The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 467: Hei Jiawei appeared!

   The hot emotions filled Magna Titus's heart, driving the blood to rush in the veins.

   He has only one thought left.

   Revenge at all costs, revenge must be done anyway!

   There is no revelation of the truth suddenly ignited in his mind, and there is no flash of clear consciousness from the spiritual platform to dispel the **** fury.

   Even in the bloodiest and fierce battle, the fighters will still protect themselves, even those warriors called berserkers-they will still be driven by instinct, using the fighter's excellent muscle memory to protect themselves.

   On this day, when facing the enemy, Magna Titus gave up all attempts to survive.

   The will for revenge rushed in his mind, washing away rational thinking.

   And this is what Adnus expected.

   The blades of the two match once again, and the friction of the sharp edge brings out a spark, splashing on the two fighters.

   The blood vessels of the fallen mantis warrior also agitated adrenaline rushing, which was injected by the armor to respond to his thirst for battle.

The sword blades they collided with each other brought a storm of thunder to this simple and dark hall. Lightning crawled across the cracked marble wall, illuminating the stained glass panes, and bathing in the cold faces of statues praising the dark gods. Under the colder electric light.

   These grotesque stone sculptures stared forward, but they were a little calmer than the two groups of warriors who watched the duel.

Adnus’s swordsmanship perfectly integrates all his actions. Almost all duelists will block and parry to ensure their survival when they have sufficient skill level. If they lack this skill, or simply Relying on brute force to win, then duelists will switch to using a longer two-handed sword, trying to use its weight and power to break through the opponent's defense.

   Adenus is not one of the two.

   He has never blocked an attack alone, but combined every defensive action with an offensive action.

   In a sense, his defense against Magna Titus’ attack is actually a collateral aftereffect of his own offensive actions.

   And Magna Titus is always attacking, attacking, attacking again, blocking every attack while attacking.

   Although Adnus does not seem to be active, every step implies murder.

   Ranger warrior captain's fatigue is getting worse with the passage of time. He locks his teeth tightly, and the air of breath passes through the gap between the teeth with difficulty, and his movements appear to be more conservative.

   The sparks that splashed when the power sword force field collided lit his face, and his solemn face was showing the look of doing his best.

Whether it’s a one-on-one single match or a battle between two armies, there will be a moment when the balance of power on both sides is ruthlessly subverted in countless battles, when the battle line is broken, when the shield of the battleship fails or the engine stops, the fighter begins A moment of careless mistakes or exhaustion--

   Magna Titus also encountered this moment.

   He took a step back, only one step, but it was his first step back in this battle.

   Adnus's face illuminated by thunder light showed a cruel look, and a mocking and confident smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, so—


   The blood forest took the opportunity to stab forward, and Magna Titus let out a muffled snort.

   The opponent's long sword penetrated his body, the sword grid had touched his broken breastplate, and then his whole body curled up and down in pain.

   "You failed again, sadly."

   Adnus sneered, and suddenly pulled out the long sword, destroying at least one of the three lung lobes along the way.

   The blood hissed and evaporated from the blade.

   The fallen praying mantis warrior raised the blade, intending to harvest the head of an empire war leader, which will be an extremely valuable trophy.

   Boom boom boom————!

   The sudden roar interrupted his beheading. When he turned around, he only saw his soldiers explode from the armor one by one.

   His eyes widened.

   He saw it.

   In the darkness, there are eleven, eleven nightmares cast from plastic steel and ceramic plates.

   Lightning claws blasted lightning in their hands, and the curved armor plate bulged on their shoulders, and lightning-like patterns wandered on the blue armor. When they acted, they acted like a metal thundercloud.

   At first, Adnus just stared at them, his gaze locked on the flashing eyes on their faces made of metal, and the soulless eyes seemed to be telling some kind of mockery.

   Then he felt that his mouth was moving silently, speaking a word that he had heard and seen, but never really understood.


   The most elite force of the Eighth Army, the Black Guard!

   The sudden appearance of the black armored guard caught the praying mantis warriors by surprise. A dozen soldiers were directly covered by the Havoc missile and killed.

   But when they started charging, the nightmare really came.

   For an instant, the battle line built by the mantis warriors and the red pirates was as fragmented as it was run over by a tank. Their explosive bombs weakly hit the Terminator's armor, and were then ruthlessly knocked down and crushed.

   The left and right hands of the black armor guards are equipped with lightning claws. When they tear the front line, they are like meat grinders.

   Within a few seconds, they told these "juniors" where the reputation of the former black armor came from.

   "Long live! The King of Night!"

   In the dull battle cry wrapped in the power of the decomposing force field and claws, it directly penetrated the power armor and the flesh inside, quickly staining the ground with bright red carpets.

   The black armor guards rushed out from the darkness at full speed, and the long claws on the hand armor had already begun to move.

   The mantis warrior closest to the black armor only had time to turn half of his body, and his crackling claws hit the side of his helmet.

   The ceramic steel and the skull broke apart under the contact of the flashing energy stand, and the composition structure also disintegrated under the destructive effect of the lightning claw.

   The second red pirate avoided the initial blow, and raised his explosive gun to shoot a long series of shots at the chest of the black armored guard who was attacking him, even when the opponent directly hit him.

Under the violent impact, the red pirate’s breastplate was twisted and deformed under the weight of the Terminator’s armor, and the black guard’s second step landed on the traitor’s arm, crushing his elbows to the edge of the hardened cement, The forelimb was amputated in a mess.

   The black armor guards maintained their usual cruelty, crushing the rest of the red pirate's stump until it was ground into sharp crumbs of pottery steel and rotten meat, eliciting a series of elongated howls of pain.

   Then he knelt down on one knee and pierced the traitor's lens with two sharp claws.

   When the pointed claw pierced the back of the red pirate's head and nailed it into the steps, the sparks scattered, like embers in the breeze.


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