The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 619: 1 choice

"Macado...Yes, Macado..."

Hearing Soshyan's words, the old man did not answer, but just nodded slightly thoughtfully.

At this time, his aura of grayness became stronger, like a gray ghoul, a dead man wrapped in a heavy robe, his movements were as stiff as an arthritis sufferer, and he breathed loudly. .

Soshyang looked at him, and sighed in his heart that the empire was ruled by such a face in the past, a face that looked hopelessly sick.

Perhaps the reason for serving for too long by the emperor’s side has caused such an impact on a mortal, and perhaps this is why Makado is called the last person—surviving close to the dark star that the fate of mankind rotates with. The last person in, or the other people just dying, or there is no other person at all, is just one of many lies on Tyra.

"If you are the Tyra Regent, then I have a lot of questions I want to get from you."

Soshyang said, straightening up in front of the old man.

The old man smiled.

"There were countless people who wanted to get an answer from me, and they were even willing to give everything for it, so what are you willing to give?"


Sosh frowned, not knowing how to answer for a while.

"Well, you can answer one of my questions."

The old man put his hand on the chessboard and stared at Soshyan with muddy eyes.

"I once had a debate with someone."

He narrated slowly:

"That debate went on for a long time. Even now that he has left, I still miss our discussion... His talent is so powerful, although a bit dull, it is undoubtedly very powerful, and , Occasionally, there is also a sense of humor—a sense of humor in some form, do you believe it?"

Soshyan listened carefully. He didn't confirm who the old man was talking about, but he already had a vague guess in his heart.

He wanted to ask questions, but the old man kept talking, as if Soshyan’s confusion was a trivial matter and was not worth paying attention to.

"...Our debate is like this. He believes that the task of the ruler is to make himself obsolete, so that when his people are mature enough, he can replace it... I disagree with this. I I feel that we will never be mature enough. I believe that no one other than that person is strong enough to unite mankind, even temporarily. He is an exception, you know, maybe even he himself can’t understand it. ."

After speaking, the old man squinted at Soshyang, his eyes suddenly become sharp, as if his eyes suddenly changed from a simple stone to a bright gem.

"So, what do you think? Who are you on? He or me?"

Until this time, Soshyang could finally determine who the "he" in the other party's mouth was referring to.

Soshyan took a deep breath. He didn't know whether he felt honored or ashamed of being asked.

"do not hesitate."

The old man shouted in a low voice:

"Quickly make a choice."

"I want to say..."

Soshyang spoke, but his tone was hesitant.

"I want to say that the emperor will always lead us. This is what we have been taught and what I firmly believe in."

The old man nodded.

"Well said, then you are on my side, you are right, of course-he has quite high expectations for our species, maybe a little too high... he is not always aware of it. The fact that he is indispensable, but can he always be here? This is the biggest problem and the test we have been facing."

The old man folded his hands and touched his fingertips together, looking a little upset.

Soshyan looked at him and waited.

He can only understand a small part of the old man’s words. He wants to know if that is part of the test, or what is the puzzling method of narration?

If this is the case, this seems reluctant and unnecessary.

"The war of the gods has begun. Even now, I can feel the eyes of the Lord of Terror looking at us, pressing on my heart like a huge stone...I heard the dark gods The voice has also witnessed the most tragic and depraved appearance of mankind. The withering of the empire makes my heartache, and witnessing this breaks my heart.


Suddenly, Soshyang's conversation changed.

"He has been away from us for ten thousand years. Although humans may be struggling during this period, mortals will eventually survive ten thousand years by their own courage and sacrifice..."

"That's just appearance."

The old man suddenly seemed a little impatient.

"The weaknesses in human beings are fatal. We will never be able to sustain ourselves, nor will we be able to achieve true vision."

"I have witnessed many sacrifices and great mortal stories--"

"Those are meaningless!"

Looking at the old man's face, Soshyan's lips twisted in disgust.

"Handprinter, I am disappointed that you are so contemptuous of your own race."

"Yes, just contempt!"

The old man sternly said with a rare aura:

"If you have witnessed what I have seen, and observe what a human being will become when he is left alone in the dark, you will agree with me!"

"Then your loyalty is limited to emperors, not humans, right!"

Hearing Soshyang's stern questioning, the old man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly lowered his head and his voice became low.

"Ha..... For many years, I have collected you like stones. Collecting those honest souls can be a big task, people who can rebuild those things we will lose... some are warriors, some are Psionic masters, and some are just mortals. I chose you to protect those treasures when I can’t do it myself.....I need these souls to guard the light of enlightenment and fight against ignorance and ignorance, which is eternal. The chain must not be interrupted, even after my own deadline."

When the old man raised his head and looked at Soshyan, a forgiving expression appeared on the old face.

"I can appreciate your thoughts. Although your answer is not satisfactory to me, it allows me to see your soul clearly."

Soshyang felt a little He was still confused, but he didn't know what he should do.

The old man took a deep breath and stood up with difficulty.

"Hope is still.... Hope is always..."

Muttering to himself, the old man turned and stepped into the boundless darkness.

"and many more--"

Soshyang immediately got up and wanted to catch up, but the next second, he was in the cold hall.

And his hand has been stretched out instinctively.

Just hearing a crash, the Terminator armor fell apart like a toppled building block, and the long knife slowly fell to the ground.

This accident left him stunned for a few seconds, as if he accidentally broke some valuables in a stranger's house.

Suddenly, Soshyang looked down, only to see that there was something shining in the Terminator parts——

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