The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 547: The awakened beast

   Among the ruins of the abandoned cargo hold, in the space covered with dense darkness, something was surging.

   It slowly recovered, the cold limbs and organs gradually warmed, and the abnormally shaped nerve synapses began to explode with sparks of life.

   Everything relies on instinct and memory, rather than real intelligence. The entire nest surrounding it is awakened, and thoughts touch and connect with each other.

   The image flickered in the awakening subconscious mind.

  The large creatures with bright silver-gray hard skin killed their offspring with flames and sharp blades. Although its offspring gradually awakened and joined the will of the lair, some others disappeared.

   An evolutionary inevitability that makes other thoughts dull appears, and has the absolute upper hand.

  The owner of the nest has always been good at concealment, and its nature allows it to move freely in dark and humid places.

  In the beginning, it was this kind of nature that saved its life in the Alpha Legion’s raid, just...

   It hissed and closed its eyes.

   Then it opened its eyes again, thinking about the invaders, and estimating their number and strength.

   It can feel the consciousness of the children hiding in the shadows around it, and it will sacrifice them all for victory, although it does love them.

   That's right, that's the

   It loves its children, just as the Will of Worm’s Nest loves them, and it will not hesitate to send hundreds of children to death, even if only to bring down a giant.

   The nameless anger that it gave birth to was transmitted to its children's minds through the consciousness link, and heard a string of low roars and the collision of chitin carapace.

   But after realizing it was meaningless, it had to force itself to remain calm.

   The recent gene thieves looked up suspiciously, and the nest owner hummed softly in response.

Once again, it focused on the intruder. It could feel the other intruders struggling in the encirclement, while the remaining ones were moving towards the old nest location before it-it was also killed in that place. The previous wave of invaders, but for how long, it has no concept.

   Soon, their number will increase.

   In this case, there are too many enemies gathered in one place at the same time.

   It squatted down, thinking about its next move.

   No, it cannot take this risk.

   Before the next step, it has to take advantage of now to reduce the number of enemies.

   It leaned forward, letting its consciousness wander out, feeling the bright and fiery consciousness of the invaders.

   Although it is willing to sacrifice its children for its own goals, it has no reason not to make good use of every possible advantage.

  From that creature as the source, it spreads like ripples in the water, and the entire nest group was instilled with a command——


   Standard Tactical Timing: 00.23.21

   Soshyang was finally able to enter the data storage room, and gravity in this area has also been restored.

   With the recovery of gravity, the artificial atmosphere reappears, and the ship is automatically separated from the failed part by a bulkhead,

   The restoration of air also brings new meanings——

   The sound has been restored.

Not far away, the internal workings of the storage module made a rattling noise, like a struggling car engine, and the pistons were also hammering inside the catalytic converter-Soshyan did not know why the ancient storage machine needed Such moving parts.

   And the sound became more and more noticeable in the six minutes after Dieterian's servants regained their atmosphere.

   When Soshyang came in, the other players who had already entered nodded to him in welcome, but said nothing.

   Previously, he chased a gene stealer who seemed a little special, so he temporarily left the team.

   Soshyang clutched his sword tightly, hardly looking at Dieterian's work, focusing instead on the spacious room and rows of blank catalyst screens.

   Even though breathable air was restored, Loken did not take off his helmet.

   He walked closer to Soshyan and glanced sideways at the busy bishop of science and technology.

"grown ups."

   He sent a communication to the towering Astarte,

   Soshyang lowered his head—eyes, the bionic body on the opponent's face was gleaming because of the reflection of the light overhead—well maintained and clean.

   "Priest Loken, what's the matter? The aliens are coming."

   Loken didn't ask how Soshyang knew what was going to happen.

  He is accustomed to the human senses, which also puts him at a disadvantage when he is associated with warriors that he instinctively calls demigods.

   "My lord, the machines here are weird, I can't see their past use, and—"

   Loken glanced at the corpses being dragged out of the corner, 7 dead Alpha soldiers, wrapped in Terminator armor


   They all showed wounds made by gene stealers, such as pierced breastplates, torn limbs and shattered helmets.

   "What can make these elite soldiers of the Traitor Legion desperate to die in this place?"

   But Soshyan seemed to be watching the distance—a wall covered by shadows, without answering.

"grown ups?"

   "What are you asking this for?"

   The soldier spoke, but still did not answer.

   "You never questioned your responsibilities."

   "I just want to... I want to play my role."

   Soshyang walked away, and at the same time a distorted growl came from the communicator.

   Loken became nervous and did not follow.

   "I feel your fear, stay optimistic, we will let you live."

   "Ditrien doesn't think so."

   When Soshyang switched between him and the mechanical priest to a limited communication channel with a series of clicks, he finally said something to his heart.

"Out of the only respect for that technical heresy, I will not say to Dieterian that his work is slow. I really want to describe him. I will say that he is meticulous in his work, but you are not stupid, Lord Loken. , You know what kind of person he is, this kind of job suits him."

   "Yes, is it really worth it?"

   "I sincerely hope it's worth it. It has taken a long time, if..."

   Suddenly, the communication of the internal team rang, and Soshyang interrupted the secret words with Loken.

   "Team commander."

   "It's me, Mark, what's the situation."

   "They are too many."

   "How long can I last?"

   Soshyang could hear the heavy gasp in Mark’s voice, with a little trembling—the other party must have been seriously injured.

   "Two minutes...or three minutes."

   "I immediately sent people to meet you, and they all evacuated to the data room. This place is very sturdy. We will evacuate as soon as we get what we want.

"Roger that."

   Closed the communication, Soshyang immediately greeted the team members and transferred seven of them to support the Mark team and assist them in retreating.

   At this time, only him and three soldiers remain in the data compartment.

   "Omnesia! TM is this thing!!!"

   Just immediately after the support team, Dietrian, who has been busy, erupted with unprecedented exclamation.


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