The Emperor’s Angel of Death

Chapter 947: Voss Tricks

With the control of the orbital space, the Black Legion not only lost the support of space, but even large-scale operations were also received now, so the Imperial counterattack forces headed by the Astral Knights began to regain the lost stronghold.

  The primary goal is to control the Red Sand Mountains, and the most important of these is the Voss Camp.

   Due to the dangerous terrain of the Voss camp, large-scale army attacks are difficult after all, so Soshyan sent the 11th company and planned to use the mode of surprise attack to win this key stronghold.

Operation    was launched in the middle of the night, and the Eleventh Company had already surveyed the surrounding area before the operation, and there was no sign of the activities of large units of the Black Legion.

   I didn't even see the Chaos Space Marines.

   But when they took the specially modified Recon Thunder Eagle to the camp, they found something wrong.

  The camp is mainly divided into four parts, the power station, the living area, the control center and the mining area. The first floor of the control center has been transformed into a temporary barracks for small garrisons. This short, thick-walled building is an ideal defense facility. As a comprehensive observation network, real-time data streams cover the entire facility-all of which makes it more difficult to understand the massacre scenes inside the power station.

  Talos stood at the only entrance of the control center, trying to figure out the wreckage scattered in the wide, low room.

   Three-quarters of the space here has been arranged with neat rows of desks and logic engines. These equipment are prepared for managers and senior engineers. The rest of the room has been occupied by at least one guard team.

   But now there is no one.

   The prophet could see the torn **** bedding, piles of ration bags, and boxes of spare batteries scattered around.

There are burn marks on the    ochre wall, and the desk is also scarred by the laser of the laser gun.

  Talos took a deep breath, smelling the bitter taste of smoke and blood.

   The other fighters also appeared surprised, and Sablin stood at the center of the massacre and looked at the scene coldly.

   "The attacker didn't come in through the front door."

   Sablin said calmly, pointing to the walls on either side.

   "Most of the burnt marks indicate that the garrison fired around randomly, but there were no bullet marks in the direction of the gate."

   Bachram also expressed his views.

   "At the same time, the attackers must have come very, very suddenly, even these people did not try to hide behind the table."

  Talos observed and concluded.

   "They don't have time. When the attacker arrives, they shoot almost instinctively, indicating that they are extremely frightened. Only panic people react like this."

   Then he nodded towards a door on the other side of the room.

   "Another detachment of the garrison was stationed in the next room. They were not attacked in the first place."

   Bachram pursed his lips thoughtfully and reproduced the scene in his mind.

   "A squad was on duty in the main hall of the control center. The attackers first dealt with them, and then approached the inside of the control center, giving the other squad a surprise. Both were not even disturbed during this period."

   He narrowed his eyes and glanced at the blood on the wall.

   "None of this can happen, how can the other team be completely unaware of such a big movement, and the attacker must destroy an entire force under the watchful eye of the observation network."

   This is another voice.

   "Company commander, we found a lot of blood in the control room upstairs."

"let me see."

  Talos led the team deep into the interior, passing through the empty office and corridors of the control center.

   When they were walking, Bahram felt the evil energy surrounding the field hovering around them, as if walking through the depths of the forest, where the shadows lingered, there were countless pairs of beasts' eyes staring at them.

   Judging from the shaking of Talos's shoulder, Bachram suspected that the other party felt the same way.

   Then, they took the elevator to the third floor of the control center, and Talos walked into the main control room.

   The logic engine buzzed in dozens of empty workstations, and flashing green image cells showed scrolling data streams detailing the locations of several monitors.

   A soldier knelt by the safety station, in a dark niche to the right of the elevator.

The soldier pushed aside the chair of the workbench. This chair was built according to human specifications. It was too fragile for Astarte's huge body. At the same time, his right knee was kneeling on a large area that was almost dry. In the middle of a pool of blood.

  Talos paused and carefully studied the clues on the scene.

   then looked back at the pool of blood.

   "Something suddenly came close to cutting the throat on duty, it was about three o'clock in the afternoon."

   Sablin nodded thoughtfully.

   "He was the first to die. In this way, the surrounding patrols were wiped out, with the same characteristics, silently, and even the gate was not destroyed."

   Bachram clenched his fist tightly, he had a concept of this kind of enemy.

   "This is probably related to subspace."

   He originally wanted to talk about demons, but thinking about it, it seems that Chaos doesn't have much reason to slaughter his servants?

   "Where are their tracks? Hundreds of corpses will not disappear out of thin air."

   "Company commander! I found something!"

  Talos quickly walked towards the warrior who made the noise.

   "What is I have been checking the image array, and I saw a message that was about two days ago. It said something went wrong in the mining area. Hundreds of miners were missing, so the mining area was blocked."

  Talos took a deep look at the record, and the words on it revealed a sense of fear and tension.

   Their task is only to occupy this stronghold, which has been achieved in a certain sense. Does it still need extra branches?

   But he always feels that something is planning something.

   With his many years of experience in dealing with Chaos forces, at this time, most of them are related to demons or sacrifices, and it is often not a good thing to be related to both.

   may be able to leave this matter to Soshyan, but—

  Talos glanced over the recruits.

  He realized that these new blood must face something more terrifying, at least part of it.

   "Bahram, gather the team and pick ten people."

   The prophet’s voice did not reveal his thoughts at all.

   Bahram nodded briefly, then turned to pick ten people from the team.

Both Sublin and Li Lin were selected, and the other eight were also suitable candidates for Bahram after all. Everyone wanted to participate in the task, but no one had any complaints about his loss, because Bahram's choice was indeed Very, very fair, and recognized by the company as a good player.

   In a sense, Bahram’s impression of acting impartially is gradually penetrating everyone in the Eleven Company. Although everyone has complained about him, no one has ever attacked him in terms of personality.

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