The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 941: Mischief

Latest URL: Standard Terra Calendar, 41

Extreme star field, Demeter region, Pandora galaxy, row star

After receiving the news of the victory of the naval battle, Soshyan continued to stay in the orbital space, on the one hand, remotely controlling the ground deployment and operations, on the other hand, waiting for the arrival of the Imperial Navy and the dark angels.

However, for some reason, he has always been a little restless since he came to the orbit of the Patriarch.

The Star Whisperer once reported that the subspace activities here are too frequent and intense. He does not know if it is related to this. Veronica also said that this planet is surrounded by a powerful evil force, and believes that this force depends only on it. A subspace crack is difficult to form.

The implication was that there might be something Sosyang didn't know on the Star of Relief. Veronica thought this was an ominous place, so she persuaded Sosyang not to go to the surface of the planet.

But Soshyang himself has no fear of the creation of subspace, but this kind of anxiety seems to have nothing to do with subspace.

As a result, not long after he deployed the eleventh company to capture Voss camp, Soshyang, who was sitting on the command throne and watching the mission briefing, gradually felt his eyelids heavy, and fell asleep unknowingly.

Suddenly, he felt someone calling him.

How long has it been?

The cold darkness surrounds him, no heartbeat or the hissing of breath to break it.

How long has he been asleep? Why is there no clue?

Kayang tried to look around, but nothing was visible, there was no light to illuminate the darkness.

He may be falling, he may be tumbling and spinning without knowing it.

who is it?

The question echoed repeatedly, and finally fell silent.


Then he remembered, remembered the golden color.

The gleaming golden net stretches indefinitely in the netherworld, the silk ribbons are cut and split, and then connected and aggregated, again and again, cutting the void into sharp pieces.

He whirled across the web, flashing his body shape: gray eagle, spiraling circle of fire and broken crescent moon.

Colorful sparks dance behind him, and the big golden net sings as he passes by, making people feel happy.

He had experienced this journey in dreams several times before, but this was the first time he dived into the vast ocean by his own will.

Soshyang rises into the sky, his thoughts extend across time and space, across galaxies, twisting reality with his will, and reshaping it again. This is so simple-he is like a creature's life at this moment, shaping the planet at will.

That feeling is not like everything, but better than everything.

But soon, this feeling was interrupted.

They came for him,

Before they entered their field of vision, they had noticed that the giggles of those things seemed like cracked ice, and the golden nets suddenly turned into cracks all over the obsidian plain.

He fell onto the black glass and turned into a human form with burly black hair.

Soshyang then stood up and turned his eyes to the shadow that was crawling on the ground.

The cold current poured down, and he tasted the **** taste, warm and pungent.

Laughter penetrated the epidermis of the concept, and nothing in front of me was the actual form—all these were cryptic images, shadow puppets projected on the etheric screen.

However, cold dreams can burn deeper than real flames.

A scarlet vicious dog stepped out of the darkness, and its skinless muscles were soaked with blood, and droplets fell on the tips of the teeth, shaking.

There are eye-catching scars on its nose and mouth, twisting and twitching between its eyes that look like molten copper.

It stared at Soshyang, step by step, and opened his mouth to gasp. He could feel the anger and enthusiasm in every breath of this beast.

Subsequently, the blood-red vicious dog began to circle Soshyan.

For some reason, Soshyan seemed to hear laughter from the tap of the claws.

"What is the entrance?"

Soshyang asked in a deep voice, and the **** of beasts roared in response, his jaw opening and closing as fast as lightning.

The next moment, Soshyang felt that the tip of the other party's teeth had scratched his face, and the pain erupted from the inside.

The obsidian on the soles of his feet fell apart, and he sank and fell into the abyss of oblivion beneath it.

The vicious dog walked like a shadow, like a hurricane whirling.

Soshyan tried his best to push its existence away, but the storm swallowed his power.

Its hatred besieged me, and its mouth was hot and full of bright red, but it didn't really attack.

Until that moment, Soshyang hit another glass plain and struggled to get up.

The tide of the subspace hits the epidermis of the concept, making him unable to distinguish the real.

The vicious dog started to circle again, but this time it was not alone, and the other three figures stood far behind it.

A snake wandered around on the black glass, its scales changed colors with the flexion and extension of the body, and every movement was inexplicably weak and obscene, like the smell of vomiting and foulness turned into substance.

It raised its head and looked at Soshyan with a human face, that face was flawless, then licked its lips, and the scales that covered the smiling face shone dazzlingly.

Behind the flower snake, there was something standing in the air, like a rotting moth staring at a dead fish with white eyes. Its chest vibrated and expanded and contracted, and every time it breathed, there was a chuckle of sputum.

The last figure was far away from Soshyang, blurry, as if not in shape, but he was sure that the other person was facing away from him.

The vicious dog is approaching in a circle, and the flower snake is trailing behind.

"I understand what you are."

The vicious dog stopped, and Soshyang could see the sharp jagged bone spurs erected from the blood-stained muscles behind him.

The flower snake was laughing, and the poisonous moth buzzed its wings.

Soshyan was sure, he must understand.

"Incarnation of chaos, you are trying to drag me into the darkness, but I know that the road is difficult and difficult, and I must face all kinds of arrogance. You are just imaginary images, and I am not afraid of you."

"That's what you are after?"

A voice sounded, it was implicit and restrained, but different tones echoed in it, as if many voices were intertwined.

The rotten moth buzzed back, and the crooked creature turned and looked at Soshyan at the edge of the circle.

From the bottom to the top, its head is the superposition of the eagle, the crow and the vulture, and its eyes are burning with blue aura.

"Or do you never think about what you are after?"

It stopped, playing with the next word.

"Should I call you Soshyang, or should I call you Xerxes the King of Kings?"

This passage made Soshyang's hair horrified and Oh, are you scared? "

"Do not."

The four creatures laughed, sound like broken bones, lightning and thunder.

Afterwards, the four black shadows grew out of thin air, crawling towards him, surrounded Soshyang round and round, pressing every step, like a swelling wave slapping his consciousness.

"Have you examined your past? How long have you never recollected the false times you spent? Have you found that you are so different from the past? Is it your voluntary change, or is something imperceptibly changing? Affect you, occupy you? The ghosts of the dead have been entwined in your mind, haven't they?"

The four voices intertwined to form a majestic resonance, and Soshyang felt as if he was standing in front of a hundred-meter giant, listening to the other's roar at close range.

He was crucified to death by the torrent of sounds, unable to move.


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