The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1095: turned into a half-ass

   Chapter 1095 Turned into a half-crime

  After the plane landed in the Dragon Empire, the group went straight to Gu Yunchen's research institute.

   Needless to say, He Yiming was brought here by Gu Yunchen.

  Chuning was at the forefront, followed by Shen Jingyu and Chu Zhuohang.

   Not bothering to knock on the door, Chu Ning broke into Gu Yunchen's office directly.

   "Come back so soon?" Gu Yunchen stood up and opened his arms to greet Chu Ning.

   After Shen Jingyu gave him a blank look, he hugged himself with both arms, and coughed lightly, "You guys came so fast."

   "How is my eldest brother?" Chu Ning asked impatiently.

   "I have given him a comprehensive physical examination. His body is quite able to carry it, and I can see that there is a lot of abuse over him. But he is rough and fleshy, but he can hold it. This is the leg..."

   "How are your legs?" Chu Ning asked anxiously.

Gu Yunchen shook his head: "His legs should have been injured when the plane fell. Naturally, it is impossible to treat his leg injuries over there, and he may wish that his legs were not well, so as not to escape. So , the nerves in his legs are very atrophied, and I don't know if he will be able to stand up in the future..."

  Chuning was a little stunned when he heard this.

  Thinking of the big brother's ideal is to protect the family and the country, but now there is such a problem in the leg...

Whether    can stand up is a question, and in the future, how can he realize his personal ideal?

  Gu Yunchen also shook his head helplessly.

   He and He Yiming have been friends since childhood, how could he not know the blow to him caused by the leg problem?

   Not to mention He Yiming, but anyone who has such a problem with his legs is probably unbearable.

  Chuning didn't know how disappointed Big Brother would be when he knew the truth.

   "Doctor Gu, have you told my elder brother?" Chu Ning asked.

"Not yet. I just checked him out. But I'm exhausted, young master." Gu Yunchen rubbed his temples and pointed to his dark eyes, "Speaking of which, since I received He Yiming to the present, young master, I haven't seen it yet. Close your eyes."

"Thank you for your hard work, Dr. Gu. However, please don't tell him about my elder brother's leg condition for now. I don't want him to continue to bear the blow. When we find a suitable recovery method, let him know..." Chu Ning begged. .

   Chu Zhuohang also meant this.

  Gu Yunchen was about to answer.

  The door of the office was pushed open, and He Yiming appeared in front of everyone in a wheelchair.

   "Don't hide it from me." His voice was a little hoarse, the kind of low voice that has become after being used for a long time.

I didn't see it clearly when I rescued him that night. Now Chu Ning looked at him seriously and carefully, only to realize that although he is now resting, there are all kinds of small scars on his face and neck, and his face has not been exposed to the sun for a long time. pale feeling.

   His formerly strong figure was now thin and thin.

  The palm on the wheelchair has distinct joints, but the skin is thin and almost transparent, and the blood vessels suddenly protrude.

  Chuning's eyes suddenly turned sour: "Big brother..."

  He Yiming stretched out his palm and took Chu Ning's hand.

  Chuning felt that his palms were full of coldness, and the skin of his tentacles was shivering.

  In the beginning, Shen Jingyu was so cold when he was in poor health.

   Chu Ning's eyes were moist, and he didn't want to worry He Yiming, so he held back from crying.

   New day, good morning!



   (end of this chapter)

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