded the bow shield of the Enforcer-class cruiser Nightmare Dawn in an astonishing light.

A few seconds later, flames bloomed on the jagged hull of the ship, and a macro cannon shell hit the bow of the thick armor plate frontally.

More imperial warships opened fire on the artillery line, causing a lot of damage.

In the end, a volley of light spears from Unbound Soul directly penetrated the curved bow deck and detonated the The explosion penetrated the surrounding walls, exposing part of the ship to the void, the mother of tears The artillery command center of the number immediately locked the target as the exposed weakness, and continued to fire to expand it.

While the barrage continued, the Red Pirate's fleet had also approached and counterattacked. Their concentrated barrage destroyed the Star Knight’s strike cruiser "Alien Killer" and shredded two frigates.

The surrounding space quickly became stagnant with the slowly rotating wreckage, and huge fragments of the ship were blown away by the relentless blow of artillery fire.

But the wreckage is not the only thing floating around the ship like clouds.

From hangars and silo hatches, fighter jets of various shapes formed ragged formations on the periphery of the Red Pirate fleet.

The Mother of Tears responded quickly, and the Lightning fighter took off from the flight deck and exchanged fire with the Chaos fighter rushing to the mothership.

The void between the two was quickly torn apart by the flashing lasers and missiles during the exchange of fire between hundreds of fighters.

Malakin watched all this in silence.

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