The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1021: Framed Chuning in public (11)

   Chapter 1021 Framed Chuning in Public (11)

  He Peishan knew that those present would rather believe her, as long as she had a good attitude, she could be saved.

   After all, she is the eldest daughter, what is He Jiaojiao?

  He Peishan apologized to everyone again, with sincere words, and tried his best to restore his image.

He Boyuan also said to everyone: "Everyone, I'm really sorry, it's because I have no way to teach my daughter to let everyone see the joke. As for the various problems in the He family, I will definitely take good care of it and absolutely prevent this kind of thing from happening again! "

   However, although the situation was subsided, the birthday banquet was completely destroyed.

   Shen Jingyu and He Ning were the first to leave.

   When they did this, not only did they fail to be condemned, but everyone felt that the He family was sorry for them.

   After all, people come here to pray for their birthdays without provoking them, but as a result, they are slandered by such a big lie by people with ulterior motives.

   Fortunately, He Ning was alert, and Shen Jingyu was firm enough to prevent the bad guys from succeeding.

   Otherwise, I don’t know how serious the consequences will be.

   Shen Fengshan, who was sitting at the first table of the main table, was also satisfied at the moment. At least, this proved that his son's vision was correct.

   He and Ding Qinen directly stood up to say goodbye, ignoring He Boyuan's retention, and walked out.

   Some other people, who were close to the Shen family, felt that He Peishan's methods were too much, and many people also stood up and said goodbye.

  Although He Boyuan kept staying, half of the people left at the scene.

   The originally arranged banquet was half vacant at once, and the entire birthday banquet hall gave people a feeling of being scattered.

  The birthday banquet has not yet started, and it has become like this, which makes He Boyuan's face dull.

   Mrs. He was also indescribably angry.

   But it was He Peishan who screwed up the birthday banquet scene, not an outsider.

   They had nowhere to vent their breath.

   Shen Jingyu and He Ning walked out, and Ding Qinen followed closely.

She grabbed Shen Jingyu, shoved a box into his hand, and said, "This is something I bought for Lele. I heard that Lele is your child, and I couldn't go to see him. , you can hand it over to Lele."

   Shen Jingyu didn't want to take it, but seeing her eager look, she accepted it reluctantly: "I thank you for Lele."

  Ding Qinen smiled and looked at He Ning next to Shen Jingyu. In fact, she did not object to Shen Jingyu and He Ning being together.

   Her biggest hope is that her son is happy.

   She really hasn't seen a real smile on her son's face for years.

   It's just that she doesn't have the position to do anything or say anything right now.

   Watching Shen Jingyu and He Ning leave, she wept silently.

  He Ning respects Ding Qinen wholeheartedly, and is able to understand her love for her children.

   "Why do you have pregnancy test strips on you?" When Shen Jingyu tilted her head to look at He Ning, there was a hint of tenderness in her eyes, "Could it be that you are pregnant?"

   "No." He Ning almost choked on his own saliva.

   What is Shen Jingyu's eagerly looking forward eyes?

  She has already given birth to three children, but she has no plans to have another one.

He Ning explained: "It was after Dr. Gu came to check on Lele last time. I found this test strip in his medicine box. I was curious and asked him about it, and he gave me a lot of it. I said I didn't need it anymore, and he gave it back to me."

   (end of this chapter)

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