The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 474: Mystery beacon

   Tyrant Huron witnessed the destruction of a frigate on the surveillance screen of the Destroying Phantom.

   opened and closed his paws, his anger was boiling.

   In this war, regardless of victory or defeat, he has suffered heavy losses. Even if he kills all the guys in the empire now, the destroyed fleet and the killed soldiers will not be recovered.

   Not to mention the serious damage to the ground of the New Badab planet.

   This can be said to be the most tragic and humiliating defeat he has suffered since the Battle of Badab.

   After all, the defeat of the Battle of Badab, it can be said that the empire has invested more power, but this time it failed, the enemy was obviously weaker than itself.

   Although he may refuse to take any responsibility, the reason for his frustration is simple and obvious-they underestimated their enemies.

   There were also staff members who had warned him not to overconfident, but he did not listen.

   There is no doubt that these loyalists are different from those he has won with wisdom in the past.

   They are extremely cunning, deceitful and unscrupulous,

   If there is anything to say, it looks weird like the dogma of the Eighth Legion.

   He has heard that the other party used the captured warship to raid the port and staged a violent massacre. Even Huron had to admit that he did a great job in this raid.

   is so swift and bloodthirsty, if the opponent is not a determined loyalist, he even has the heart to solicit some,

   However, there are some disturbing factors in this.

   Such as the rebellion of the Black Guard.

   Huron couldn't think of the reason why these Eighth Army remnants betrayed themselves. Are they trying to avenge the dead supreme?

   Stop joking, Huron never thinks these scums have any brotherhood, they only fight for those who can afford it.

  The problem is here, the loyalists should and will never buy them-the stigma of the Eighth Legion has been famous in the Milky Way during the Great Rebellion.

   Is it the hand that Malek wants to use, or who is driving him in secret? Was the man who drove him inside the Red Pirate? Someone who is trying to replace himself?

   Huron's suspicious character made him have to think about this possibility.

Another point--

  The fighters who withdrew from the Starcastle claimed that they encountered a terrifying enemy in the battle, and many people were killed silently, without the strength to fight back.

  Who is this unknown enemy?

  A certain master in the loyal faction? Or was it someone else who took advantage of the fire? Or is it the one who drove the black armor?

The invasion of   Star Castle was not only caused by external forces, but also obvious internal forces. This kind of internal and external flanking layout does not seem to be a temporary plan.

  Thinking about it this way, the astral knight's surprise attack seemed not as simple as it seemed.

   The appearance of the cryer and the ranger warrior seemed to have ulterior motives.

  Under the gathering of many questions and intelligence, all kinds of thoughts bothered the black heart king, so that he could not continue to concentrate on commanding operations, and could only delegate the command to his deputy.


   A voice interrupted Huron's thoughts.

   He turned around and saw his old man, who is also the direct person in charge of Hell’s Eye, enter the gloomy bridge.

   Behind him are two Terminators, with Kerkus between them.

  Kelkus escaped by a shuttle alone. Most of his subordinates are dead, and he himself will soon be too.

   Huron looked at the humiliated company commander and put his hand on the handle of the battle axe.

   "Kneel down."

   The tyrant gave an order, and one of the huge Terminator placed his hand on the shoulders of Kerkus and forced him to kneel.

   Pottery steel hit the rock slab with a creak, and Kerkus' helmet was taken away and thrown aside.

   "You disappointed me, Kerkus."

   Huron whispered, his voice as sharp as his claws.

   "You have brought shame to all of us, but you did a good job in the past, so I will let you die in a straightforward way."

   "Before making a judgment, can you let me defend myself?"

  Kelkus kept his head down wisely, and after Huron was silent, he hummed.

"You have a strong fortress and fleet, and enough soldiers, but still let the pupils of **** fall. This result cannot be forgiven for your arrogance or stupidity, Kerkus, I used to fight you like this for a long time. The warriors of China are looking forward to more, but your performance makes you no longer qualified to wear the emblem of glory."

   "The third company commander Nasir Waterk took away a company and his fleet before the attack."

   Kyle Kus whispered:

"And Malek also showed signs of apostasy after Nasir Waterk left. I found it in the communication records of the Starcastle Central. Before Nasir Waterk left, he was in contact with a mysterious signal. I There is reason to believe that someone used some kind of intelligence to deceive the third company commander out of the Star Fort, and then let him be caught by the astral knight fleet, which led to the subsequent attack."

   Slowly, Kerkus raised a hand and opened his iron armor gloves.

   "When I was leaving, I went to Nasir Waterk's private room and found this."

   While he was doing this, he looked up at Huron for the first time.

  The tyrant stared at the object held in the palm of the old subordinate's hand, and then reached out and picked it up.

   That is a communication beacon, generally used for secret point-to-point communication. It is in the shape of a hooded skeleton with a sharp sword passing through it from top to bottom.

   Huron stared at this thing for a long time, and finally whispered:

   "How could it be... them? Dark Angel?"

   "Lord, you should have also heard that there are a group of black armored warriors wearing cloaks in the eyes of fear...They are mysterious, but they sometimes accept employment."

   Huron grabbed the communication beacon.

   Then, he smiled, with a weird smile.

   "Kelkus, your wisdom has won you a pardon, get up."

   "Thank you, Lord."

   Kerkus stood up from the ground, and the Terminator on the side picked up the helmet he had dropped and returned it to him.

   "Lord, although I am gone, the Star Castle should not have fallen yet."

   Hearing these Huron thought about it, and immediately guessed what Kerkus did.

   "You released Kandali Kara Harir?"

"Yes it is."

  Although he transformed the opponent into a **** beast, Huron has always wanted to wait for the right time and release to the right opponent-after all, the recovery of the **** beast is very troublesome.

   However, now is the perfect time.

   So he patted Kerkus on the shoulder.

   "You did a good job, I didn't misunderstand the wrong person, you are the most stable and sensible of all my company commanders.... As expected, the main responsibility for this failure lies with myself."

   "Lord...I am also paralyzed, but the most urgent thing now is that we must return to the pupils of **** immediately, and the **** beasts will not continue to hold on."

   "I have arranged it."

   was talking, Huron cast his gaze on the surveillance screen, and directly a huge battleship was slowly retreating under siege.

   That is the flagship of the cryer, the mother of tears.

   Due to the retreat of the Mother of Tears, a wide passage appeared between the Red Pirate Fleet and the Eye of Hell.

   "Send a signal! Prepare to jump! This time I will personally lead the team!"


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