The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 586: Blood actor

   "Stop! Raise your hand!"

   Facing the unknown and unfamiliar target, Willett raised his gun vigilantly and let out a threatening roar, and other nuns followed suit.

   But the woman didn't say a word. Instead, she knelt on one knee, spread her hands on the ground, and assumed the posture of a sprinter on the starting line.

   Willets suddenly noticed that the blood floating on the water suddenly spread like life.

   When the woman's mouth split like petals, forming a terrible mouthpart, the skin of her forearm also rippled, and under the ragged clothes, the flesh and blood continued to deform.

   until this moment,

   Willetts could only see that there was an exposed metal spine on the woman's back, which was filled with green syringes.

   Although she doesn't know what it is, she understands that it is undoubtedly a dangerous thing.


   As soon as she pulled the trigger, the woman moved quickly to the other side, so fast that Willets could barely keep up.

   Now every leg of that woman is split in two, muscles and bones are all exposed, and they are still deforming.

   "Destroy her!"

   Willets maintained his firing frequency, and finally found a chance to shoot two bullets toward the opponent's forward path.

  Unexpectedly, one of the opponent's arms suddenly fanned out, forming a shield composed of bone spurs and a tough film, directly blocking the explosive bomb.

   Then, a lumpy bone whip was twisted in her palm, and it suddenly wrapped around Sister Agnese's neck, threw her aside, and slammed her into the sewage.

   "Damn it!"

   Willets let out a low growl, realizing that the other party was approaching him.

   But she was too fast to catch up with the bullet. What kind of monster is this?

   And she also noticed that the gloomy laughter in the darkness did not stop, and there might be other enemies nearby.

   In the violent shooting of the nuns, the woman turned into a monster shuttled with ease, and when she got close enough, she rushed straight towards Willets.

   In response, Willets drew out his power sword.

   "Extremely punish evil!!"

   Just as the power sword smashed into the monster's chest, her torso split into four claw-like limbs, and she directly grabbed Velec's limbs and lifted her into the air.

   In the chest of the monster, Willetts saw a huge tumor, pulsating.

   Willets twisted and struggled. Her power sword kept swinging, but every limb that was chopped off would immediately grow again.

   Suddenly, a bone spur struck her head, and the nun twisted it to one side, clamped it to the bend of her elbow, and broke it forcefully.

   Then, she squeezed the other limb that restrained her, and when it loosened, she grabbed the woman's dingy blond hair, then pulled it towards herself and hit the monster's face with her knees.

   After three knee bumps, the monster whimpered in pain and used

   The blood-red whip wrapped around Willett's wrist and grabbed it firmly.

   For a moment, the two locked together face to face.

   The monster’s face is already bloody, but a young woman can vaguely see the sad expression,

   Then she raised a human-like hand.

   The palm of his hand split immediately, and his fingers spread out into a fan shape, forming a shield covering his face.

   A bullet hit it and detonated, leaving a smoking hand.

   More explosive bullets shot into the sewage around the monster, and at this time she turned around, very wisely blocking Willetts between her and the nuns.


   Suddenly, Viletz slammed a backflip with amazing agility, nailed his high heels to the opponent's head, and then took advantage of his strength to jump directly five meters away.

   When she turned her head, the woman had become a dazzling mass of pulsating flesh, with petals-like fleshy membranes growing on her head, and her arms like tongs of carnivorous insects.

   "Akin! Burn her to death!"

   Hearing the captain's call, Sister Akin, holding a heavy flamethrower, stepped forward.

   "No matter what you are."

   The nun shouted angrily:

   "Evil thing! You can't live long, this is the flame that will end you!"

   But the answer she got was that sharp claws made of flesh and blood pierced from the center of her torso, from the center of her beating heart.

   It turned out that the monster had inserted a limb into the ground a long time ago. With the help of the sewage, the limb went around behind Sister Akin and completed a fatal blow.

   The sharp claws pierced Sister Akin, and her armor backpack was torn in half. When it pierced through her chest, sparks gushed out from the power unit of the broken armor.

"Do not!"

   Willets yelled angrily and rushed up with his sword.

   But two new, thinner limbs have grabbed Sister Akin’s arms, and in a creepy slippery sound, they tore apart the nun’s torso.


   When Sister Akin's body slipped down, a sword haunting her position had already pierced into the monster's tumor.

   A massive amount of blood spewed out, pouring on Willetts all over.

   The monster quickly dried out and fell like a blanket.

Just as Willetts breathed a sigh of relief to kill the enemy, a withered bone whip suddenly sprang out of the monster's corpse and turned into a scorpion tail shape, which was nailed to Willett's chest. .

   The power armor is like paper in front of the stinger, and it collapses when touched.

   In an instant, Willets poured into the water in pain.

"team leader!"

   The nuns rushed up and dragged her out of the water.

   At this moment, a ghostly figure suddenly appeared on the beam above their heads.

He has a thin, slender body, pale frost-like skin, and a blood-stained coat of human skin. There are three arms on each side of the body. The abdomen seems to be hollow and extremely slender, and various torture-like appendages surround him. He has a slightly bulging back, and there is a

   a tail that keeps flicking.


The vigilant nuns pointed their guns at the top one after another, the light illuminates the existing face, but only saw the long and narrow face, except for a black mask, it is a pair of strangely inclined bright yellow eyes and pointed ears. .

   "It seems that it is not good enough as a substrate——"

   sighed and said a language that the nuns didn't understand, the creature shook his head, and disappeared in the same place as the explosive bomb was about to arrive.

  In the end, the nuns confirmed the identity of the attacker through various types of intelligence and evidence collected——

  Dark Spirit Race.

   In this operation, ten nuns were killed in the service, but except for the monsters that were transformed-all the monsters they encountered later proved to be the staff of the previous space station.

After   , the nuns mobilized a lot of people and almost turned the entire space station upside down, but they still didn't see a spirit race.

   and the warship in orbit also reported that no aircraft had been found to leave the space station, it seems that the attacker just disappeared.

   Willets’ team was the only direct witness.

   But their price was that in addition to the death of a member of the team, the commanding nun Velec was very poisonous and had to be placed in a frozen survival cabin.

   "--but even so, the captain's physical function is still weakening, we are afraid that before returning to the monastery, she will... the captain has been mentioning you before, and we will come directly to you."

   As she talked, Yanis's voice was already choked.

   Sosh straightened up, his face uncertain.

   "What poison is in her?"

  "The medical officers couldn't analyze Soshyan could only turn his eyes to Talos who was aside.

   The prophet looked at the survival capsule, and after a moment of thought, he whispered:

   "What they met should be the blood actors in the dark's a bit troublesome. The things those guys make are very strange and can't be guessed by common sense."

   "Blood actor?"

The word    is a bit strange to Soshyan.

"what is that?"

   Even the nuns cast curious gazes at Talos. They only knew that they had been attacked by the Dark Spirit Race, but they didn't understand the specific position of the attacker in the Dark Spirit Race.

After all, compared to the Ark Spirit Race, the Empire’s knowledge of the Dark Spirit Race is more limited. Even the Astarte Order has very few records about them, only those manuscripts of the inquisitors or alien scholars who focus on the Spirit Race. Or in the secret archives of Death Watch.

   to a more detailed record of these dark people.

"I only know a thing or two. They are cruel craftsmen who specialize in flesh and blood carvings. They are best at creating deformed monsters, and they have a high status in the dark city. I want to know more information... you have to go. Ask that person."


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