Chapter 1056 Finding Clues

   So he subconsciously walked towards Ping Ping, it would be better if he could get a piece of Ping Ping fresh hair.

  Pingping has a carefree personality and doesn't care what Gu Yunchen is going to do at all.

  Gu Yunchen's hand just touched Pingping's head when he was stopped.

   It was Shen Jingyu who stopped him.

   Gu Yunchen smiled shyly and said, "There is a weed on Pingping's head, I will help him remove it."

   "I'll take it." Shen Jingyu's tone was calm, and he blocked his hand.

  Although Shen Jingyu didn't say anything, Gu Yunchen felt that the little Jiujiu in his heart could not escape his sharp eyes.

   Okay, Gu Yunchen gave up, it wasn't an important matter anyway, he didn't pursue it.

   Shen Jingyu glanced at Gu Yunchen again, Gu Yunchen raised his hands and surrendered: "I really didn't think about it. If you don't believe me, I'll leave now."

After   , he smeared oil on the soles of his feet and left Shen Jingyu's residence.

  An An was playing with Lele, and Shen Jingyu returned home.

   He Ning was watching what he was concentrating on on the sofa.

   It was a huge pile of thick materials, all of which were drawn in a mess.

   "What are you looking at?" Shen Jingyu sat beside He Ning and reached out to take her into his arms.

He Ning looked at it and said, "It's that Ms. Hu, she said that she saw her child being taken away with her own eyes. She drew all the doctors she saw. I'm going to help her take a look. , is there any clue."

   "Have you?" Shen Jingyu asked.

   He Ning shook his head.

  Ms. Hu seems to be in a very bad state of mind, which is clearly reflected in her paintings.

   These paintings are very abstract, and some even have only a few lines, so it is difficult to see what.

   "I'll help you see." Shen Jingyu also picked up a stack and looked at it carefully.

   But just like He Ning, what he saw were rough lines. It was hard to believe that these were the doctors who took her child away.

   It's no wonder that no one believes her words.

   He Ning and Shen Jingyu continued to watch.

Suddenly, He Ning found a picture on a piece of paper that looked familiar. Although it was drawn with simple lines, this person had a mole between his eyebrows and a slender face. At first glance at Ms. Hu's painting, it was not easy to tell that it was a human figure. , but if you look closely, you can easily see that this is indeed what a person looks like.

   "Jing Yu, look at this picture for me, I seem to have seen this person somewhere."

  Shen Jingyu took it over and looked at it for a while, then shook his head to indicate that he had never seen such a person.

   "There is a mole between the eyebrows, there is a mole between the eyebrows... When have I ever seen such a person?" He Ning couldn't help saying.

   "Is there a mole between the eyebrows?" Shen Jingyu said after being reminded by He Ning, "I remember that there was a team doctor in the He family with a mole between his eyebrows..."

"Yes, yes! Last time I saw him in Gu Yunchen's research room! I told Gu Yunchen that time, let him be careful with the He family's team doctor! If I hadn't met this person, I really couldn't imagine Ms. Hu Who painted it. Could it be that someone from the He family took Ms. Hu's child?"

He Ning continued with this idea, "Ms. Hu's child is less than three years old, could it be that her child is Kang Kang? Or, Kang Kang was ill, and the He family used her child to give Kang Kangzhi sick?"

   Shen Jingyu frowned, He Ning's words really made sense.

   (end of this chapter)

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