The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 493: Fight Huron!

The bloodthirsty demon fell down, Soshyan was still standing there, and Vilec was standing there too, but his body was soaked with sweat.

Everyone was scarred, and the mutilated corpse of the Great Demon lay quietly in front of them, a large amount of internal organs ejected from the incision, and flowed miserably to the ground. The remaining demon life made these internal organs still tremble constantly. .

After that, Soshjan limped and walked straight to Willets. At this moment, the nun really realized that he had suffered multiple injuries and was surprised that he could still stand, let alone still hold his. Spear.

   "Thank you, Sister Anna."

   Soshyang’s voice was gasping, but gentle, it sounded like a prayer of praise.

   Suddenly, Willets' eyes widened.

"Be careful--"

   She didn't finish her words, Soshyan, who had already felt something, bends down abruptly, placing her under the blessing of his body.

   bang bang bang——

   Several sparks exploded on Soshyang's back, lifting off the heavy metal, burning the flesh and blood under it.

   Willets raised her head. At this moment, her face was no more than a palm between Soshyan's helmet. Although she couldn't see the other person's face, she could hear the breath that suddenly became heavy because of the pain.

   "Go ahead."

   After speaking, Soshyang straightened up, pulled out the plasma pistol on his waist, turned and fired violently.

   The red pirate, who was holding a heavy explosive bomb and shooting frantically at him, obviously did not expect this. At that time, he was hit by two plasmas, and his body was instantly reduced by a third.

   It was at this time that Willetts saw the situation on the battlefield.

  Although the bloodthirsty demon fell, the enemy did not give the loyalists any breathing time. The terrifying demon army was still attacking the astral knights, past the corpses of their lord, and charged with unprecedented hunger.

   But in their vicinity, a large number of red pirate soldiers also began to appear. With the help of the devil’s momentum, they continued to use explosive bombs to attack the single astral knights, and deliberately kept a distance from the demon army.

   On the other side, laser beams and missile tail flames continue to light up the sky. The Demon Legion is still powerful, and it continues to attack the combat robot group over and over again.

   There are already many combat robots turned into burning pieces.

   Then, she saw that existence.

It is not so much a warrior as it is a distorted remnant-he "puts on" the armor, but the armor has almost merged with the skin, and the deadly axe hit on his face. The next incision from the forehead to the throat.


   Willets heard Huron's yelling.

   "You really keep giving me surprises, now let us have fun!"

   He stepped on the stump of an astral knight, and stepped his helmeted head onto the deck.

   For an instant, the broken brain tissue mixed with blood splashed around.

   "Or you dare not?"

   Soshyang held a spirit spear in one hand and responded to Huron with a charge.

   No threats, no nonsense—this is a lesson the crow prince once taught him.

   Black Heart King laughed, and also charged Soshyang.

   Both of them know that there can be no knightly duel between each other, and there is no cold atmosphere or solemn witness.

   They ran towards each other, shooting, cursing, rushing-it was no different from the confrontation between other fighters around.

   The big axe and the spear collided in the neighing sound of the energy field.

   While fighting, Soshyang transferred his will to the flesh and blood filled with liquid metal, so that he could move faster and fight harder.

   What is the result of high-intensity use of gray pulp, Soshyang naturally knows very well in his heart, but it is all worthwhile.

   Because he finally had the opportunity to see the nervous look on Huron's face-he had to use some strength to withstand the sudden strengthening of Soshyang.

   They confronted each other face to face, their weapons locked against each other for a period of time.

   Suddenly, a blast bomb hit the edge of Sosh's knee, almost making me lose my balance, and then three more blast bombs burst on the warped shoulders of the Terminator.

   Huron immediately used his recovered power to color, and used his claws to draw a blood mark on Soshyang's chest.


   Seeing a sniper in the distance, Soshyang couldn't stop hitting his forehead against Huron's face, but he still avoided him at the last moment.

   Willets certainly wanted to help Soshjan, but she was being pursued by another red pirate, fighting fiercely with her sister and being driven away from the battlefield.

   "Give up, Soshyan."

   The tyrant whispered with sickly pleasure. His cheeks and corners of his mouth were almost torn apart on his face, but he didn't seem to feel any pain.

   When Soshyang held his breath to endure the stench from the opponent's body deeply infected by the power of Chaos, a smirk bloomed on Huron's face.

"give up."

   He said again, with an indisputable command tone.

   Soshyang is naturally not a person who gives up easily, but the fierce battle just now has consumed most of his strength, and he has also abolished one of his arms. Even with gray marrow, his right arm will still become weak over time.

   His palms swelled, his arms trembled, and the fierce fighting around seemed to be far away from him-Soshyang’s perception had begun to be unable to bear anything else.

   This is the effect Huron expected.

   He was never a fair duel, and a fragile prey was what he expected, so he had been watching Soshyan's fierce battle with the bloodthirsty madman from the back of the battlefield with cold eyes.

   He wants to watch his opponent become weak, and then he will harvest by himself.

   This is how pirates survive.

   Huron's smile grew wilder, and he began to push Soshyang back.

   The heavy boots were rubbing on the deck, and at the same time, there was a sharp sound of metal scratching.

   Soshyang used his head hammer again, but was still easily avoided by Huron, and then the tyrant smirked and resumed pushing as if the winning ticket was in hand.

   "I will kill you all, then throw your body into your poor world, show your people the ugly appearance of your death, and then I will completely destroy it."

   Huron leaned close to Soshyang’s face and said in a breath-like tone.

   Soshyang couldn't speak, his whole body could do nothing but resist Huron's weird power.

   Suddenly, Soshyang noticed that the opponent's weapon was connected to his own weapon, and his arm was connected to the weapon.

   A thought flashed through his mind.


   Soshyang made up his mind to liquefy the metal in his palm, then with the help of the soul spear, climbed onto the opponent's battle axe, and when the opponent was not paying attention, got into Huron's arm.

   The next moment, he touched the tyrant's mind, and the sound of silence pierced Huron's mind like a sharp needle.


   With this word piercing into his consciousness, Soshyang clenched the thinking hand that was covering the tyrant's brain.

   Huron combined with the subspace force too deeply, which just gave Soshyang the opportunity to freeze Huron's mind in the same way as he dealt with the **** beast, threatening to smash it.

   Everything happened in less than half a second, and a trace of doubt flashed across Huron's radiant face.

   His hesitation lasted shorter than a breath, but it was enough for Soshyang to regain his balance of power.

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