The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 903: Kairis Star Ambush

Standard Terra calendar, 954.M41

Extreme Star Field, Demeter Region, Pandora Galaxy

"Already jumped out of the subspace!"

In the loudspeakers on the command deck, the slaughter-class cruiser [The Great Huron] broke free from the distorted fury, once again rammed into the physical reality, and led the Red Pirate's squadron into the Pandora galaxy and into the galaxy. Careys star on the edge.

Behind it was the Murder-class cruiser [Death Blade], the Redemption-class cruiser [No Repentance], and the three heretical-class raiders of the Red Wrath Division.

At this time, nearly half a year has passed since the Battle of Pandora. During this period, the Empire has been fighting a protracted war of attrition with the fleet of the Black Legion in the asteroid belt.

But now, under Abaddon's repeated urging, a force that is about to change the situation of the war has surfaced.

And the commander of this fleet, the war lord Oneeus Praid, was fully armed and dressed in blood-red armor. He stood behind the porthole with one hand pressed against the thick armored glass. This window The right eye socket of the huge stone skull on the bow of the ship was formed.

He used to be a company commander of the Red Scorpion group, but turned to Huron and became a traitor. As for the reason, only he and Huron knew, and no one dared to ask.

But in any case, Praid has abandoned his former glory and turned to the embrace of Chaos, replacing the Sky Eagle emblem with an eight-pointed star. As for his appearance, there is not much change, but he is still indifferent and calm.

"The fleet maintains a heading queue."

Under his command, the small predators quickly lined up with arrows.

Soon, the repeater lights set on the control panel at the bottom of the window made a clicking sound and changed, indicating that all the ships of the fleet had arrived.

Praid's deputy looked up at his commander and said carefully:

"My lord, the fleet is ready to obey your latest orders."

The war lord nodded, still standing in place and silently observing the surrounding void.

After a while, the adjutant felt it necessary to say it again.

"My lord, when we arrive, shouldn't we be ordered to immediately support the Black Legion?"

Praid grinned suddenly.

"Ah, Eaton, it's very impolite for guests to enter the stage too early from the outside. I must respect the war commander and let them harvest more honor and blood from the imperial emperor, otherwise we will make him angry. "

The adjutant immediately realized the essence of his chief's words.

"That's right, let those black legions with higher eyesight fight the empire for a while, and bleed more blood, so that they will value our role."

Hearing this, Praid's smile continued to expand.

"Of course, sometimes you have to make them aware that these require strategies."

"Then... how long do we have to wait, my lord?"

An unpredictable smile appeared on Praid's scarred face, and he turned and left the observation window.

"Then figure it out."

Suddenly, the bridge alarm bell was mastered!

Praid's face changed suddenly. This is a signal of enemy sentiment, but there should be no enemies here!

"Farewell! Scan the enemy fleet!"

Praid hurriedly walked to the podium and roared:

"Tell me the specific numbers!"

"To... at least twenty ships!!!"

This number shocked Praid, who subconsciously thought that the second fleet of the Empire had arrived.

"What number?"

"The source of the signal is... Astral Knight!"

Praid froze in place as if struck by lightning.

"Astral Knights.... How could it be them? How could it be them!?"

No one responded to his roar, and everyone was confused. Who could have expected that the astral knight would suddenly appear in the far limit star field?

But there was not much time left for them to react. A huge fleet emerged from the void, and the huge Eternal Loyalty rushed at the forefront. The sky eagle emblem on the bow filled Praid’s entire sight. His hands and feet are cold--

Why didn't they find each other at such a close distance?

When he was still in doubt, the other party had already opened fire.

The silver-white light spear shot out from the bow of the Unbound Soul, followed by countless shells, and the rage firepower that could destroy the city first burst out and spread out on Deathblade’s unprepared void shield. Prismatic light, and then hit its defenseless hull like a rain of fire.

The Eternal Loyalty fired a round of macro cannons, and the terrifying power released instantly turned this murder-class cruiser into a pile of burning ruins in the void.

Then, the main guns of other cruisers dismembered Deathblade's body like a scalpel.

In just a minute, the battleship of the Red Pirates was torn apart.

"Retreat! Retreat with all your strength!!"

Although knowing that the chance of surviving is small, Praid still wants to fight hard. He ordered small warships to intercept the enemy and buy time for the main force.

But he ignored the fact that the Red Pirate is a pirate——

For a time, all the small warships, before his order was issued, abandoned the main force and fled independently, regardless of him as the commander of the fleet, even the Never Repentance also abandoned the slowest-speed great Huron to escape by himself.

At this time, Praid became the queen of the palace.

On the bridge, the weapon supervisor and the artillery supervisor desperately issued various orders to their communicators, and the ridge fortress illuminated by the fire flooded the entire screen of the visualizer.

Noise, alarm bells, flames, thunder, screaming, explosions, death.

Countless projectiles still rained down on the shield of the great Huron, but the warship just tried to turn around and rush in the opposite direction without a counterattack.

The gravity generator tried its best to keep up with the rhythm of the warship's turning, but still pushed many people to the ground. Only the interstellar warrior managed to stand by relying on the magnetic lock on the boot.

But everyone's faces are not good.

Suddenly, the firepower against the Great Huron weakened, and Praid then realized that the opponent did not let him go.

They wanted to keep all the main forces of the Red Pirates behind, so they allocated some of their power to hunt down the No Repentance.

At this moment, Never Confession is like a flat boat in the struggling to start the subspace engine.

At this time, the Bright Heart, which had already been eyeing it, shot.

As an ancient natural disaster-class battleship, it has the most terrifying light spear array in the Imperial Navy sequence. When several large light spear arrays fire at the same time, they converge into a line, making the void look like it has been cut.

In just one shot, it pierced all the barriers that were trying to block it, and caused a small explosion near the bridge of the Never Confessions.

The technology behind this beam is so old. Although the natural disaster-class multiple light spear turret technology has been lost, it has played its due role today. The blue and white scorching energy cleanly penetrated the enemy's void shield.

And this is everything the White Temple needs.

At the moment the Void Shield went out, several frigates quickly affixed to it, and then a series of landing torpedoes occurred.

Praid also saw this scene, and immediately gritted his teeth and gasped angrily:

"They want to take the Never Confession number!"

At this time, the last message from the Never Repentance Bridge suddenly echoed on the bridge.

"My lord, a large number of enemy Terminators boarded the ship, request—"

The news was interrupted, and only a rustling white noise remained. Praid knew that the Redemption-class cruiser was out of service.

And he himself--

Looking at the approaching enemy ships, feeling the tremors of armor torn by gunfire from the soles of their feet, listening to a series of bad news such as engine failure, shield failure, and power system overload. The war lord of the red pirates, Pura Ide pulled out the Seiko power sword from his waist, smiled tragically, and issued the final order.

"Everyone is ready to rebound and help fight."

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