The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 472: Unshakable

   "It's like you can live when Huron comes back."

   Talos' mockery made the wizard furious.


   With a loud roar, the wizard pierced Talos with a long sword, but it was held up by another power sword.

   Thor arrived in time.


   The wizard pulled away and backed away. He sensed the danger of the swordsman, but the other party immediately posted it.

   He wanted to repeat the old trick, but as soon as he raised his hand, he saw a flower in front of him, and his palm was cut directly from the middle.


   The wizard roared in pain, and the blood from the broken palm gushed out like a fountain.

   When he was about to pronounce a vicious spell, two long swords poured into his head from the front at the same time, interrupting all his words.

   Solving the wizard, Thor drew his sword, and Soshyang fought again with the **** beast.

   In addition to him this time, there are three other Terminators from the Honor Guard. Their armor is recovered from the Soul Drinker and the Broken Eagle War Gang.

   But even in the face of the siege of the four Terminators, the **** beast still does not fall.

   The behemoth waved its arms savagely, while the robe-clad astral knights fired a shot and tried to avoid its retaliatory slash.

   Half of the **** beast's face has melted and slipped off. The beast continues to growl in pain with almost the same pitch, as if it had suffered a stroke.

Although every shot of the Terminators hits the target, the chaos war engine is so huge and powerful, and full of powerful dark evil forces, all efforts are more like distracting and annoying little tricks. Cause any substantial harm.

  At this time, more than a dozen red pirates jumped out of the huge air duct and began to harass the Terminators.

   "Mir, Naka, kill the traitor behind the bunker."

   Soshyang’s roar sounded in the public communication channel.

   "Quasimodo, work with me to solve this beast!"

   Soshyang threw a grenade, and then rushed to the **** beast side by side with Quasimodo.

The behemoth’s attention was disturbed by the fire-breathing guns of the nuns in the distance. When it was found, it was too late. Soshyang’s blade and Quasimodo’s chainsaw gloves were inserted into its legs, and the armor was Sparks spattered when hitting the pit.

   The **** beast shook, waving his arm angrily and let out a howl, but it didn't fall down.

   Soshyang violently bombarded its head with his fists, and Quasimodo also raised the Stormblaster and shot at the monster.

  The barrage hit the target, and the **** beast instinctively raised his arm to block the broken face.

   Taking advantage of its sight was blocked, Soshyang and Quasimodo moved again and tried to cut down the guy with a sword.

Although the Holy Flame Sword has gained more gains based on the damage he has caused, the result is still the same, and he must be very careful not to be kicked by the **** beast in his rage. .

   Leviathan's fearless firmness really made him feel amazing!

   At the edge of the central empty field, the other members of the battle group are ruthlessly pouring firepower, pushing the heretics into the bunker, making the enemy's shooting of several Terminators scattered and without precision at all.

   Waves of explosive bombs hit the monster's carapace without any threat, and the deformed warheads bounced wildly around the empty field, causing almost the same level of threat as the enemy's firepower that had just been weakened.

After    bunker, Armin anxiously waited for the plasma cannon to finish charging. Due to overuse, the temperature of the weapon had reached a critical level.

   Soshyang and Quasimodo try to bring down the **** beast for the third time.

   With a fierce slash, a crack in the monster's armor became open, and the sharp blade pierced into the material mixed with machinery and flesh and blood organs.

The black liquid came out of the wound, but Soshyang couldn’t see if it was blood, oil, or something completely different, but when he wanted to pull out the power sword and patch it up, the sword was hooked. .

   "Damn it!"

   When the monster kicked back, he had to give up the sword in his hand to barely avoid the attack on his head.

   Quasimodo is not so lucky. His chain saw glove was stuck between the armor plate at the junction of the calf and the femur, and as he tried to break free, he didn't notice the **** beast's left arm.

   In the next second, it grabbed Quasimodo in a huge fist and tied it with a power whip to the air, as if a few tons of Terminator armor was not much heavier than a robe.

   The **** beast stared at Quasimodo like a child looking at a new toy, not caring about the increased firepower of the astral knights because of the danger of their fellow robe.

   The chaotic animal checked Quasimodo suspended in the air for a few seconds, and an expression that could only be understood as boredom appeared on its face, and then it threw the Terminator several meters away.

   Quasimodo fell to the ground on his back. The **** beast bent his fist at the wrist joint and whipped the power straight. The tip of the whip was like sharp claws, and then pierced forward and pierced Quasimodo.

   The arm of the **** beast waved upwards, first there was a harsh noise of metal rubbing against each other, followed by the crash of soldiers landing.

   Quasimodo flew out more than ten meters away, and fell motionless after landing. The pharmacist rushed up and tried to drag him back to the bunker with the help of the two fighters.


   The enraged Soshyang saw that he collided with the **** beast again, he directly put his hands into the cut armor, and then tore it forcefully.

In the **** beast's roar, Soshyang also yelled and abruptly tore his wound to one meter. The filthy black blood spilled all over him, but he completely ignored it and pulled out an arm directly. The thick fleshy hose was then torn off forcefully.

   The **** beast once again wailed in pain, and then took Soshyang away with a whip.

   This time, Soshyang didn't escape, and was shot ten meters away, and the armor on his chest was cracked.

   "It's a bit Sol frowned.

   "Huron is here, we don't have much time."

   "I'm not so sure."

   Talos stood up from the ground spreading his body, showing the teleport beacon that he had carefully protected from the collision.

   "There is still it."

After    finished speaking, he pressed the start button.

   What time, the center is filled with dazzling electric lights and strong harsh electrostatic friction, like an electromagnetic storm swept past.

  Everyone present was attracted by the scene, and some veterans immediately realized what had happened.


   They didn't know that something was being teleported over, but the **** beast seemed to be aware of something, but suddenly became less manic.

   It stood quietly, letting the electromagnetic storm sweep through the dirty and broken armor.

"this is--"

   Soshyang, who got up from the ground, looked at the dazzling electric light gradually converging, which was very surprised. He didn't know that there was a plan.

   Soon, all noises and arcs gradually subsided.

   In the end, what appeared in everyone’s sight turned out to be--


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