The Emperor’s Favorite Wife is a Little Sweet

Chapter 1120: stronger than expected

   Chapter 1120 is more powerful than expected

   "Yes." Everyone nodded.

   Seeing her smiling all the time, some people are even more disapproving. The company can be managed without a gentle smile.

Chu Ning smiled and hooked his lips: "Then I'll start. As for the manager of the finance department, there seem to be three mistakes in your quarterly financial statement? As for the deputy manager of the design department, your design itself should be presented this afternoon. The best plan, but now only the first draft has been produced? In addition, the marketing expenses of the marketing department are 30% higher than the budget of the previous quarter, what is the reason?"

As soon as    Chu Ning's words came out, the meeting room suddenly fell silent.

   Everyone was muttering in their hearts: "How is this possible? She actually understood?"

   "Not only did I understand, but I also heard the problem. How could this be?"

   "My God, it's terrible. How can this kind of approach and attitude be so similar to Lord Shen? The only difference is that Lord Shen doesn't have a smiling face, while she has one."

   Miyazawa was also quite surprised. I really didn't expect the young lady to have such a unique talent in handling corporate affairs.

   No wonder, she is full of advantages, how could Master Shen not fall in love with such a young lady?

   "Then everyone, let's solve the questions I just raised one by one." Chu Ning said, putting away his smile, his expression became a little more serious.

   In fact, Shen Jingyu had specifically told her about the company's development, personnel, etc. earlier, and told her what to do and what issues she should pay attention to.

   It happened that when Chu Ning was in charge of the TV station, he was relatively familiar with the company's situation, so today, naturally, he could understand the company's current situation and problems all at once.

   These old employees were originally resentful towards Chu Ning.

   However, when he found that she was so powerful in these aspects, he naturally hurriedly cooperated.

   Their purpose is to not want the company to have any problems and cause them to have no work to do.

   Then if Chu Ning can really make the company run normally, then why would they not cooperate?

   Immediately, everyone entered into a heated discussion.

   "Ms. Chu, there is something wrong with the report of the finance department, we will revise it immediately."

   "Ms. Chu, the design department has many alternatives, and I will send them to you right away."

   "Ms. Chu, the marketing department has a few extra large projects to deal with, so the cost is higher. We will list the detailed catalogue and send it to you for approval."

  Chuning watched all this with satisfaction.

   Miyazawa couldn't help but feel at ease. It turned out that the young lady was more powerful than he thought.

   Seeing that everyone has finished reporting, Chu Ning said seriously: "Okay everyone, everyone's work has been completed very well. I hope we can cooperate happily and advance and retreat together in the future."

She stood up and walked in front of an old employee: "Manager Yu, Master Shen often mentioned you in front of me. You were the one who followed him when he started his business. He used to follow the most difficult times in the marketing department. Master Shen has completed many difficult projects together. I admire your hard work and talent."

   The manager was immediately flattered.

  In the beginning, he was the one who was most afraid that Sheng Jing would be spoiled by Shen Jingyu's family, who was completely ignorant, and the one who was the most uncomfortable in his heart.

   (end of this chapter)

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