The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 480: Full channel interference

Entering Dietrian’s secret workshop were a few giants.

They wore gray robes, hiding the luster of the power armor in the shadows. Dietrian knew these people, they were the redeemers, a group of shameless warriors in the astral knights.

"Isn't it okay."

The leading soldier made a cold voice.

"Immediately, sir."

After that, the man turned to Valler.

"This is not your job."

"Okay, okay, I'll go back to my little black room now, Captain Luke has worked so hard for you to supervise the work."

Valer raised his arms in a gesture of surrender, and then quickly left Dietrian’s workshop.

After the pharmacist left, Dietrian's preparations were also completed.

"I want to hear screams."

Luke suddenly made a request, his voice was very soft, but he couldn't refuse it.


Dietrian adjusted the speaker of the instrument to project the auditory effect of the interference field and filter out the fatal factors.

Sure enough, the sound matched its name, and the air was filled with the wailing of audio resonance—it was a hateful organic sound.

Under the torment of furious screams and roars, the voice of a lonely person added fuel to the fire. This technical expert is extremely proud of designing interference projection equipment.

Luke also realized that this instrument makes it easier to hunt enemy ships without scanners groping in the icy void.

Nevertheless, according to Dietrian's report, the power consumption is still very serious.

The scream hides them in the blindness of the prey, but every generator on the ship provides electricity for the scream.

In the process of using Scream, the Unbound Soul can no longer launch energy weapons, and of course it cannot raise the Void Shield-the deflection screen works similarly to the tuning of the Scream itself, and draws energy from the same power source.

Luke wants to know what happened on the enemy's bridge, whether their system has been overwhelmed by screams?

Will Huron panic when he loses contact with the fleet?

Maybe, maybe not, but he must be surprised now.

As for the imperial fleet, half an hour before the start of the scream, Lothar had ordered all warships to turn off all communication and scanning equipment, and all Star Whisperers and navigators entered the isolation survival chamber and injected anti-jamming drugs.

Although their communication was also interrupted, at least they would not suffer damage.

And the red pirates?

They are not so lucky.


A Star Whisperer on the Destroyer Ghost found himself bleeding, but he didn't care too much. After all, this was still within a tolerable range on a Chaos Warship.

However, the officer responsible for the safety of the Star Whisperers felt that things were uninterrupted. He clicked a steel switch and spoke to the voice input of the console.

"Star Whisperer's vital signs fluctuate abnormally, and medical personnel are needed..."

Gradually, his voice became smaller and smaller, his eyes fixed on the protruding multi-lithograph.

Every second, the reading will rise sharply.

"Wait, emergency heart failure, and..."

The officer looked back at the Star Whisperer and found that the person who was fine the previous second was convulsing now.

"...Oh my god."

Suddenly, a wet red object hit the glass, and the officers could not see through the chaos, but when a purification team entered six minutes later, they found that it was the heart and brain of the Star Whisperer. Their weak body was unprecedented. Defeated by external psychological pressure.

The entire Star Whisper Hall was immediately on the verge of panic. The officer comforted himself while working, his hands were full of fuzzy images from the Star Whisperers under his supervision.

Their heads are full of howling police sirens, because more and more "sirens" are dying.

"What did they hear?"

He screamed at the messy and crazy news.

"What did they see?"

On the other side, the Navigator's Tower, as a precious and expensive spiritual node-guarded and reinforced to resist the invasion of the devil, now absorbs all the death and pain born in the surrounding star field.

It does not refine or filter, but merge the sudden fear and fatal pain with that terrible transmission.

The tune of this song fluctuates in the dark, and now there is a new chorus.

Every battleship that hears this song will add a chorus in turn.

On the battlecruiser Eagle Hook, a supervisor opened his eyes wide to the blood dripping on his manuscript.

He blinked and looked up. The mechanical bishop of the complex battleship communication system was convulsing, curled up, and sparks continued to emerge from his body.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Notify the medical department! The bishop has fallen!"

Before the words fell silent, another mechanical priest collapsed on the ground, hitting his head **** the edge of the table, and **** engine oil sprayed out of his mouth.

"How crazy is this!? What happened?"

The interstellar warrior in charge of the area almost screamed. He tried to restrain his anxiety, but couldn't.

The entire communication channel has been congested with terrible screams, and even the communication within the ship's hull has been interrupted.

Later, shouts came from other parts of the bridge.

The red pirate officer in charge of communications was completely stunned, and all communications channels were interrupted!

Are you a star whisperer? Or their supervisor? Those poor fools who have been given a sacred language are never unstable, never healthy-everyone is blindly weak because their soul is bound to a chair.

Yelling in the hall is commonplace, because they send and receive too many messages every night, each of them will burn out in ten years.

He didn't like the fact-but that was the way it was.

But when he rushed there, he saw the Star Whisperer’s Dean hitting the back of his head on the stone floor, beating himself bloody, and biting his tongue.

He didn't understand that the dean was newly appointed last season, and he shouldn't be exhausted now.

"What happened?"

Facing the interstellar warrior's question, the dean only asked the twitching body, and foaming on his lips was the only answer.

The Star Whisperers' eyes opened wide and they were terrified by what only they could see.


The star warrior directly lifted the thin body from the ground.

"I want to know what happened!!"


"What? This?"

There is something screaming in the communication connection that doesn't sound like a human being. Could it be that the sound is a ghost?

But he couldn't ask the answer anymore, because in the next second, the dean's head exploded directly in front of him, and the dirty tissue fluid splashed his face.

"Damn! Who can tell me what happened!!!"

In the roar, the scream again mentioned the intensity.

This red pirate fleet is completely paralyzed!

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