The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 812: Said's "gift"

  Chapter 813 Said’s ‘Gift’

  Looking back ten thousand years ago, he was a child, with the ambition of an elder and the intelligence of a wise man, looking at the streets of the City of Light with his eyes that had not yet witnessed the war.

  Starlight illuminates this hot night. Although the evening breeze makes breathing hard, it also dried the fine sweat on the skin.

  "What if they refuse us?"

   another kid asked him.

   "Then I will become an explorer."

  At that time, he replied proudly like this:

   "I'm going to adventure in the wasteland and build a new city for Prospero."

  The other boys still looked hesitant.

   "But we must join the Legion, Iskander, any other dream will only disappoint our family."

   "I won't fail."

  He immediately summoned a glass full of water from the other end of the table with his mind, and some spilled out halfway, while the other boys could only leaned out and reached for their own water glass.

  He could detect the faint jealousy in other people's hearts, but he still didn't say a word.

  Ten years later, he is no longer a child.

  They are great fighters.

  The explosive gun roared and the sword screamed. The purpose of their lives was to let all beings submit to their feet.

  And their father, whose power is so dazzling, it hurts just to look at it.

  The scarlet giant strode through the battlefields, his sword slammed towards the alien city in the distance.

   "Destroy them!!!"

  The boy who joined the legion with him stood beside him, and they charged side by side, wearing helmets in unison.

  Their father wanted the city to disappear before sunset, and it must be so.

  After more than ten years, they stood in disgrace in a huge hall as magnificent as an arena, listening to Horus telling every detail of Tyra’s imminent destruction.

  The tactical analysis has ended, and this is the climax of the speech.

  But some of the superhuman talents of the commander have disappeared, and he can no longer inspire his fighters as before. Once he encouraged the warriors to exchange words between you and me in order to share their opinions and plan tactics together.

  Tonight, similar communication is pitiful, Horus always talks too much and listens too little.

  Don’t he realize that everyone in this hall has his own purpose? Doesn't he still know that this war has other meanings for other people?

he does not know.

  Hate is flowing in his veins, and Horus pretends that everyone is as full of complaints as him.

  But he was wrong.

  The warriors of several legions stood side by side, the wolf **** Horus, his words revealed the confidence and majesty of a god.

  He talked about triumph, portrayed hope, and brag about what it was like when the wall of eternity was reduced to ashes.

  But he didn't care about it, turned and left...


  He has shouted the name ten times, but maybe he can't hear it, or maybe he doesn't care at all. The once-familiar president of the Black Crow Society just raised his hands to the sky surrounded by ghosts and roared hoarsely.

The three wizards in the inner circle couldn't resist this terrifying power and turned into raging witchfires, and the other two were torn to pieces. Their bodies collapsed like grains of sand, and were annihilated by Aliman's brutal spiritual power. Exhausted.

  The place he is in has become the core of the storm.

The names were recited one by one, and hundreds of wizards stopped praying and looked at each other in horror.

  He was very angry, but he could not kill Aliman with witchcraft. This would only make the etheric core out of control, and the burst of energy would kill everyone.

  The dense energy around his body began to emit dangerous arcs toward the sky. He tried to shoot the **** bastard, but the gust of wind blew the bullets without a trace.

  This ceremony, Aliman’s scarlet letter, is struggling on the verge of failure.

  He already had a foreboding of all this, and Tomahawk Sheen cut through the air beside him, bringing another wound to this miserable world.

   "Kill this lunatic!"

  Their company commander yelled out orders against the violent hurricane,

  A gleaming lightning flashed across the edge of the pyramid, making a crackling sound like a whip. The loud noise shocked the entire building.

  The frantic rainbow light blinded one wizard, and the other fell to the ground.

"kill him!"

  Each heartbeat is accompanied by more soldiers jumping out of the channel.

   "Kill Aliman!!!"

  The chorus of dozens of explosive guns is like a desperate dragon chant, but nothing hits, not a shot.

  Ariman is still screaming to the sky, and Mekari, his partner, is approaching him with difficulty step by step.

  The wizard stretched out his hand with all his strength, the twisted metal fingers were only one centimeter away from the throat of the chief think tank, but the scarlet letter was completed.

  A monstrous wave of energy surged from Aliman's body. He heard Merika's miserable scream, and it was not until the last moment that he realized that he had failed.

  Next, Mecari went, his closest friend.

  They can't sleep forever.

  The brother who had been fighting with him at the top of the pyramid the last second suddenly fell silent under the gaze of the strange stars of Sotiareus.

  Mecari stood quietly, and then his hands fell silently.

  He looked at the familiar figure, but he could no longer perceive the existence of his best friend. It felt like you were standing in front of a mirror, but the person in the mirror no longer looked back at you.

  Even though the armor is still standing, everything has long since been wrong.

  The warriors fell to the ground one by one, the Kotaran-style crown fell on the glass floor, and cobweb-like cracks spread everywhere.

  Mecari’s T-shaped eyepiece was still open, and he nodded slightly to those who came.

  Someone, from afar, calling...



  Looking at the figure walking out from the side, Soshyang was taken aback. The prisoner who was supposed to be in the jail appeared at this moment wearing a robe.

"How will you be here?"

   Soshyang drew his sword, pointed it at the opponent, and the Grey Marrow immediately activated.

  Kayang ignored him, but walked to the iron coffin, pointed at the thing and said:

   "It let me out."


  "Don’t be surprised. I made a deal with him. I will help you find your flagship, and you—"

  The amber-skinned Kayang turned his bald head and stared at Soshyang with deep eyes.

  "When you enter the dark city of Comoros, you must help me find someone."

   "I have never heard of this deal."

   Soshyan did not put down his sword.

   "I will not go to Comoros."

   "You will go, sooner or later."

   "The words of a chaos traitor, I can't believe it."

  Kayang burst into laughter as if he had heard the funniest joke in the world.

   "Hahaha! Is this what you can say if you have housed the Prophet of the Eighth Legion? Soshyan, Soshyan, your face is thicker than the walls of Terra Palace."


   Soshyang was immediately at a but he still tried to refute the other party.

   "At least Talos did not throw himself into chaos, but you are the main member of the Black Legion!"

   "Did you imagine the difference between the two?"

   "Okay, stop making noise."

  Sol walked between the two of them, and gently pressed Soshyan’s sword with his hand.

   "Soshyan, you can trust me for the time being, and I will guarantee it."

   Soshyan could only take back the sword.

   "Kayang, tell me, what exactly is Brother Said?"

Kayang spread his hands and shrugged.

   "I don't know. What I can tell you is that its existence is related to subspace."

  Soshyang, who has received too much information today, is a bit confused now, and he can't understand what Kayang is referring to. In short, the situation is beyond his control.

  In other words, everything is never under his control?

  (End of this chapter)

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