The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1092: Raindrops of kisses fell on her face

   Chapter 1092 Raindrops of kisses fell on her face

   "Are we going directly back to the manor now?" Chu Zhuohang asked.

   As long as He Yiming is not in the car, it doesn't really matter where he goes now.

   Besides, on the way back to the manor, there will be no more checkpoints.

   "No, just walk around. It's better to go through a few levels with great fanfare." Shen Jingyu said.

  Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning understood what he meant.

  He Yiming is gone, of course the US will not give up the search.

   Now the three of them are going to walk around in public to let people know that it has nothing to do with them.

   This is the best practice to get rid of suspicion.

   Of course, it may also make the other party half-dead.

  Shen Jingyu's motorcade still swaggered past the checkpoint.

   However, this time, the pass didn't work and was stopped.

   "No one is allowed to pass! Even the president has to be checked!"

   The speaker was a blond man with a violent face.

   Obviously, what happened tonight had inspired his manic temper.

   Seeing that someone was going to drive in the convoy, he immediately ordered someone to stop him.

   "Mr. Anders, the other party is Shen Jingyu of the Dragon Empire. These days, he has appeared in the country as a normal businessman and has been negotiating for work. We have no reason to search for his car!" The subordinate reported.

  Anders is obviously not as talkative as his subordinates.

   When such a big thing happened, of course he had to search all of them.

   "Diplomats also need to be searched!" Anders waved and brought someone over to search in person.

   Shen Jingyu's car door slowly opened, revealing his angular face.

Naturally, Anders recognized him, and after a little politeness, he said, "I'm sorry Lord Shen, but tonight's matter is very important, we have to search your car. Including the people in the car. ."

   "No problem. My friend is in the car." Shen Jing nodded.

   Immediately, Anders personally led someone to search Shen Jingyu's motorcade.

   Naturally, without any clues.

  Anders glanced at Chu Zhuohang and Chuning again.

   Even if he has doubts in his heart, but without any evidence, it is impossible for him to detain the person of Shen Jingyu's identity level with him.

   "I'm sorry Lord Shen for wasting your time. You can leave now." Anders was dissatisfied.

   However, we had to let them go.

  The car drove away from the checkpoint, Shen Jingyu wanted to go back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and had to part with Chu Ning for the time being.

   He assigned a car to Chu Zhuohang and Chu Ning, hugged Chu Ning, and was reluctant to let go.

   "I will go back to China soon." Chu Ning knew his reluctance and said softly.

   "Me too." Shen Jingyu whispered, really wanting to bring her with him.

   But this time he came here on official duty. After all, Chu Ning changed his identity and name, and he had no name with him. It was not suitable for him to go back to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  Chu Zhuohang coughed lightly, although he was used to eating dog food from his sister and brother-in-law.

   But he still has to be frank. Occasionally, when he sees his sister being held in his arms, there is always a feeling in his heart that he can't lift.

   "Then I'm leaving." Chu Ning said softly.

   Just took two steps, and was pulled into her arms by Shen Jingyu again, and a raindrop-like kiss fell on her face.

   The behavior of her and Chu Zhuohang breaking into the research institute at night just now was too dangerous.

   Just let him think about it again, and his heart will feel a sudden stop.

   (end of this chapter)

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