The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 495: Nathan's Tribulation (Part 1)

The attack came so suddenly, thanks to the desperate resistance of the Planetary Defense Forces, most people were able to hide in safe underground air-raid shelters.

   The few people who remained on the ground either hid or set up roadblocks at the end of the street, preparing to defend their homes with guns, iron rods, tools and a limited number of small arms.

   As for why this happens, few people have made it clear.

No one had expected that just as the squadron sent by Huron fought the Ascetics in the Nathan galaxy, two small cruisers came straight to Nathan 4, and Soshyang was for the expedition. Almost all the defensive power of the Nathan 4 home has been drained.

   It was no one else who came to sneak attack on Nathan 4. It was an enemy that Soshyang could not think of-the apostasy soul drinkers. Now they call themselves Phantom Warriors.

   The airport was the first to fall. Under the raid of more than one hundred capable veterans, the airport could not do much other than having time to activate the pitiful defensive firepower.

   When the Phantom Warriors landed, those who stood on the ground were the first to die.

After tentatively attacking the fortress of the Astral Knight’s monastery, and found that there were two teams of ascetics stationed inside, and there were a large number of auxiliary troops and a knight Titan, Sarperdon immediately gave up this Unrealistic goals.

   turned his gaze to the nearby Soms Nest.

   The dead body was thrown into the big pit,

   The machine servant excavation team pulled up the whole street, dug bigger and bigger holes and piled up the corpses.

   The floating servo skull and the Phantom Warrior’s own helmet recorded the massacre and archived it for future use.

   The dean of Soms Noble Academy has never left his desk.

   Dawn, how faint in this world, there is only one hour left.

   With the arrival of the attacker, he intends to get some answers in one way or another-at least his death today will not go away ignorantly.

   An instructor hurriedly walked into the conference room, his trembling hands clasped the printed report tightly, and his robe whizzed on the dusty floor.

   No servant stayed on the ground to clean up the ruins.

   "The students basically hid in a safe place, the voice communication...there is no reason to listen to it anymore, only screaming inside."

   Dean nodded.

   "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

   "But... the support of the Ascetic Band has not come yet."

   The old man shook his head.

   "Even if everything is not going to be okay, but we can at least face it with dignity...I think I heard the gunshots below."

   The teacher walked to the table.

   "I...I heard it too, where are the guards?"

   Dean sat down and raised his fingers.

"I sent them to the nearest refuge a few hours ago, even though they seemed likely to stay, just out of an admirable stupid desire to perform their duties, maybe they were in other parts of the academy. I sacrificed my life and postponed this meeting for a few seconds, but I hope it’s not them, that would be too wasteful."

   The instructor looked at him-eyes.

   "As you said, Dean."

   "Sir, please stand up straight, we almost have a visitor."

   As the door was slammed open, a group of giants in purple armor walked into the office, their armor still covered with blood.

   Salperdon led them in, but when the mortals were there, they couldn't help but flick their eyelids when they saw his mutated limbs.

   As soon as the depraved think tank came in, he immediately threw the dark green helmet on the desk, which directly split the wood.

   "This table is a cultural relic with thousands of years of history."

   The old man said with admirable calmness, and when he leaned back on the chair, his hands didn't even tremble.

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   Salperdon immediately admired him-but this would not affect the team's actions in the slightest.


   The instructor glanced at the tabletop.

   "Is this the helmet of an interstellar warrior belonging to the Ascetic Band?"

"you guessed right."

   Salperdon said with a smile.

   "These ignorant guys come to interfere with our plans for this world. This is the last mistake they made."

The mutated think tank turned around and circled the office hall, looking at the city extending in all directions from the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, and finally looked back at the dean. There was neither regret nor the urge to maliciousness—that was a picture. The cold, hollow face did not show the wearer's thoughts at all.

   Dean sat straighter and cleared his throat.

   "I'm Arthur Amos Nuvas, the current dean of Soms Nest Noble Academy."

   Salperdon tilted his head.

   "President Nuis."

   He is not going to make a roundabout this time.

   "Do you know who we are and why we came from?"

   Salperdon finished speaking, looking back at the city, listening to the beautiful music in the hearts of two people.

   As time went by, both heartbeats accelerated, the damp drums became faster and faster, and the salty and sweaty smell of fear began to reach his senses.

   Humans can always smell the sourest taste when they are afraid.

   "I'm here to get back a debt."

   Salperton said meaningfully.

   "We have also served the false golden throne, but the empire only hopes to forget us, forget all the people who have shed blood for it."

   After speaking, he turned to the dean.

   "That also includes you."

   Dean looked at them one by one and noticed that they had trophy decorations made of skulls and gorgeous weapons.

   "Then what's your name?"

Dean    asked calmly, his voice was not strangled in the tightness of his throat.


   The mutant soldier responded with a low growl.

   "I am the Scythe of Souls, the Lord of Soul Drinkers."

   "Then what do you want to do here, Salperton."

   "I want to take this debt back from a thief. I want to drag him into the boundless fear and make him realize that he should never sit back and relax."

   "You mean Lord Soshyang?"

   Salperdon nodded broken armor buzzed.

   "He is your pride, right."

Dean    squeezed out a smile. He originally wanted to mock the other person, but in the end the smile only turned into a stiff expression.

"He is our pride. He is one of the bravest warriors under the emperor. He will also destroy countless heretics in the name of the emperor. Maybe you have been defeated by him once, because I can feel that when you hear his name That kind of fear."

"To shut up!"

   Salperdon panted slowly, carefully considering what to say next.

   "I will make him regret it, and I will make sure of this... Now, I ask you, astral knights have been conscripting with you, right?"

"Yes of course."

   "The best boys on the planet are here."

"Not at all."

   "Don't lie to me. When you lie, your body will betray you with a thousand subtle signals. What do you want to hide?"

   The dean was silent.

   "Bring me all the boys, now."

   But the dean

   did not move, this attitude made the surrounding Chaos Space Marines unable to help but kill him.

   Just when Sarpedon was about to lose patience, the old man suddenly asked.

   "Can you keep us alive?"

  :. :

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