The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 489: Kill demon

The most powerful demon in the Horror Demon Army is the terrifying bloodthirsty demon.

They are the incarnation of anger and killing, the ultimate killing force on the battlefield, splitting the enemy with unbridled anger.

Generally speaking, bloodthirsty berserkers are berserkers on the battlefield. They destroy everything they can see and offer a mountain of skulls to the abuser.

But sometimes, they will also take on the roles of demons generals and private guards, because every individual is the primitive representation of war, and the meaning of their existence is to mutilate, kill, and destroy.

To witness them join the battle is to witness the wanton and crazy destruction itself. And, like the army, there are classes, a total of eight layers, each layer has its own title and responsibilities, and each layer has its own unique weapon and rank symbol.

For example, the bloodthirsty monsters that appeared this time came from the eighth-tier ‘Wild Fury’. Although they are at the lowest level, their power is still immeasurable.

But this makes no sense to Soshyan.

He began to move, over the steps, accumulating the kinetic energy needed to cause damage to this overly large monster.

But he is by no means alone.

None of the soldiers who followed him before were hesitant. They all followed Soshyang, moving at high speed, with their weapons in their hands.

Talos was on his left, shouting condemning curses. Although the power sword in his hand was not a powerful psionic weapon, it was still a very physical weapon. At the same time, he raised the explosive bullet in his left hand. , Pouring explosive bombs on the devil's body like raindrops.

Thor was on the right side of Soshyang, still keeping silent, but Soshyang could feel the anger burning in his chest, and the ancient warrior was rushing towards the dark heart with firm steps.

"For the emperor!!!"

When Soshyang reached the top, he tried his best to jump high, swinging his spear and colliding with the fallen axe.

The sharp blade rubbed violently. This was a contest between Hell Wrought Iron and Imperial Fine Gold. A huge shock wave swept across the entire battlefield centered on the collision point.

But despite the weakening of the bleak realm, the Star Castle is in the gap of the subspace after all, and the devil has a steady source of power.

Soshyan alone cannot match him in strength.


The commander of the star knight was swiped by the bloodthirsty demon and fell heavily to the ground.

But Talos followed Soshyang and slammed his sword into the Great Demon’s greaves. Thor also surrounded him. The two swords cut the devil’s flesh and blood and sent the explosive bullets into it at nearly zero distance. In its body.

Even the nuns charged with Soshyang, using warhammers and sharp blades to wipe out the surrounding demons, and at the same time sprayed the hot stream towards the bloodthirsty madness.

Soshyan took a deep breath and quickly stood up and returned to the battle.

In the next second, he saw a warrior being kicked by the mad demon. It was turning its body frantically to disperse the besieging warriors around him.

Afterwards, it raised its great axe and slashed at the two receding nuns.


With a loud noise, the giant axe slammed heavily on the ground, and the nuns were knocked to the ground by the shock wave, and the gravel was scattered everywhere.

Ordinary blades can hardly cause effective damage to it, and weak swings cannot stop it from running away. Every slash of the giant axe in the hand of the devil is accompanied by destructive power. Its infinite power can even lift. Turn over this star castle-as long as there is enough time.

When fighting against it, whether it is a star warrior or a nun, the armor on his body can only play a decorative role.

But they must challenge the impossible.

Soshyan must too.

"Come again!"

Soshyang leaped high and rushed to the height of the demon's breastplate with the help of the steps of the platform. His swords and spears came out, creating more than a dozen large and small wounds on the devil's body. Yan Jian grabbed the buckle on the mad demon armor with his free hand, and pierced the soul spear deeply into its body.

The spear pierced deeply, and the bloodthirsty demon howled, blood gushing out, splashing on Soshyan's helmet-the smell of blood immediately poured into the star warrior's nose along the breathing barrier.

The bloodthirsty demon began to run frantically, twisting its body, trying to throw Soshyang off his body, but the star warrior just clung to the buckle and the spear inserted into his body.

He heard Talos scream when he inserted the sword into the demon's body, and he also caught a glimpse of the nuns trying to enlarge the wound on the devil's body.

Soshyang tried to turn the gun body of the spirit spear, trying to destroy its bones inside, but for some reason, the whirlpool position of the spirit spear didn't work for this bloodthirsty demon.

After a useless twist, the bloodthirsty frenzy finally released one of the paws holding the battle axe, ready to catch the guy who hurt him.

Seeing this, Soshyang immediately drew out his spirit spear, escaped the swing of his claws, and fell back to the ground, leaving several additional wounds on its body.

At this time, the smaller demons attacked them again, and they crawled towards Soshyan and others with their teeth and claws, as if the red tide was coming again, while the other fighters were already in a hard fight-even with the assistance of combat robots. But the devil still has an absolute number advantage.

Under this circumstance, Talos and Thor had to turn around to clean up the bloodletting ghosts and block the small demons that kept attacking. A nun also ran to support them.

As a result, the combat power against the Great Demon further declined.

It stomped on the ground angrily, causing the ground to crack more severely, and then swung the burning battle axe more ferociously.

"Do not!"

A nun couldn't dodge, and was cut in half by a hot axe blade in the blink of an eye. Amid the roar of Willets, the demon furiously tore the nun's body to pieces.

Now, only Willets and her friend Felisa are still standing, but they are also exhausted and scarred.

Soshyan stepped forward again to face the monster, knowing that only his close-range attacks could really hurt it.

Afterwards, he rushed towards the bloodthirsty demon like a moth to a fire, feeling as if he was assaulting a mountain.

Under the influence of the gray marrow, he avoided the great axe swinging at him, and used the spirit spear to leave another deep wound on the thigh of the opponent's muscles, and then when the axe struck again, he slightly avoided Open the axe.

Soshyang waved his soul spear to slash the axe handle in the hand of the I hope to cut this weapon.


The impact caused by the collision between the steel of **** and the metal of the gods was so terrifying that Soshyang's hands were shocked so that he could barely hold the weapon in his hand, but his attack did work, and the huge axe handle was attached to the whirlpool. The spirit spear of the stand was cut into two pieces.

The bloodthirsty demon was truly enraged. It roared with unprecedented anger, and threw a punch at Soshyang.


This is also one time it spits out.

Because the distance was too close, Soshyang couldn't dodge, so he could only cross his hands to hard connect.

The huge fist hit Soshyang's body hard, and he only felt like he was run over by a Rand, but if it was just like this, he could still stand it.

However, he has always ignored the devil's left hand!

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