Chapter 1097 Meet Ye Shu

   "Afterwards, you also saw that the supervision of the institute is more strict. All of them are from the United States, and my legs can't move, so..."

  Chuning was both sad and heartbroken.

   Big brother is always like this, even if he is in danger, he will still take care of the safety of others.

   He often forgets his own life and death, but he can't bear to see others suffer.

   "Don't cry, Ningning. Big brother doesn't regret everything he's done." He Yiming said gently, "Except... implicated that doctor."

   "I don't know where the doctor sent the child. If you can find the child to raise it, you can comfort the doctor's spirit in heaven - he must do such a thing out of kindness." Gu Yunchen said aside.

  He Yiming shook his head: "There is no evidence to investigate."

   Everyone had to temporarily run away from this idea.

   "By the way, brother, I haven't told Ye Ziyen about your return." Chu Ning took out his phone.

  He Yiming held her hand: "Why don't you... forget it."

   He looks like half a **** now, how can he make Ye Shu happy?

   He loves her, and he never wants her to suffer with him.

"Brother, Ye Zi, in order to find you, incognito, has been searching for more than four years at the border where you disappeared. If it wasn't for the clues she had inquired, we wouldn't even know where you were. I believe that no matter what you become, after Ye Ye knows, as long as she knows that you are still alive, she will be the happiest!" Chu Ning said.

  He Yiming was silent.

   I thought that four years later, many things would change.

   But he never thought that Ye Shu would spend more than four years because of him...

   "Brother, no matter what, let her know. In the past four years, Ye Zi has had too much trouble. She can't continue to work hard."

   "Okay. I'll call her myself." He Yiming whispered.

  Chuning handed him his phone.

  He Yiming suddenly felt a sense of timidity.

   Maybe you love each other too much, but you don’t want to let them down.

   But after he knew what Chu Ning said, he didn't want to make Ye Shu sad anymore.

   He dialed the phone number.

   Ye Shu saw that Chu Ning was calling, picked it up, and said, "Ning Ning."

   The opposite side didn't speak for a while, and after a long time, a low and familiar hoarse voice came: "Ye Shu, it's me."

   Ye Shu was stunned for a while, then glanced at the time, it was daytime, she was sure that she hadn't slept.

   pinched the back of his hand, making sure he wasn't dreaming.

   So, is it really He Yiming on the opposite side?

  He Yiming called?

Where is he now? Is he okay? Where has he been before?

  Ye Shu was full of questions, opened his mouth, tears fell down and fell on the back of his hand.

   For more than four years, in these countless days and nights, she dreamed of his return.

   But when he really called, Ye Shu didn't know which sentence to start with.

   "He Yiming!" Ye Shu finally made a sound, and then, out of control, burst into tears.

   After waiting too long and searching too hard, Ye Shu's emotions were already on the verge of collapse.

   Over the years, she has learned to forbear as much as possible, to search desperately, and to be strong in the face of anything.

   (end of this chapter)

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