Chapter 1335 The only condition

   So Fu Qian told Jiang Xue that she had a son, which was normal in Jiang Xue's view.

  The two daughters are also people who have their own thoughts, and even their mothers want to deceive.

   Mrs. Jiang said happily: "Sister, if you need me to do anything, just tell me directly, I can help with anything."

   "Okay, I'll tell you if I need it." Jiang Xue smiled, "Come on, go and make arrangements for Xia Sheng, make sure he feels like he's back at home."

  Jiang Xue was immersed in joy, unable to extricate herself.

  The marriage of the second daughter to He Yiming went so smoothly, presumably, the marriage of the eldest daughter to Shen Jingyu will also go smoothly.

   She didn't ask anyone to inform Fu Hongxuan.

   Husband and wife for many years, she knows too well what Fu Hongxuan wants.

   He wants power, and the supreme power belongs to him alone.

  Fengling did not understand this before, so her marriage with Fu Hongxuan ended in failure.

  Jiang Xue also became the President's wife smoothly because of this.

   Therefore, as long as it is in the interests of the Fu family, Fu Hongxuan will definitely not object.


  The whole city knew about the engagement of He Yiming and Fu Qian.

  In the minds of everyone, this is a very natural thing.

   The two of them are of the same age, and they are the perfect match.

   As for whether He Yiming had a girlfriend before, it was not a big deal in the eyes of everyone.

   No matter how many girlfriends he talks about, the final attribution is still the right one for this matter.

   This has almost become the consensus of everyone.

   Even the He Ning that Shen Jingyu married before, isn't it also the blood of the Lan family and the He family?

   Now Shen Jingyu's girlfriend has been replaced by Chu Ning, who has no worth or background, did Master Shen ever say that he wants to marry her?


   When He Yiming woke up, the sun shone on his eyes.

   The noon sun was a bit dazzling, so he stretched out his arms to block it.

  The feeling of discomfort in the legs has been eliminated.

   He remembered that the pain in his legs was almost unbearable before he passed out last night, and the pain in his heart was like being held tightly.

   At that time, he didn't have the energy to think and talk at all.

   And now... it's all eased.

   He was startled and sat up.

   I got out of bed, my legs could move, and I recovered to the level of the days when I was in better condition.

  So, did you agree to the Presidential Palace?

   He went out. The current manager of the Presidential Palace, Manager Li, was bringing someone to move something here.

When    saw him, Manager Li paused and said with a smile: "Mr. He, this is something sent by the Presidential Palace. It is needed on the day of the engagement banquet."

  It turned out that Jiang Xue expected that He Yiming would resist the engagement, and Lan Xi might not prepare seriously.

  So, she asked people to prepare all the items and send them over.

  In this way, even if He Yiming was reluctant, the situation that day would not be too ugly.

   "Mr. He, do you need to check it out?" Manager Li asked with a smile.

  He Yiming closed his eyes and shook his head.

   In front of him, the appearance of Ye Shu appeared, her short hair was neat and neat, and she was beautiful.

  But now, she left, for him, left...

   Steward Li saw that he didn't speak, he turned around and took someone to move things.

  Lanxi came over.

  He Yiming opened his eyes.

   He guessed that it was his mother who went to beg someone from the Presidential Palace to give the medicine. The only condition her mother had to agree to was to accept the marriage between him and Fu Qian.

   (end of this chapter)

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