The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1025: Three babies meet (3)

   Chapter 1025 Three babies meet (3)

   "Oh. Then I'll accompany him later." Pingping, a cute little boy, said enthusiastically.

  An An patted Lele's shoulder: "Ningning, let me take care of him in the future!"

   It seems that she found that Lele could not pose a threat to her goal of marrying Ning Ning when she grew up, and An An was also a little free and easy.

   "As long as Lele is willing, there is no problem!" He Ning announced.

   It was really dangerous just now. He Ning was really afraid that the three brothers would fight for the favor of their parents and have a grudge in their hearts. That was the last scene she didn't want to see.

   In the blink of an eye, the scene has become so friendly, brothers and sisters, and He Ning's heart is not to mention how happy.

  Lele's eyes no longer had the tension and anxiety just now, and his eyes became much calmer.

  Chu Zhuohang couldn't help but feel happy for his sister and several nephews when he saw all this.

   He smiled: "Why don't we eat first?"

   Lele immediately took He Ning's hand and sat next to He Ning.

  An An naturally leaned on the other side of He Ning and seized the opportunity.

   Shen Jingyu's heart was really panicked, those two positions should have belonged to him.

   He was inconvenient to have the general knowledge of two five-year-old children, and there was a flash of loss in his eyes.

   Sure enough, having more children is not a good thing. It takes He Ning's attention and attention too much.

   Shen Jingyu's palm suddenly warmed, and a small palm held him.

   He looked down, it was flat, and he showed a warm smile: "I'll sit with Dad."

   It turned out that Pingping and cute saw that Dad was lost, so he took the initiative to stand up and want to stay with Dad.

   Shen Jingyu stretched out his big palm and patted him on the head.

  Chu Zhuohang also saw Shen Jingyu's depression, and suddenly there was a wonderful sense of pleasure, that his son was his own, bear with it!

  Shen Jingyu took Pingping's hand, went to Lele's side, stretched out his hand, and put Lele on his lap.

   Lele is used to being hugged by Shen Jingyu, but it feels natural.

  In this way, Shen Jingyu's position is next to He Ning and next to Pingping.

  Chu Zhuohang was amazed when he saw it, but Shen Jingyu was still very powerful, and he resolved the crisis at once, sitting next to his wife and pleasing a few sons.

   As expected, he has many years of experience in fighting wits and courage.

   When eating, Chu Zhuohang and Shen Jingyu are mainly responsible for cooking, while He Ning and a few small buns are mainly responsible for eating.

   After a while, a few small buns were eaten with a round belly.

  Rarely, Lele was full, and instead of relying on Shen Jingyu and He Ning, he went to Chu Zhuohang's game room with An An and Ping Ping.

  He Ning patted his head a little regretfully when he saw Lele who had changed so quickly: "I had known that Lele had changed so much after Pingping returned, and I should have picked them up long ago."

   "It's not too late." Shen Jingyu said softly, as long as it was something his wife did, there was nothing wrong.

  Chu Zhuohang sat opposite, well, tonight's hot pot is dog food.

  Chu Zhuohang and He Ning discussed it at the dining table, and now he is still staying on his side temporarily, and everything is arranged by him.

   Lele still followed Shen Jingyu and He Ning.

  For security reasons, He Ning agreed.

   She is still in men's clothing, with three children by her side, which is really eye-catching.

   After a while, An An ran over and said, "Ningning, Lele said he wants to go to school with us. Can you help him arrange where I go to school in Pingping?"

   (end of this chapter)

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